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Politics & Government: Smart Guns in Military

By Zachary Winiecki Period 5. Politics & Government: Smart Guns in Military. Flowchart. The chip looks to see if the fingerprint matches any it has stored on it. No. The gun is ready to use. The gun is not able to be used. Flowchart Explanation. 1- Chip is turned on.

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Politics & Government: Smart Guns in Military

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Zachary Winiecki Period 5 Politics & Government: Smart Guns in Military

  2. Flowchart • The chip looks to see if the fingerprint matches any it has stored on it No The gun is ready to use The gun is not able to be used.

  3. Flowchart Explanation • 1- Chip is turned on. • 2- Fingerprints are stored. When the gun is turned on, it turns on the battery in the RFID chip. Up to 20,000 fingerprints can be stored on the chip.

  4. Flowchart Explanation • 3- User scans fingerprint. • 4- Software identifies users fingerprint. • User has fingerprint scanned by fingerprint scanner on the gun • The gun uses the software to find the fingerprint that were previously saved

  5. Flowchart Explanation • 5- The software checks for matching fingerprints. • The chip looks to see if the fingerprint matches any it has stored on it

  6. Flowchart Explanation • If it finds a match, the gun unlocks. • The trigger lock and the mechanical lever are unlocked The gun is ready to use

  7. Flowchart Explanation • If no match is found, the gun locks. • The trigger lock remains locked as well as the mechanical lever The gun is not able to be used.

  8. Hardware • RFID Chip • Fingerprint Scanner

  9. Hardware • RFID Chip • Saves and matches fingerprints on the gun. • Processing

  10. Hardware • Fingerprint Scanner • Scans and reads fingerprints for the chip. • Input and Processing

  11. Software • Electronic Product Code • Saves and Categorizes fingerprints using numbers.

  12. Stakeholders • The Government • The Military • The People

  13. Advantage • Military • Protects their guns from enemy use.

  14. Disadvantage • Military • Delayed use of the gun in the field.

  15. Advantage • Government • Gives them a better way to control guns.

  16. Disadvantage • Government • Might make people mad about gun control.

  17. Ethical Concern • Security • Keeps guns out of the wrong hands.

  18. Ethical Concern • Policies • Helps the government enforce gun control

  19. Ethical Concern • Surveillance • Monitor who is using the gun.

  20. Work Cited • Lucas Mearian. computerworld.com. N.V. ComputerWorld, April 29, 2013. Web. August 29, 2013. • http://michaelpower.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/surveillance1.jpg (picture of camera) • http://rfidparadiseofparadises.wordpress.com/2009/10/ (Picture of Electronic Product Code) • http://2012indyinfo.com/2013/08/20/rfid-chip-tracking-everyone-everywhere-now/ (Picture of RFID Chip) • http://www.tuvie.com/fingerprint-gun-for-better-public-security/ (Picture of fingerprint scanner) • http://www.satking.com.au/images/policy.gif (Picture of Policy) • http://blog.inetu.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Security.jpg (Picture of Security) • http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/578998987897052821/38AA9BCDDC27A7B880CB3C584496A36920561D29/ (Picture of Military) • http://realitypod.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/hd-military-wallpapers-3.png (Picture of Military) • http://cdn-static.zdnet.com/i/story/61/03/000737/government-it-failures-room-for-improvement-interview-and-podcast.jpg (Picture of White House) • http://www.google.com/imgres?rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS467US468&biw=1366&bih=536&tbm=isch&tbnid=VOtgO3dk0X-TyM:&imgrefurl=http://feminist.org/blog/index.php/2012/12/17/new-congress-will-see-gun-control-legislation/&docid=dYgZyr7hNhbltM&imgurl=http://feminist.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/shutterstock_110856551.jpg&w=1000&h=1000&ei=aHAyUqmDG4Ky9gSH5YGwCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=988&vpy=193&dur=156&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=97&ty=149&page=2&tbnh=139&tbnw=151&start=21&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:0,i:169 (Picture of Gun) • http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/6a/92/1374177604_5579_RFID.jpg?itok=qwP9Z2Ya (Picture of RFID chip) • http://inventorspot.com/files/images/fingerprint-gun2.preview.jpg (Picture of fingerprint scanner)

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