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Tulsa. July 10, 2006. Research. U of A GK-12 Fellow 2005-2007. Bella. Susan Grisham Chemistry Ph.D. Candidate. Time Management. Research Topic: Super-paramagnetic nanoparticles with dendron shell suitable for catalytic application. CSI Laboratory Training Session.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tulsa July 10, 2006

  2. Research U of A GK-12 Fellow 2005-2007 Bella Susan Grisham Chemistry Ph.D. Candidate Time Management Research Topic: Super-paramagnetic nanoparticles with dendron shell suitable for catalytic application

  3. CSI Laboratory Training Session Welcome TO Forensic 101

  4. Loop Arch Whorl Fingerprinting Analysis • Wear gloves to work with the evidence. • Put a drop of Superglue in one bottom corner of the Ziploc back • Close the bag quickly with some air in it. • Wait 1 minute for fingerprints to develop. • Notice the different patterns of loops, archs, and whorls of the victim and of each suspect.

  5. Hair Analysis Microscopic Comparison • Look at each hair sample under the microscope. • Make your observations of each Hair sample Color Hair type: curly, straight, wavy

  6. Fiber Analysis Microscopic Comparison • Look at each fiber under the microscope. • Make your observations of each fiber Combustion Test • Pick up one fiber at a time with a tweezers and place that fiber in the fire. • Burn each fiber • Observe what happens

  7. Handwriting Analysis • Matching the handwriting • Hello My name is Susan. • Hello My name is Susan • Hello My name is Susan • Hello My name is Susan

  8. Ink Analysis • Chromatography Method • Chromatography is a method of separating out materials from a mixture. Ink is a mixture of several dyes and can be separated by using certain types of solvents. • If the dot moves than the dot is soluble in that solvent.

  9. Neutral Basic Acidic 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Water Analysis • Phenolphthalein will react in the present of a strong base. pH Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

  10. classified CSI GK-12 Summer 2006

  11. CSI GK-12 Case Briefing

  12. Victim Tabitha It all started a couple of days ago when funny things started to happen. Our victim Tabitha ,a canine groomer, started to use a particular soap that had a wonderful scent. Tabitha worked at a pet salon which was located on the top of a hill that was above a controversial reptile farm. All of the sudden Snappy the star alligator was found belly up. Snappy’s body was covered with the same scent of the special soap. Tabitha was very upset about this and called a gathering, where the primary reason for meeting was about Snappy’s death. During that time, the Skydiving association was meeting at the same location. The location of the gathering was held at Mt. Sequoia. The Skydiving experts did not want to share Mt. Sequoia and an argument started.

  13. Suspect Dr. Stewart Dr. Stewart is a Reptile Specialist. Her hobbies are cooking and collecting wildlife specimens. She really enjoys reading The Princess Bride in her spare time. At the time of the crime, she was wearing a cotton t-shirt and jeans. She had a Vis-à-vie wet erase fine point pen in her pocket.

  14. Suspect Rob Rob is a Soap Taste Tester. His hobbies are juggling, computing, and bread making. He really enjoys studying out of Interactions in Physical Science Teachers Ed. Vol. 1. At the time of the crime he was juggling at the gathering. He was wearing an acrylic bow tie. At the time of questioning he had in his possession a Vis-a-vie permanent marker

  15. Suspect Ruthie Ruthie is an expert Skydiver. She instructs sky diving classes everyday when it is sunny. Her hobbies are the following: skydiving, bungee jumping, and rappelling. At the time of the crime she was wearing an acrylic sweater. A Precise V5 extra fine pen was in her pocket at the time of questioning.

  16. Suspect Tim Tim is an Alligator Wrestler. His hobbies are kayaking, computing, camping and hiking. He loves to read the Bible. At the time of the crime he was wearing a cotton t-shirt and cargo shorts. In his cargo pocket he had a PaperMate ♥♥ pen.

  17. Rob Dr. Stewart Ruthie Tim Hypothesize who do you think did the crime. ?

  18. Loop Arch Whorl Fingerprint Patterns

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