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“Let’s Change Insurance”. Consumer Behaviour Assignment #1 AVIVA Campaign Submitted By: Melanie Lucas Due date: Nov. 17/08 To Instructor: Joyce Lamb. Assignment Part#1 Single Sided Argument. Braun Shaver Advertisement http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOefpcUJ-M4
“Let’s Change Insurance” Consumer Behaviour Assignment #1 AVIVA Campaign Submitted By: Melanie Lucas Due date: Nov. 17/08 To Instructor: Joyce Lamb
Assignment Part#1 Single Sided Argument Braun Shaver Advertisement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOefpcUJ-M4 • Example of a single sided argument • Lists features of the shaver and claims no other shaver shaves as close • Claims its the best shaver around and there is no comparison to other shavers
Comparative Advertisement Herron TV AD Compares Herron and other painkillers • Compares the ingredients admits they are the same, but highlights the fact that Herron is produced in Australian and profits will not go overseas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpHX7PIif4E
Sex Appeal • Wii Advertisement • Uses a good-looking, thin girl to advertise and target market • The larger not so attractive girl represents the other consoles • Effective because target wants to identify with the good-looking sexy girl, not the boring larger girl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQPd6ojZgI8
Fear Appeal • Anti – Smoking Ad • Effective • Shows smoker in hospital hooked up to a breathing apparatus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hySFt8O11A
Humour Appeal “Let’s Change Insurance” Aviva Shark Ad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSOPIYdWitQ
“Let’s Change Insurance” Aviva Lion Ad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD1j9UJqQP0
Assignment Part #1 • All three of these Aviva advertisements used a humour appeal. • The shark ad. uses a humorous approach to acknowledge the view that consumers don’t really like insurance people. That purchasers of insurance have had such a terrible experience that they would love to see insurance representatives get thrown to the sharks. • The ring ad. Plays on the idea that asking questions of insurance providers ends up costing you (the consumer) alot of money. It compares the insurance experience to the pressure a man feels to propose. Also, the trouble you can get into when you don’t ask the right questions or when you’re misunderstood. • The lion ad. plays on the idea that insurance providers are not well liked. It shows the tour guide basically feeding the insurance providers (top performers) to the lions, which is likely the feeling most consumers have regarding insurance people. That they would like to feed them to the lions. • A humour appeal is effective because it takes a serious subject that no one likes and makes light of it.
Assignment Part #2 • Aviva’s goal is to change the way consumers view insurance. The assumptions made regarding the mindset or viewpoint of the target market is that: • A) Consumers don’t like insurance providers • B) Consumers feel that asking questions will cost them money
Assignment Part # 2 cont’d • The first roll out of this campaign was to acknowledge that consumers’ have had a bad experience with insurance providers. I feel they achieved this by using humour in their ads., and “taking care” of the big bad insurance providers by using them as shark and lion feed. On the Aviva website there are consumer surveys and downloadable posters which indicate that they have taken the time to find out what the consumers want and are doing something about it.
“Understanding Consumer Attitudes” http://www.aviva.com/index.asp?pageid=1446
Assignment Part #2 cont’d • The second roll out of this campaign was to let consumers know that they are “changing insurance”. That the experience with Aviva will be a positive one. That consumers can ask any question they want and it won’t end up costing them money. • The marketing goal of the company is to change the consumers attitude from a negative one: all insurance companies are bad to a positive attitude toward Aviva. The attempt is to generate positive feelings toward Aviva. • I think the marketers have successfully acknowledged and identified the target market’s attitude regarding insurance, but I don’t believe they have successfully changed their attitude.
Assignment Part #2 cont’d • While they have acknowledged feelings and attitudes surrounding insurance and have managed to make light and poke fun of insurance providers they have failed to change these beliefs. Consumers still believe dealing with insurance providers is an uncomfortable experience. • The marketers have failed to answer the question: How are you changing the experience?
Assignment Part #2 cont’d • I think there should be a third marketing phase letting consumers know exactly how they are “changing insurance” • And then following through on the promise • Showing the consumers that they are attacking their own company and shaking things up in a guerrilla warfare fashion • They can announce a new “straight answers” interactive website that answers consumers questions within a short period.
Assignment Part #2 cont’d • Phase three of the campaign should show consumers what steps they have taken i.e. Creation of a customer care centre where consumers can call 24hrs from anywhere in the world and get a live representative.