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Buy Healing Crystal Online at Best Price

Crystal have its own healing benefits and one can get help in restoring pure unconditional love while others help in removing negativity from the body or your working environment.

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Buy Healing Crystal Online at Best Price

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  1. Buy Healing Crystal Online at Best Price

  2. Large Luxury Natural Crystals, Candle, Incense Pink Christmas Gift Box Set ThisluxuryoneoffReiju 'Christmas' set X1Bebright & spoarklekeepsakecard & includes 8 items worth over £70 envelope together!Allcomebeautifullypresentedin aqualityblackgiftbox. x1RoseQuartzrawCrystal x1SeleniterawCrystal Each Pink 'Christmas' Gift Box Contains: X1LepidoliterawCrystal X1Angelwingsdish x1SugaredRaspberryCandle x1LuxuryReijuGiftBoxGiftWrappedto x1RoseIncenseset saveyouthetime! x1PinkAngelbottlecharm Allcrystalswillhaveadescriptiontagwith thehealingbenefits.

  3. Luxury 'Lucky Buddha' Christmas Gift Box Set ThisluxuryoneoffReiju 'Christmas' set includes 7 items worth over £65 together!Allcomebeautifullypresentedin aqualityblackgiftbox. Each Contains: 'Christmas' Gift Box Sx1GoldSanstone 'Lucky' Buddhafigurine X1LuckyBuddhawishesjar x1 Make your own sunshine plastic keepsakecard & envelope. x1PyriterawCrystal x1CitrineheattreateddruzyCrystal. X1YellowCalciteCrystal X1ClearQuartzCrystal x1LuxuryReijuGiftBoxGiftWrappedto saveyouthetime! Allcrystalswillhaveadescriptiontagwith thehealingbenefits.. 31

  4. Large Luxury Healing Crystals, Angels, Candle 'Christmas' Reiju Silver Gift Set Box sluxuryoneoffReiju 'Christmas' set x1NaturalSeleniterawchunkpiece. includes10itemsworthover £100 together!Allcomebeautifullypresentedin x1Frostedberriescandle (gmo & palmoil aqualityblackgiftbox. free) In each 'Christmas' gift box: x1Opalitecarvedcrystalstar. x1Hangingwhiteangelwing x1Largeglitterangelwingsdish (15cm approx). x1Keepsakecardwithguardianangel message & envelope x1NaturalClearQuartzangelfigure2" x1Shabbychiccherubfigure x1NaturalRoseQuartzpolishedpebble X1LuxuryReijugiftbox (20.5cmwidthx x1NaturalPyriterawchunkpiece 10cmdepthapprox). reiju.co.uk info@reiju.co.uk

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