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Exploring Research Methods: Theory, Types & Applications

Investigate various research methods, such as observation, comparison, measurement, and experiment, to gain insight into social and natural phenomena. Understand the theory behind different methods and their practical application in solving specific problems. Explore primary and secondary methods, verification techniques, and mathematical models in different fields. Discover how methods play a crucial role in data analysis, hypothesis testing, and predicting outcomes.

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Exploring Research Methods: Theory, Types & Applications

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  2. Method (Greek. methodos) - way of knowledge, the study of natural phenomena and social life. It is also a set of methods or operations of practical or theoretical understanding of reality, aimed at solving specific problems. The difference between method and theory has a functional nature: Formed as a result of the previous theoretical studies, the method serves as a starting point and condition for future research.

  3. Methods (Greek methodike) - a set of methods, techniques of any work. Methods of study - a system of rules of methods and operations.

  4. The choice of specific research methods dictated by the nature of the actual material conditions and for specific research. Methods are ordered system, which is determined by their place according to a specific phase of the study, using techniques and operations of the theoretical and factual material in a given sequence.

  5. Quite common is the division of the main types of methods on two criteria: the purpose and method of implementation.

  6. In the first sign stand called primary methods used to collect information, research sources, observation, interviews, etc.. Secondary methods used for processing and analyzing data - quantitative and qualitative data analysis, their ordering, scaling, etc.. The third type is presented verification methods and techniques.

  7. Based method of distinguish logical and analytical, visual and experimental playing methods. The first group includes traditional methods of deduction and induction, which differ in initial stages. They complement each other and can be used for verification - checking the validity of hypotheses and conclusions.

  8. Visual or graphic, techniques - graphs, charts, diagrams, cartograms, and others. allow you to get a synthesized view of the investigated object and at the same time clearly show the components, their specific gravity, causal relationships, the intensity distribution of components in a given volume. These methods are closely related to computer technology.

  9. Experiment and play methods directly related to real objects that function in a particular situation, and intended to predict the results. With them is associated a branch of mathematics - "game theory", with their help, we study the situation in the political, economic, military issues. They are used in psychology ("transactional analysis"), sociology ("impression management", "social engineering"), the methodology of Training.

  10. In Aspects of Applied Arts is appropriate mathematical methods. Mathematical apparatus of probability theory allows to study the mass phenomena in sociology, linguistics. Mathematical methods play an important role in the processing of statistical data modeling. However, it should take into account the difference in the nature of objects and categories of humanities, natural sciences and mathematics.

  11. Observation - systematic deliberate learning object. This is the most basic method, which is usually part of other empirical methods.

  12. Comparison - one of the most common methods of learning. This process of establishing similarities or differences between objects and phenomena, and finding a general, inherent in two or more objects.

  13. Measurement - a procedure of numerical values ​​of certain quantities by units. The value of this procedure is that it provides accurate, quantitative information about the specified object. When measured, the following basic elements: the object of measurement standards, measuring instruments, methods of measurement.

  14. Experiment - it is a method of studying the object that is associated with active and deliberate intervention researcher in natural conditions of existence of objects and phenomena, or the creation of artificial conditions necessary to identify its respective properties.

  15. At the stage of gathering factual information and its systematic use of primary methods of surveys (questionnaires, interviews) and peer reviews, and laboratory experiments (observation of documentary sources, test) and field experiments, such as aloof and covert surveillance, and " included "observation - participation in the study.

  16. The survey allows you to get as factual information and data evaluation, conducted orally or in writing. When creating a questionnaire or interview is important to formulate a plan question as to correspond to the aim pursued. Form may include multiple sets of questions related not only to the level of frequency of use of certain drugs, but also by the object of study.

  17. There are formal and informal situations testing during provide the first answers to stereotyped questions, the second conducted in the form of conversation on the subject. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort and confidence. Testing, unlike other methods, you can identify individual characteristics of the object of research.

  18. The method of expert estimations is used for variables of empirical data. A survey of a panel (5-7 people) to identify specific variables that are needed to evaluate the study question. Experts are selected on the basis of their formal professional status - position, degree, work experience and others.

  19. Correlation analysis - a procedure to study the correlation between independent variables. The relationship between these values ​​is in the mutual consistency of the observed changes. Calculated the correlation coefficient. The higher the correlation coefficient between two variables, the better we can predict the value of one of them by the value of others.


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