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NHS Leadership Academy Staff Exchange. Steve Hart Managing Director 30 April 2019. Aim:. “An opportunity for colleagues to meet in order to hear updates, and to be heard, regarding any issues, opportunities, or risks.”. Q&A – Organisational Change Slido #P691. Outline. National update
NHS Leadership AcademyStaff Exchange Steve Hart Managing Director 30 April 2019
Aim: “An opportunity for colleagues to meet in order to hear updates, and to be heard, regarding any issues, opportunities, or risks.”
Outline • National update • Q&A on Organisational Change • Update on Long Term Plan • Update on People Plan • Talent Review & Career Conversations
National Update • Pay… • Building the aeroplane while flying it:
NHS Leadership Academy Academy purpose: The NHS has the right number of leaders with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that are required to deliver high quality services, improve health outcomes and continually improve patient care. System Development that enables service improvement across health and care • Academy vision: • Outstanding leadership at every level of the NHS creates cultures of compassion and inclusion that improves lives in local communities. Strategic Objectives Provide leadership development interventions that have reach and impact across the service Enable, convene and support whole system talent management
The Context of our work The NHS Long Term Plan Our Work The NHS Interim People Plan System Development that enables service improvement across health and care A New NHS People Directorate • Academy vision: • Outstanding leadership at every level of the NHS creates cultures of compassion and inclusion that improves lives in local communities. Strategic Objectives Provide leadership development interventions that have reach and impact across the service Enable, convene and support whole system talent management
A New NHS People Directorate • NHS E/I moving to a new operating model and new ways of working: 7 regions supported by 11 corporate directorates
Organisational change to the new People Directorate • NHS I/E organisational change will achieve: • 20% savings over 2 years • Transformation to new ways of working • Academy will go through this organisational change. • Academy baseline budget is protected. This means there is no pressure to achieve 20% saving • We do need to transform to new ways of working and align with NHS E/I operating model
Organisation change what does this mean across the Academy? • We are aligning our operating model within NHS England. This means: • Moving to seven regional Academies • Examining all structures to ensure coherence and alignment with other NHS E/I • Currently a T&F group is building a proposed future structure for the Academy, with Job Descriptions for all the roles in that proposed future structure. This will be complete by end of May. • After this proposed structure is complete we will consider who in the Academy is ‘in-scope’ for any change to their role. The decision about in/out scope will be based on a comparison of current JD, and future JD • If a change of job title is the only change, this is not sufficient to be in-scope. • The aim is to remove any duplication, make job titles and job descriptions relevant and coherent across NHS E/I, and to ensure efficient and effective support to the frontline of the service. • Our new way of working is “by, with, and through” the regions.
The Context of our work The NHS Long Term Plan Our Work The NHS Interim People Plan System Development that enables service improvement across health and care A New NHS People Directorate • Academy vision: • Outstanding leadership at every level of the NHS creates cultures of compassion and inclusion that improves lives in local communities. Strategic Objectives Provide leadership development interventions that have reach and impact across the service Enable, convene and support whole system talent management
NHS Long Term Plan Briefing for the Leadership Academy Staff Exchange Tim Swanwick Dean of Education and Leadership Development
Q1. Who is the plan for? • The NHS in England
Q2. How long term is ‘long term’ • A strategy ‘for the next five years and beyond’ • …with a ‘transition year’ in 2019/20
Q3. Why? • NHSE/I has already been promised a funding settlement of 3.4% growth over the next 5 years amounting to an additional £20.5Bn/year by 2023/24 • However…funding for education and training (HEE), public health and NHS capital projects won’t be agreed until after the 2019 spending review
Q4. So this is all good news then? • Err…maybe… • Much of the additional funding will be used to restore the NHS to financial balance. 3.4% growth is below the historic average (3.7%) and just about enough to keep pace with growing demand (est. at 3.3%). So, maintaining NHS standards, let alone meeting raised expectations, will be a challenge.
NHS Long Term Plan themes • Strategies • Structures • Service improvement
1. Strategies (1/2) • Prevention and healthy populations • Reducing health inequalities • How well do our leadership programmes focus on prevention and population health? • Is there scope for the Academy to work more closely with PHE e.g. on supporting leadership for population health? • Do we need a stronger population health element in the GMTS? • Integrated care • More responsive urgent, emergency and intermediate care • Do our ‘new’ national programmes adequately reflect this new integrated landscape? • How can we ensure that the GMTS provides adequate ‘integrated’ experience for all participants? • Digital solutions • Does the digital stream of the GMTS adequately equip graduates to support these aspirations? • Do our national programmes adequately prepare leaders to lead digitally enabled transformation?
Strategies (2/2) • Personalised care • Are graduates of our national programmes adequately equipped to understand personalised care and able to work with patients and citizens through co-production? • Do we have a strong enough local offer and are we clear enough about what we need to do in relation to personalisation/coproduction? • Workforce development • Is our support and development of OD practitioners strong enough? • Does the human resources stream of GMTS focus on the right things? • Do we need to expand our reach and range of positive action programmes to support talent from overseas? • Research and innovation • Is the Academy adequately targeting support for those leading research and innovation in the NHS?
2. Structures • Integrated care systems ‘ICSs everywhere by April 2021’ • Do we have the necessary human resources, funding and skills at a local Academy level to support the organisational development and leadership of integrated systems? • Do we adequately support value-based commissioning? • Primary care networks • Do we have the necessary human resources, funding and skills at a local Academy level to support the organisational development of primary care networks?
Service improvements The Long Term Plan extends the focus areas of the Five Year Forward View and seeks to ‘make further advances on our improvement agenda’ for: • cancer • mental health • multimorbidity and healthy aging, including dementia • cardiovascular and stroke • diabetes • respiratory • maternity and neonatal • child physical and mental health • autism and learning disability • Are we adequately equipped to respond to pathway-specific requests for support and development at both local and national level?
Leadership and talent management • Leadership code/compact • Systematic approach to talent management • Support senior clinical leadership • GMTS expansion • Consult on professional registration scheme for senior leaders • Support transition into NHS from outside • Cultures of compassion, inclusion and collaboration • Increased diversity of leaders • Leadership development available at all levels • Improvement skills for all
Miscellaneous • A new NHS Assembly • New ways of working • Proposals for legislative change • promoting collaboration, commissioning for best value, enabling integration, tariff changes, directing governance, allowing partnerships and joint responsibility, joined up national bodies • Further proposals for social care and health integration to follow • Universal Personalised Care • NHS Interim People Plan
Talent Review and Career Conversation Meetings What, Why, How? Michelle Stansfield Head of Transformation (Talent Management)
Talent Review & Career Conversation -What? • Part of the National Talent Management (TM) Toolkit being made available to NHS organisations from May - to advance TM practices NHS wide • Developed in partnership with over 100 NHS Organisations and Silvermaple • Created from carefully considered practices based on a wealth of TM research and experience.
Talent Review & Career Conversation -What? From: To: The language of “Appraisals” “Talent Review & Career Conversation” NHS Organisations having a NHS Leadership Academy providing a very variable approach recommended approach for use across the NHS and modelling it Primary focus on performance More emphasis on exploring job against objectives & behaviours satisfaction, passions, strengths, ambitions and potential
Talent Review & Career Conversation -Why? • A step to ensure we are seen to test out and adopt the carefully considered practices that we are recommending to other NHS organisations • Carried out during the “soft launch” phase of the TM Maturity Diagnostic and TM Toolkit – enabling feedback prior to the wider national launch
Key Features: 1. Satisfaction scales – staff survey type questions
Key Features: 2. Questions about passions, energy and addressing satisfaction/fulfilment
Key Features: 3. Performance against objectives and behaviours just part of the picture
What the approach is not… So - take 5 minutes with the person next to you: What work are you most passionate about & what do you find most energising? How much opportunity is there for you to work in these areas? How does it feel to have this type of conversation with someone?
Talent Review and Career Conversation – How? Key dates: • Talent Review & Career Conv Discussions - By end of June 2019 You may find it works best to split into 2 conversations :) • Aspiration and Readiness Data Capture Deadline – 5th July 2019 • Talent discussions at Academy Talent Board – July 2019 • Feedback and organisation level insight shared – August 2019
Accessing the form & support Contact: Michelle Fitzgerald-Shaw or Sarah Ascough (Talent Management)