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Examples of Figures: Scatterplot, Table Slide & Scanned Image

See samples of figures in a PowerPoint file - scatterplot from Excel, manually created table slide, and scanned image inserted. Learn the steps and techniques used for each.

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Examples of Figures: Scatterplot, Table Slide & Scanned Image

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sample PowerPoint File Showing Examples of Figures, a Table, and a Scanned Image

  2. This scatterplot was copied from an Excel file and pasted into this PowerPoint slide

  3. Same as previous slide, using the copy/paste commands (control-c & control-p) Note: Before copying in Excel, fonts were enlarged to 20 point.

  4. Before copying from Excel, color was added, font styles were changed, etc.

  5. Example of a table slide Steps used: 1. Insert - New Slide 2. Table slide 3. 2 columns, 3 rows 4. Manually type in all information 5. Add color & resize table

  6. Inserted image Steps: 1. Scan photograph (or download from the Web). 2. Save as file named “Taung.jpg” 3. Open PowerPoint 4. Use Insert - New Slide command 5. Insert - Picture - From File … 6. Resized image “Taung Child” (Australopitheticus africanus). Discovered by Raymond Dart in 1920s in South Africa.

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