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Pipeline Industry to 2015

Increasing Development of Gas Shale Plays in the US Boosting Pipeline Network Expansions in North America

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Pipeline Industry to 2015

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  1. Pipeline Industry to 2015 - Energy Demand in Asia Pacific and Uptake of Unconventional Gas Driving Growth

  2. Increasing Development of Gas Shale Plays in the US Boosting Pipeline Network Expansions in North America Gas pipeline construction is currently booming, as midstream operators develop capacity to transport natural gas emerging from unconventional plays. This will increase the number of pipeline construction projects to be completed in the coming year and total capacity. The growth of unconventional gas will require pipeline investment in the billions over the next decade. In North America alone, unconventional natural gas is expected to account for a majority of total natural gas supply. The North American natural gas industry is expected to witness a steady growth in production from 72.4 Bcf/d in 2008 to 82.1 Bcf/d in 2020, which represents an AAGR of 1.2%. Unconventional natural gas is expected to account for 52% of total production in 2020. In the US, unconventional natural gas already accounts for approximately 50% of production. By 2020, this share is expected to increase to 58%. In Canada, unconventional natural gas production is expected to account for 30% of production in 2002, up from approximately 5% in 2008. This is expected to drive the growth of natural gas pipelines. The rise in crude oil prices over the past few years has garnered increased interest in unconventional crude oil and natural gas reserves like oil sands,

  3. shale and coal bed methane. With oil sands found predominantly only in Alberta, Canada, shales – as a source of crude oil and natural gas – has captured the imagination of energy companies in the US. The shales are predominantly organic matter trapped in rocks and unlike conventional resources, they are not present in reservoirs, but in continuous formations. Huge discoveries of shale gas in North America will require transportation of gas to different regions which will boost the North American pipeline industry. Increasingly sophisticated horizontal drilling techniques and 3D seismic imaging have enabled companies to pinpoint the best locations and also effectively the drilling path. For further details, please click or add the below link to your browser: http://gbiresearch.com/Report.aspx?ID=Pipeline-Industry-to-2015-Energy-Demand-in-Asia-Pacific-and-Uptake-of-Unconventional-Gas-Driving-Growth&ReportType=Industry_Report&coreindustry=ALL&Title=Oil_~_Gas It is mainly medium and large independent oil and gas companies who are involved in exploring shales. These companies are very aggressively acquiring acreages and have planned ambitious drilling plans.

  4. Barnett shale is one the first shales to attain prominence, with most of the pioneering work done by Mitchell energy and subsequently acquired by Devon Energy. Other shales that have attracted lots of activity are Fayetteville, Haynesville, and Woodford and Bakken shales. All are predominantly gas producing except for Bakken shale. Growing Energy Demand in Asia Pacific Encouraging Pipeline Construction Asia Pacific is the largest crude oil consuming and the third largest natural gas consuming region in the world. In 2010, the region is estimated to have consumed 23,788,900 barrels of oil per day and 18,049.8 Bcf/day of natural gas. Though the region consumes huge volumes of natural gas, around 75% of its oil demand and 53% of its gas demand comes from four countries: China, Japan, India and South Korea. This rapid increase in consumption is encouraging pipeline industry to flourish in the region. Asia Pacific’s oil and gas industry has been relatively shielded from the recent global economic recession due to continued growth in demand from China and India. Furthermore, these two countries are expected to drive the growth in Asia Pacific and the global oil and gas industry in the next decade.

  5. Rapid increase in consumption of oil and gas in the region is encouraging the import of oil and gas from regions such as the Middle East which is going to be a boon for the pipeline industry in the region. GBI Research’s new report, “Pipeline Industry to 2015 – Energy Demand in Asia Pacific and Uptake of Unconventional Gas Driving Growth” provides key information and analysis of the oil, gas and product pipeline industry globally. The report covers the analysis and key statistics on the crude oil, natural gas and petroleum product pipelines. It also covers the geographic analysis on the basis of regions including Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa, North America and South and Central America by each of the pipeline types. It also covers the major pipelines in each of the geographic regions. Market structure, competitive snapshot and profiles of major companies have also been covered in the report. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GBI Research's team of industry experts. For further details, please click or add the below link to your browser: http://gbiresearch.com/Report.aspx?ID=Pipeline-Industry-to-2015-Energy-Demand-in-Asia-Pacific-and-Uptake-of-Unconventional-Gas-Driving-Growth&ReportType=Industry_Report&coreindustry=ALL&Title=Oil_~_Gas

  6. Visit our report store: http://www.gbiresearch.com For more details contact: pressreleases@gbiresearch.com North America: +1 646 395 5477 Europe: +44 207 753 4299 +44 1204 543 533 Asia Pacific: +91 40 6616 6782

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