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G oal R eality O ptions W ill

G oal R eality O ptions W ill. Coach and person being coached discuss and agree the outcome to be achieved. G oal R eality O ptions W ill. Coach uses questions to help the person being coached to describe their current reality. This helps establish the starting point for the coaching. .

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G oal R eality O ptions W ill

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Goal Reality Options Will Coach and person being coached discuss and agree the outcome to be achieved.

  2. Goal Reality Options Will Coach uses questions to help the person being coached to describe their current reality. This helps establish the starting point for the coaching.

  3. Goal Reality Options Will Coach and person being coached explore all possible options for moving from the current reality to the agreed outcomes.

  4. Goal Reality Options Will Coach encourages person being coached to commit to action by asking what action they will take to achieve the goals and how they will deal with any obstacles

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