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Energy Stones & Healing Crystals in UK

Natural and energized healing sticks for absorbing positive vibes. Either place it in your living room or carry it to your workplace to protect your grounded energies. Order now from us and save more!<br><br>

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Energy Stones & Healing Crystals in UK

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  1. Energy Stones & Healing Crystals

  2. Natural Flower Of Life Grid Set Inc Amethyst, Quartz, Calcite Healing Crystals Thiscrystalgridiswoodenandengraved withthe 'FlowerofLife' symbol.Crystalgrids arepowerfulandareusedtoimprovethe energyflowinyourlife.Eachsetincludesthe following:X1Floweroflifecrystalgrid15cm approxx1naturalClearQuartzpointx8 naturalAmethysttumblestonesx8natural Calcitetumblestones Buddha & Sanskrit Singing Bowl, Wooden Striker & Fabric Mat Meditation Set TheSingingbowlsareassociatedwith Budhismandmeditation.Thecrystalclear tonesproducedbythebowlshelptoclear negativeenergyandhelptofocusthe mind into a meditation.Thesesingingbowlshavea sanskritdesignaroundtheoutsideand have a buddha etched bowl.Sizeis16cmapproxx  8.5cmheight approx.Madeofmetal.Weightis1.1kg approx. state of deep inside the

  3. Large Rock Salt Lamp Natural Himalayan Himalayanrocksaltisminedfromover800 feetbelowgroundlevelandismillionsof yearsold.Yourcrystalwillneedcleansing fromtimetotime, ascrystalsabsorbenergy, bothpositiveandnegative. Placingitinthe lightofthesunormoonforafewhours rechargesits 'batteries' andgetsitreadyto workagain.Wewillsendyourcrystalwith theintentionthatitwilldoitsabsolutebest foryou! Angel Aura Natural & Unique Quartz Crystal Points Cluster Piece ThisstunninguniqueCrystalweighsin at 197g andmeasures 8cm (80mm) X 6cm (60mm) X  4.5cm (45mm) approx.This stoneiscreatedbybondingClearQuartz withGoldandTitaniumatextremelyhigh temperaturestoproducethebeautiful brightcolours.  Pleasenotethatthisis handmadewithnaturalcrystalsformed overmillionsofyearsandiscompletely unique.Youwillreceivetheexactonein thepictures, totallyoneoffstunning uniquepiece. reiju.co.uk info@reiju.co.uk

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