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396 非我惟主 NOT I, BUT CHRIST

396 非我惟主 NOT I, BUT CHRIST. 非我惟主,被人高舉並愛敬; Not I, but Christ, be honoured, loved, exalted; 非我惟主,被人傳揚相信; Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard; 非我惟主,顯在言語和步武; Not I, but Christ, in ev'ry look and action; 非我惟主,顯在思想態度。 Not I, but Christ, In ev'ry tho't' and word. (副)

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396 非我惟主 NOT I, BUT CHRIST

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 396 非我惟主NOT I, BUT CHRIST 非我惟主,被人高舉並愛敬;Not I, but Christ, be honoured, loved, exalted;非我惟主,被人傳揚相信;Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard;非我惟主,顯在言語和步武;Not I, but Christ, in ev'ry look and action;非我惟主,顯在思想態度。Not I, but Christ, In ev'ry tho't' and word. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  2. (副) 哦,求主救我脫離自己!Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord, 失去在袮裡面!Oh, to be lost in Thee;哦,但願不再是自己,Oh, that it may be no more I, 惟主活我裡面!But Christ that lives in me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  3. (二) 非我惟主,是我一切的起首;Not I, but Christ, my every need supplying,非我惟主,是供給的源頭。Not I, but Christ, my strength and health to be;非我惟主,是我所為而工作;Christ, only Christ, for body, soul and spirit;非我惟主,是我所為生活。Christ, only Christ, live then Thy life in me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  4. (副) 哦,求主救我脫離自己!Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord, 失去在袮裡面!Oh, to be lost in Thee;哦,但願不再是自己,Oh, that it may be no more I, 惟主活我裡面!But Christ that lives in me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  5. (三) 主,惟有主,所以不再有閒言,Christ, only Christ, no idle word e'er falling;主,惟有主,所以不再自憐,Christ, only Christ, no needless bustling sound;主,惟有主,所以不再為自己,Christ, only Christ, no self-important bearing;主,惟有主,所以不再自義。Christ, only Christ, no trace of "I" be found. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  6. (副) 哦,求主救我脫離自己!Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord, 失去在袮裡面!Oh, to be lost in Thee;哦,但願不再是自己,Oh, that it may be no more I, 惟主活我裡面!But Christ that lives in me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  7. (四) 非我惟主,故無一可以自傲;Not I, but Christ, to gently soothe in sorrow;非我惟主,故無一可自暴。Not I, but Christ, to wipe the falling tear;非我惟主,因此不再有重擔;Not I, but Christ, to lift the weary burden;非我惟主,因此不怕危難。Not I, but Christ, to hush away all fear. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  8. (副) 哦,求主救我脫離自己!Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord, 失去在袮裡面!Oh, to be lost in Thee;哦,但願不再是自己,Oh, that it may be no more I, 惟主活我裡面!But Christ that lives in me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  9. (五) 主,惟有主,不久充滿我眼睛;Christ, only Christ, ere long will fill my vision;榮耀無比,不久就要顯明;Glory excelling, soon, full soon, I'll see –主,惟有主,要永受我的感謝;Christ, only Christ, my every wish fulfilling;耶穌基督,要永是我一切。Christ, only Christ, my all in all to be. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  10. (副) 哦,求主救我脫離自己!Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord, 失去在袮裡面!Oh, to be lost in Thee;哦,但願不再是自己,Oh, that it may be no more I, 惟主活我裡面!But Christ that lives in me. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

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