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Side effects of Strattera include sleepiness, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, agitation, insomnia, loss of appetite, and headaches. Additional facts about ADHD medications parents should know: Adderall, widely used in the United States, is prohibited in Canada. Canadian doctors have deemed it harmful to children. Studies indicate not only are short-term effects of ADHD medications potentially harmful, but long-term effects pose hazards as well.<br><br><br>https://nomorescamreviews.com/memory-hack-review/<br><br>https://diethours.com/zeta-clear-review/<br><br>https://dietsheriff.com/heartburn-no-more-review/
Needle Phobia - Cause, Symptoms and Treatment Dr Russell Barkley, a well-known ADHD psychologist, believes that ADHD is a disease of time management and motivation. I think that Dr Barkley's beliefs are especially true in the case of Predominantly Inattentive ADHD. By being familiar with drugs used to treat ADHD and all the information associated with them, including possible pros and cons, as well as other treatment options, parents can make the best health choices for their child. Your child has just been diagnosed with ADHD. Before you make a decision about treatment choices; there are facts about ADHD medications you should know. Making well informed decisions about treatment plans and medications could literally be the difference between life and death for your child. Facts on ADHD meds and the potential harm they can cause children are alarming. Medicines prescribed to treat symptoms of ADHD are either stimulants or amphetamine based. While ADHD medications can improve some symptoms of ADHD, parents need to consider if the cure is worse than the disease. Stimulate based medications include Attenta, Ritalin, Ribifen, and Concerta. All of these are psycho stimulant drugs. Psycho stimulant drugs were originally designed for use on the most severe of emotional disorders: Bi-polar disorders and schizophrenia. Stimulant based side effects include: upset stomach, irritability, mood swings, racing heartbeat, loss of appetite, headaches, restlessness and depression. Other more long range problems created by these medicines are: personality changes, the development of obsessive compulsive symptoms, withdrawing from family and friends, and even heart disease and death. Amphetamine based medications include the following: Adderall, Dexadrin, and Strattera. Strattera, an anti-depressant, was created for adult only use for ADHD, yet it is one of the most widely prescribed drugs to children. https://nomorescamreviews.com/memory-hack-review/ https://diethours.com/zeta-clear-review/ https://dietsheriff.com/heartburn-no-more-review/