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  1. Supplementary Fig. 1 Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showing the positions of Halocynthiibacter namhaensisRA2-3Tand the type strains of the Roseobacter clade, except Stappia stellulata as an outgroup. Stappia stellulata IAM 12621T (GenBank accession number, D88525) was used as an outgroup. Scale bar, 0.01 substitutions per nucleotide position. Marivita cryptomonadis CL-SK44T(EU512919) Marivita byunsanensis SMK-114T (FJ467624) Donghicola xiamenensis Y-2T(DQ120728) Donghicola eburneus SW-277T(DQ667965) Tropicibacter multivorans MD5T(FR727679) Tropicibacternaphthalenivorans C02T(AB302370) Sulfitobacter pontiacus ChLG 10T(Y13155) Sulfitobacter marinus SW-265T(DQ683726) Sulfitobacter mediterraneus CH-B427T(Y17387) Sulfitobacter donghicola DSW-25T(EF202614) Roseobacter denitrificans Och 114T(M59063) Roseobacter litoralis ATCC 49566T(X78312) Octadecabacter antarcticus 307T(U14583) Octadecabacter arcticus 238T(U73725) Pelagicola litoralis CL-ES2T(EF192392) Planktotalea frisia SH6-1T(FJ882052) Halocynthiibacter namhaensisRA2-3T(KC416645) Pacificibacter maritimus KMM 9031T(AB558927) Roseovarius marinus HDW-9T(GQ243422) Litoreibacter janthinus KMM 3842T(AB518880) Litoreibacter albidus KMM 3851T(AB518881) Litoreibacter arenae GA2-M15T(EU342372) Litoreibacter meonggei MA1-1T(JN021667) Celeribacter baekdonensis L-6T(HM997022) Celeribacter neptunius H 14T(FJ535354) Roseovarius crassostreae CV919-312T(AF114484) Jannaschia helgolandensis Hel 10T(AJ438157) Jannaschia pohangensis H1-M8T(DQ643999) Jannaschia donghaensis DSW-17T(EF202612) Thalassobacterstenotrophicus CECT 5294T(AJ631302) Roseovarius tolerans EL-172T(Y11551) Roseovarius aestuarii SMK-122T(EU156066) Leisingera methylohalidivorans MB2T (AY005463) Leisingera aquimarina LMG 24366T(AM900415) Phaeobacter gallaeciensis BS107T(Y13244) Phaeobacter inhibens T5T(AY177712) Litorimicrobium taeanense G4T(GQ232737) Nautella italica LMG 24365T(AM904562) Thalassobiusgelatinovorus IAM12617T(D88523) Thalassobius mediterraneus CECT 5383T(AJ878874) Marinovum algicola ATCC 51440T(X78315) Thalassobius aestuarii JC2049T(AY442178) Stappia stellulata IAM 12621T(D88525) 0.01

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