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Learn about analysis procedures for drawdown and buildup tests, including interpretation of pressure data, determination of permeability and skin, and understanding radial flow effects in reservoirs.
PETE 324 Lecture 21 Rosalind Archer
Analysis of Drawdown Tests • Infinite-acting radial flow in a homogenous reservoir is governed by: • This is of the form:
Analysis of Drawdown Tests • This implies the pressure data should form a straight line on a semilog plot.
Analysis of Drawdown Tests • Analysis procedure • Plot all data! • Fit a straight line to the data, remembering this solution does not account for radial flow which may distort the early time data. If the pressure derivative is also plotted it should be at a constant level during infinite-acting radial flow (m=2.303Dp’) • Use the slope of the semilog straight line (m) to determine permeability (k) • Use the value of p(1hr) [read from the semilog straight line] to determine skin (s).
Analysis of Drawdown Tests • If the data departs from the semilog straight line in late time in indicates the presence of boundaries:
Analysis of Drawdown Tests • Time can be related to radial distance in a well test via the concept of the radius of investigation: • This can be used to estimate the distance to the reservoir boundary based on the time at which the pressure data departs from the semilog straight line.
Analysis of Buildup Tests • Pressure buildup tests involve recording pressure data while a well is shut in after a period of flow.
Analysis of Buildup Tests • The pressure response for a buildup can be constructed by using superposition and the drawdown solution. • An fake injection well (located at the same location as the production well) is turned on at t = tp. It’s rate is -q.
Analysis of Buildup Tests • This implies a plot of pws versus (tp+Dt)/Dt should be a straight line. (Horner plot)
Analysis of Buildup Tests • Analysis procedure • Plot all data (p versus (tp+Dt)/Dt) • Fit straight line to middle time region (early time is distorted by wellbore storage). • Find slope (m) and extrapolation of straight line to pws(1hr)
Analysis of Buildup Tests • Average reservoir pressure is estimated using p* (extrapolated from the straight line on the Horner plot) using the Matthew-Brons-Hazebrok (MBH) technique (not covered). • Remember Dt =t-tp i.e. time since the well was shut-in.
Analysis of Buildup Tests • In practice the production time (tp) may be unknown. Rather than assuming a value for tp it is ignored. This is strictly valid if the reservoir has been produced to pseudosteady state conditions. • Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson (MDH) analyzed this situation.
Variable-Rate Tests • The pressure response of a test with a sequence of variable flow rates can also be constructed using superposition.
Variable-Rate Tests • It is convenient to normalise both sides of this equation by the current flowrate:
Variable-Rate Tests • This equation is a straight line (Odeh-Jones plot):
Wellbore Storage • Definition of wellbore storage coefficient: • Fluid filled wellbore • Rising or falling liquid level
Wellbore Storage • During wellbore storage dominated flow the following pressure-time relationships hold: • Drawdown • Buildup
Wellbore Storage • Dimensionless wellbore storage coefficient
Last Words • Be consistent! • whatever is characterized as wellbore storage, radial flow etc on one plot e.g. Cartesian must be consistent with the presentation of the data on all other plots e.g. semilog/Horner.