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Thomas Seder, PhD Human Machine Interface General Motors Global R&D April 8, 2011

Vehicle Cockpit Design that Accommodates Human Age-Related Performance Depreciation. Thomas Seder, PhD Human Machine Interface General Motors Global R&D April 8, 2011. Outline. Describe research motivation, goals & approach Present a framework for indentifying addressable issues

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Thomas Seder, PhD Human Machine Interface General Motors Global R&D April 8, 2011

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  1. Vehicle Cockpit Design that Accommodates Human Age-Related Performance Depreciation Thomas Seder, PhD Human Machine Interface General Motors Global R&D April 8, 2011

  2. Outline • Describe research motivation, goals & approach • Present a framework for indentifying addressable issues • Provide an overview of age-related performance depreciation issues • Discuss our design philosophy and a set machine interface design guidelines • Present a concept vehicle HMI that accommodates age-related human performance depreciation aged driver interface vision accommodative  prescriptive  therapeutic

  3. MotivationDelay driving cessation to maintain quality of life Number of people 65+ over time Crashes per mile by driver age all crashes per million miles travelled fatal crashes per 100 million miles travelled 71.5 Million, 20% of Population 37.3 Million, 12.4% of Population • 65+ yr highly represented & growing fraction of population • Crashes/ mile driven increases at ~age 65 • Quality of life diminishes when ‘keys are taken away’ • Reduced socialization  depression • Missed Dr visits & reduced exercise  health decline • Lost sense of freedom loss that was represented by mobility

  4. ApproachImprove Situation Awareness Perceive, Comprehend, Project • Ability to act upon the world improves as world awareness increases • Situation Awareness (SA) has numerous dependencies User’s Mental Model of the World Current State of the World Performance Situation Awareness

  5. Framework for Issue IdentificationWicken’s Information Processing Model perceive, comprehend, respond Long Term Memory Working Memory Decision Making Response Selection Response Execution Perception Attention Resources Sensory Memory Senses feedback there’s a grand conspiracy of depreciations that robs the IP of the elderly, impacting their ability to attain and maintain situation awareness

  6. Depreciations, Impacts & Guidelines

  7. Depreciations, Impacts & Guidelines

  8. Design Philosophy & Additional Design Guidelines‘quiet & uncluttered | intuitive & accommodating’ Display guidelines: • Leverage avionics architectures & info management schema • Design for the copilot • Create an extended mind • Put knowledge in the world • Provide an architecture that affords easy information access • Physical location based on criticality, frequency of use and matched to user viewing envelope • Employ functional grouping • Provide redundant communication • Eliminate distracting, low information content items • Use size, color, luminance and location to communicate relative importance • Limit color palette to 4 or 5 meaningful colors; consistent usage

  9. Design Philosophy & Additional Design Guidelines‘quiet & uncluttered | intuitive & accommodating’ Controls guidelines: • Design controls that exhibit metaphoric movements • Avoid fine motor skill movements Interaction & industrial design guidelines: • Leverage aesthetic-usability coupling • Provide consistent interaction design throughout cockpit • Design in monochrome first & use color for redundancy

  10. Technology SelectionPrimary & Secondary Displays • Proper selection of display technology • LCD with LED backlight (or OLED) • High maximum ERP luminance (1000 cd/m2) • Low black state ERP luminance (2 cd/m2) • Low diffuse reflectance in 6000 fC high ambient  enables abundant contrast low ambient ERP contrast > 500:1 high ambient ERP contrast >15:1 • Include bezel mounted ambient irradiance sensors for automation dimming along with master dimmer for luminance customization

  11. Technology Selection Primary & Secondary Displays • Select wide color space with saturated green (555 nm) & red • Balance luminance to favor Vl stimulation • Communicate importance hierarchy via gray level luminance

  12. System Overview3 Display Architecture

  13. Primary Display - Piloting • massively decluttered • speed indicator at 100% grayscale for CRmax & chromaticity chosen for max DE* • font height and weight selected to assure visibility • Media appropriate, familiar typeface to assure readability - Frutiger • for harmony & minimal distraction, the ring • acts to center and ground speed indicator • GS luminance set 1% of indicator and • at same chromaticity • aesthetically pleasing universal design

  14. Primary Display - Piloting amber when turn indicator on redundant with side view mirror indicator red when car deviates toward collision couples with audible & haptic alerts low fuel: amber extremely low fuel: red PRND replaces speed at 0 mph large directional indicators luminance increase after 60 s safety & walk-home telltales directional indicators blind spot hazard indicator collision warning indicator

  15. Head Down Driver Navigation & Information Display • Functional grouping of information with defined areas • Simple fuel gauge with range & odometer displays persistently • Gauge labels, range & odo mile labels appear and remain on screen until user shifts into drive

  16. Head Down Driver Navigation & Information Display Simulator Testing MOVE vsLinedrive • Navigation system based on MOVE (Hudson & Forlizzi, CMU) • Based on UCD techniques, focusing on features of hand drawn maps • Uses abstraction techniques that reduce clutter and match user’s mental model of navigation process • Semantic information rich labeling at major maneuvers • Less salient symbolic labeling prior to next maneuver • Displays only salient navigation landmarks – traffic lights, bridges # glances â by 3X glance dwell time â by 6X lane keeping á by 5X

  17. Future Work • Continued refinement and development of design guidelines • Building a non-drivable aesthetic property for qualitative user assessment of basic design • Build design into reconfigurable cockpit to enable quantitative user performance testing and iterative design refinement • Enrich design by evaluating persuasive prompts • Evaluate and address deskilling that may appear if interface is unchallenging

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