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Mathematical Challenges with Fractions, Decimals, Ratios, and Conversions in JE'PARDY!

Test your math skills with JE'PARDY! questions on fractions, decimals, ratios, and conversions. Solve problems ranging from simple additions to complex ratios. Can you beat the challenge and emerge victorious in this mathematical game show?

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Mathematical Challenges with Fractions, Decimals, Ratios, and Conversions in JE'PARDY!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. . . . . . . . . . . . . JE’PARDY! Mathematics

  2. $100 $300 $100 $100 $500 $300 $500 $500 $500 $300 $300 $100 FRACTIONS DECIMALS RATIOS CONVERSIONS ?

  3. $100 FRACTIONS ¼ + ¼ =

  4. $300 FRACTIONS ¾ - ½ =

  5. $500 FRACTIONS (¼ - ¾) +½ =

  6. $100 DECIMALS 1.34 + 0.8 =

  7. $300 DECIMALS 0.93 – 1.66 =

  8. $500 DECIMALS (3.93 + 0.2) – 1.9 =

  9. $100 RATIOS Bobby has four white marbles, and the five red marbles. Find the ratios of the marbles that he owns.

  10. $300 RATIOS Mr. Cohens has fifteen students in his Algebra class, and 20 students in his Pre-Algebra class. Find the ratio of students in Mr. Cohens’ classes.

  11. $500 RATIOS Plantersville Elementary has 120 students, Brown’s Ferry Elementary has 240 students and Pleasant Hill Elementary has 360 students. Find the ratio of students of the schools.

  12. $100 CONVERSIONS ½ is expressed as this as a decimal.

  13. $300 CONVERSIONS .44 is expressed as this as a fraction.

  14. $500 CONVERSIONS 23/4 can also be expressed as this fraction.

  15. Final Jepardy! MIXED FRACTIONS Express 5¾ as another fraction, a decimal and as a percentage.

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