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Dive into housing needs and interior design principles, exploring how living spaces fulfill human needs. Discover how personal priorities influence housing decisions and reflect diverse lifestyles. Investigate the impact of space, privacy, and family dynamics on housing choices. Gain insight by analyzing individual and family life cycles in relation to housing requirements and preferences.
HUMAN NEEDS AND HOUSING Unit One Housing and Interior Design
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS • How can housing needs reflect the stage of life? • How many times will you move in your lifetime?
By the end of this unit, YOU will be able to… • Summarize, observe, and create a plan on how housing fulfills basic human needs. • Investigate and analyze the housing needs of special populations. • Investigate how peoples needs, goals and values influence their housing decisions according to their lifestyle and life cycle.
What is housing? • Housing is any structure built for people to live in; comes in many shapes and forms. • Three types of basic housing developed: • Natural • Portable • Permanent
Partner Questions • How do you interact with your housing? • How are your feelings affected by your housing? • How do the types of houses and the furnishings inside them influence people’s feelings and behavior?
Meeting Needs through Housing • Needs vs. Wants • Needs are the basic requirements that people must have filled in order to live • Wants • Psychological needs: needs related to the mind and feelings that must be met in order to live a satisfying life. • ASSIGNMENT
Needs and Personal Priorities—Factors in Housing Decisions DIRECTIONS: • Draw the outline of a house. • Draw or cut out pictures that depict physical and psychological needs and personal priorities. • Glue these inside the house with the appropriate label. • BE NEAT AND CREATIVE • We all have different personal priorities so no two posters should look the same! • Materials: • Paper • Marker, Pencil • Magazines • Scissors • Glue
NEEDS & WANTS • INDIVIDUAL: Two minutes to come up with a list of as many physical needs, psychological needs, and wants associated with housing that you can • CLG: Five minutes to share your lists with your group and expand to make one big list. Think of as many as you can.
PHYSICAL NEEDS • Most basic human needs • SHELTER: • Protection from the elements
PHYSICAL NEEDS • FOOD AND WATER: • Place to prepare food • Place to eat • Socialize • Family time
PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS • Need for security • Need for love and belonging • Need for self-actualization • Need for identity • Need for creativity
Maslow’s • Partner Question: • Why does one level of needs have to be at least partially met before the next level of needs can be sought? • Each pair needs to provide one example.
Factors Affecting Housing Decisions • Personal Priorities: are strong beliefs or ideas about what is important. HOW DO NEEDS AND PERSONAL PRIORITIES RELATE???
Your Housing Needs and Personal Priorities Assignment • Select (or draw) two pictures of rooms that reflect your personal priorities. Mount your pictures on construction paper. • Describe three needs addressed by the rooms in the pictures. • Identify a personal priority associated with each of the three needs. • For each picture, describe what you would change or add to make the room fit your personality, priorities, needs, and wants.
Factors Affecting Housing Decisions • SPACE—influenced by personal wants, hobbies, activities, and how the space is used. • PRIVACY– live alone, or set apart from other dwellings, private rooms or private place. • FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS– design for group living. • COSTS– rent, buy, furnishings, repair, maintenance. • ROLES—patterns of behavior that people display in their homes, the workplace, and their communities.
Roles • List all of the roles held by each person in your household. • How do these roles influence the person’s housing needs.
Space and Privacy Needs Group Reflection • How does age affect people’s space and privacy needs? • How do hobbies and interests affect people’s space and privacy needs? • How does the personal priority of family unity affect people’s space needs?
Individual Work • Identify some different types of households. • How can housing satisfy each type?
HOUSEHOLDS Five basic types: • Nuclear family • Single-parent family • Blended family • Childless family • Extended Family
Life Cycles • A series of stages though which an individual or family passes during its lifetime. • Individual Life Cycle • Family Life Cycle
Individual Life Cycle • Infancy stage • Childhood stage • Early childhood • Middle childhood • Late childhood • Youth Stage • Adolescence • Teen years • Adulthood Stage
Individual Life Cycle • Go back and identify a person in each life stage and substage. • Write their name next to the category to help you remember.
Family Life Cycle • Six stages of family development that provide a pattern that most families follow. • Families spend different amounts of time in the same stage. • Families can be in two stages at once.
Family Life Cycle • Couples Stage: the early period of marriage when the couple is without children. The husband and wife make adjustments to married life and to each other. • Expanding Stage: this is the time when the family is growing. It includes childbearing periods.
Family Life Cycle Developing Stage: this occurs when the children are in school. Parents work to meet children’s changing needs. Launching Stage: when the children become adults and leave their parents’ house. They may leave to go to college, take a job, or get married.
Family Life Cycle Middle Stage: the time between when the children leave home and the parents retire. Retirement Stage: couple stops full-time work and adjusts to having more time.
Life Cycles and Housing Needs • Your housing needs change throughout your life. What are some examples?