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Breasts are considered one of the most important parts of a woman’s body. Not every woman is pleased with their breast shape and size. Some women with small breasts would like to have bigger ones while others are looking for fuller cups. This is why breast enhancement surgeries have gained a lot of popularity over the years. Breast surgery just like any other type of surgery is invasive and you have to think about a long recovery period and high costs of the procedure. Natural Breast Enhancement Pills options are a better solution because they are less expensive and they do not require surgery. Breast Actives is one of the most popular natural breast enhancement alternatives.
How To Increase Breast Size Naturally • Breast Enlargement Options • Breast Surgical Enhancement • Exercise • Food & life style • Natural Supplement Cream & Pills • 1] Breast Surgical Enhancement • Breast augmentation is a procedure that involves the use of breast implants or in some cases fat to increase the size of your breasts. It is also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty. The procedure usually involves creating some space behind the normal breast tissue. A silicone gel implant is then put in the space to increase the size of the breasts. This procedure usually carried out by qualified cosmetic surgeons. The choice to consider breast augmentation will be guided by the following factors: • The desire for a better proportioned figure • Restoring symmetry when one of your breasts is smaller in size • When the shape and size of your breasts has been affected by aging, weight loss or pregnancy • Breast augmentation involves silicone, saline or fat transfers. Saline implants are silicone shells filled with sterile salt water. Silicone implants are silicone shells filled with a plastic silicone gel. • This procedure when carried out with saline filled implants, involves less invasive surgical procedures. This is because; an empty implant device is inserted through a smaller incision. The empty implant device is the filled with saline solution. The resulting scars are therefore shorter and smaller. Silicone implants however produce more realistic results and are superior to saline filled implants. The latest (fifth generation) silicone implants are semi solid eliminating the risk of leakage.
2] Exercise • Exercises that are recommended for breast size increase work on your pectoral muscles which lie beneath your breasts. The breasts are made up of adipose tissue and have no muscles. Therefore with regular exercise, these muscles become firmer and hence perkier and firmer breasts. Exercise is perfect for women with sagging breasts. Exercise can also be used in combination with breast supplements to ensure proper breast size enhancement. Some of the exercises that enhance your breast size include;
Flys- You will need dumbbells to do this exercise. With a dumbbell in each hand, lay down on an exercise bench. Stretch out your arms such that they are parallel to the ground and at the same level with your shoulders. Lift the dumbbells slowly over you until they touch. Lower your arms back to the starting position. Make sure to keep your arms straight at all times. • Wall-ups-they are similar to push ups, the only difference is that you push against a wall instead of the floor. Stand two feet from the wall and place your palms on the wall and bend your arms. There should be a gap between your feet that is the same as your shoulder width. Lean forward until your nose touches the wall, hold for a few seconds then go back to the starting position and repeat. • Chest dips-Grab on to bars and pull your body up for about 20- 30 repeats every day. Always position your body outwards to give your chest the most attention. • Rotation push-ups- these are ideally the same as regular pushups. Your arms should ideally be shoulder width apart and you have to be on your toes and palms and your body straight. Lower your body by bending your arms, than straighten them to raise your body back up. Raise your right arm then rotate your chest to the right. Do the same to work on your left breast. • Elevated push-ups-they are more effective as they take more effort. This technique makes use of steps or a raised bench to place your feet on. Your palms are on the ground but your toes are raised.
3] Food and lifestyle • Another way on how to increase breast size is food. Hormones in food play an important role breast development. The proper balance of these hormones, especially, progesterone and estrogen and other compounds such as prolactin enable proper breast development. Some plants contain phytoestrogens which have estrogenic characteristics. Phytoestrogens imitate estrogen action in a woman’s body. However, estrogen production reduces in the body as a woman gets older. Food and nutrition affects growth of all tissues in your body. Some compounds found in plants promote breast growth when combine with a woman’s biochemistry. These compounds promote production of hormones that stimulate breast development. Therefore foods with high levels of phytoestrogen will promote breast tissue growth. These may be food items such as; • flax seeds • cloves • pepper, • garlic • sunflower seeds • dairy • soy products • beans and peas • whole grains (barley, oats, brown rice) • Fruits and green vegetables • Sage
Natural and effective supplements are a sure way to get satisfactory results. Most supplements are sourced from plants. They stimulate the breast tissues to develop. The risks associated with other breast enlargement techniques are therefore avoided. Breast actives supplements are a blend of herbs and natural ingredients that stimulate breast development. Ingredients may include oat bran, blessed thistle, wild watercress, Damian, dandelion root fennel and fenugreek. Breast creams are also a way to promote breast development. These creams contain a mixture of compounds that are absorbed directly by the skin and therefore promoting breast enlargement. This combination of supplements and creams is very effective in promoting breast development. Supplement pills can be taken once or twice every day. • Add specific exercises that firm the breasts to this regimen and you have the perfect and effective combination to give you the breast size that you desire.
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