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Advertising Age Website. Set Advertising Objectives. Push strategy. Pull strategy ... Role that advertising plays in their attempt to meet their overall promotional ...
Slide 2:Learning Objectives
How do firms plan advertising campaigns? Why do firms advertise and engage in public relations What appeals do advertisers use? How do firms determine which media to use? What legal and ethical issues are of concern to advertisers? Why do firms integrate PR into IMC? How do sales promotions supplement an IMC strategy? These are the learning objectives for this chapter.These are the learning objectives for this chapter.
Slide 3:The Gap
What is The Gaps current strategy? How does it differ from previous campaigns? How is it similar? Gap Commercial Current: Gap is trying to use less famous celebrities in black and white photos that look classic. This is more like their initial campaigns' and unlike those with A-list Celebrities like Penelope Cruz. This YouTube video (always check before class) is for a television ad for the gapCurrent: Gap is trying to use less famous celebrities in black and white photos that look classic. This is more like their initial campaigns' and unlike those with A-list Celebrities like Penelope Cruz. This YouTube video (always check before class) is for a television ad for the gap
Slide 4:Steps in Planning an Ad Campaign
Advertising Age Website This will be covered in the following slides. This web link is for Ad Age it is interesting to visit the site and have students see current issues in advertising.This will be covered in the following slides. This web link is for Ad Age it is interesting to visit the site and have students see current issues in advertising.
Slide 5:Set Advertising Objectives
Push strategy Pull strategy The advertising plan must be specific to the identified target audience and include the strategic objectives and tactics to be used. Group activity: Develop an advertising plan for a product you like. What are the objectives of the campaign? How are you going to accomplish those objectives? How will you measure the campaigns success?The advertising plan must be specific to the identified target audience and include the strategic objectives and tactics to be used. Group activity: Develop an advertising plan for a product you like. What are the objectives of the campaign? How are you going to accomplish those objectives? How will you measure the campaigns success?
Slide 6:Advertising Objectives
An advertising campaign has three broad objectives: inform, persuade, or remind the target audience. An advertising campaign has three broad objectives: inform, persuade, or remind the target audience.
Slide 7:Designing an ad for a delicate topic for parents and kids
This is a good ad to help the mother and parent feel more normal about their older childs bedwetting issue and persuade them to purchase this product for their child.This is a good ad to help the mother and parent feel more normal about their older childs bedwetting issue and persuade them to purchase this product for their child.
Slide 8:Museum of Modern Art, NY
Remind students that all types of firms, including nonprofits, use advertising, as this ad for the Museum of Modern Art shows. Visually, this ad conveys a lot of information yet also serves to persuade consumers to visit and remind patrons what the museum offers. Thus, this ad fulfills all three advertising objectives . Remind students that all types of firms, including nonprofits, use advertising, as this ad for the Museum of Modern Art shows. Visually, this ad conveys a lot of information yet also serves to persuade consumers to visit and remind patrons what the museum offers. Thus, this ad fulfills all three advertising objectives .
Slide 9:Informative Advertising
Communicates to create and build brand awareness Retailers aim to push the consumer through the buying cycle to final purchase Often used to inform customers about upcoming sales events or arrival of new merchandise Group activity: List brands that might benefit from focusing on informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising. Next, list several brands that enjoy top-of-mind awareness for you (e.g., when you think of a cola, does Coke pop into your head unprompted?). Group activity: List brands that might benefit from focusing on informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising. Next, list several brands that enjoy top-of-mind awareness for you (e.g., when you think of a cola, does Coke pop into your head unprompted?).
Slide 10:Persuasive Advertising
Generally occurs in the growth and early maturity stages of the Product Life Cycle when competition is most intense May be used to reposition an established brand in the later stage of the Product Life Cycle When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness, firms use persuasive advertising to motivate consumers to take action.When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness, firms use persuasive advertising to motivate consumers to take action.
Slide 11:Reminder Advertising
Communication used to remind or prompt repurchases Occurs after the products have gained market acceptance Reminder advertising is communication used to remind or prompt repurchases, especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in the maturity stage of their life cycle.Reminder advertising is communication used to remind or prompt repurchases, especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in the maturity stage of their life cycle.
Product-focused advertisements Institutional advertisementsSlide 12:Focus of Advertisements
Most advertising is product focused. However, companies like Exxon-Mobile advertise their commitment to the environment, not their products, to inform, persuade, and remind consumers of positive thoughts about the company, which can prompt the purchase of products and services. Ask students: Why might Exxon be particularly interested in institutional advertising? Oil and Gas companies are often accused of engaging in practices that are harmful to the environment. Therefore it is important for the firm to stress that they are an environmentally responsible firm to negate some of this criticism. Most advertising is product focused. However, companies like Exxon-Mobile advertise their commitment to the environment, not their products, to inform, persuade, and remind consumers of positive thoughts about the company, which can prompt the purchase of products and services. Ask students: Why might Exxon be particularly interested in institutional advertising? Oil and Gas companies are often accused of engaging in practices that are harmful to the environment. Therefore it is important for the firm to stress that they are an environmentally responsible firm to negate some of this criticism.
Slide 13:Primary vs. Selective Demand
The Got Milk campaign generates demand for the entire milk category; an advertisement for a single brand of milk tries to generate selective demand for that particular brand. The two are not mutually exclusive; when Coca-Cola introduced Diet Coke, it created both primary demand for diet soda and selective demand for Diet Coke.The Got Milk campaign generates demand for the entire milk category; an advertisement for a single brand of milk tries to generate selective demand for that particular brand. The two are not mutually exclusive; when Coca-Cola introduced Diet Coke, it created both primary demand for diet soda and selective demand for Diet Coke.
Slide 14:Social Marketing
Public service advertisements are designed to raise awareness of public welfare issues and receive free airtime, as required by the FCC.Public service advertisements are designed to raise awareness of public welfare issues and receive free airtime, as required by the FCC.
Slide 15:The AdCouncil
Ask students: What issues have you seen advertised in PSAs? Are they effective? The AdCouncil creates and distributes most PSAs. This slide shows a campaign for the United Negro College Fund and an anti-bullying initiative. Ask students: What issues have you seen advertised in PSAs? Are they effective? The AdCouncil creates and distributes most PSAs. This slide shows a campaign for the United Negro College Fund and an anti-bullying initiative.
TRUTH Campaign CommercialSlide 16:The TRUTH Takes Hold
How to get young consumers to quit smoking? Part of the tobacco settlement: raising generation that would be smoke free TRUTH uses a hard-hitting media campaign In your face ads As part of the historic tobacco settlement, a fund was created to decrease the incidence of smoking among children and teens. Ask students: Do the shocking images and text used by the TRUTH campaign work? If you think it does not, why do observers consider the overall campaign a success? As part of the historic tobacco settlement, a fund was created to decrease the incidence of smoking among children and teens. Ask students: Do the shocking images and text used by the TRUTH campaign work? If you think it does not, why do observers consider the overall campaign a success?
Slide 17:Determining Advertising Budget
Considerations: Role that advertising plays in their attempt to meet their overall promotional objectives Expenditures vary over the course of the Product Life Cycle Nature of the market and the product influence the size of the budget Setting the promotional budget is not easy, and advertising often is the largest single expenditure in the promotional budget. Thus, firms must carefully weigh the benefits of advertising versus other communications when deciding how much to allocate. Setting the promotional budget is not easy, and advertising often is the largest single expenditure in the promotional budget. Thus, firms must carefully weigh the benefits of advertising versus other communications when deciding how much to allocate.
Slide 18:Convey the Message
Unique selling proposition (USP) Verizon.Its the Network Nokia..Connecting People The USP (unique selling proposition) concept conveys core benefits to the target audience. The best USPs stand the test of time; consider examples such as those on the slide. Ask students: do you believe these will stand the test of time? Nokia has been using connecting people for a long time; however Verizon tends to change and is currently using Its the NetworkThe USP (unique selling proposition) concept conveys core benefits to the target audience. The best USPs stand the test of time; consider examples such as those on the slide. Ask students: do you believe these will stand the test of time? Nokia has been using connecting people for a long time; however Verizon tends to change and is currently using Its the Network
Slide 19:Creative Advertisements
This is a good example of bringing a very mature product category to life with a creative ad.This is a good example of bringing a very mature product category to life with a creative ad.
Slide 20:The Appeal
Emotional appeal Informational appeal Appeals depend on the target audience, chosen media, and type of product/service. Each appeal persuades in different ways. Whereas informational appeals are more cognitive and persuade using rational thought, emotional appeals persuade by triggering an emotional response rather than offering rational arguments. Ask students: how do the two Kleenex ads vary in their type of appeal and how well does each match the product? Which would make you purchase Kleenex? Appeals depend on the target audience, chosen media, and type of product/service. Each appeal persuades in different ways. Whereas informational appeals are more cognitive and persuade using rational thought, emotional appeals persuade by triggering an emotional response rather than offering rational arguments. Ask students: how do the two Kleenex ads vary in their type of appeal and how well does each match the product? Which would make you purchase Kleenex?
Slide 21:Symbols Help to Convey Messages
Ask students what other symbols they know for brands. They are bound to know the hushpuppie dog, Mr. Clean, and more.Ask students what other symbols they know for brands. They are bound to know the hushpuppie dog, Mr. Clean, and more.
Slide 22:Evaluate and Select Media
The ability of any one media outlet to reach a mass audience is declining due to the fragmentation of media and the proliferation of new media outlets. This trend represents a double-edged sword, because fragmenting media have also allowed for very fine targeting in media buys.The ability of any one media outlet to reach a mass audience is declining due to the fragmentation of media and the proliferation of new media outlets. This trend represents a double-edged sword, because fragmenting media have also allowed for very fine targeting in media buys.
Slide 23:Mass and Niche Media
Mass media reach large anonymous audience Niche media reach a smaller more targeted audience Ask students: How would a firm use both mass and niche media in the same campaign? Often firms will use mass media to reach a broad audience with a product message and then choose specific niche media to customize that same message for various audiences. In the McDonalds Case in Point in chapter 17 we discussed how McDonalds is using both mass and niche media.Ask students: How would a firm use both mass and niche media in the same campaign? Often firms will use mass media to reach a broad audience with a product message and then choose specific niche media to customize that same message for various audiences. In the McDonalds Case in Point in chapter 17 we discussed how McDonalds is using both mass and niche media.
Slide 24:Choosing the Right Medium
Ask students: What media do you use and under what circumstances do you use them? For example, do you listen to the radio while driving in your car or watch television when you get home at night? Use these lists to discuss how the usage context of each medium affects how marketers design messages for them. For example most people listen to radio in their cars, often by themselves. Radio is considered a more personal medium, thus marketers often use ads that employ dialogues. This allows the person to place themselves in the conversation. This same technique cannot be used in print. Ask students: What media do you use and under what circumstances do you use them? For example, do you listen to the radio while driving in your car or watch television when you get home at night? Use these lists to discuss how the usage context of each medium affects how marketers design messages for them. For example most people listen to radio in their cars, often by themselves. Radio is considered a more personal medium, thus marketers often use ads that employ dialogues. This allows the person to place themselves in the conversation. This same technique cannot be used in print.
Slide 25:Viral Marketing Campaign
Ask students what other campaigns do they know many will be familiar with the Dove campaign from earlier chapters. If it is near the holiday season OfficeMax might be running this campaign again. If so, see if you can load up some pictures of people at your university and play it for the students. They will find it very entertainingAsk students what other campaigns do they know many will be familiar with the Dove campaign from earlier chapters. If it is near the holiday season OfficeMax might be running this campaign again. If so, see if you can load up some pictures of people at your university and play it for the students. They will find it very entertaining
Slide 26:Determine the Advertising Schedule
Every advertising campaign has a set duration, and during that period, marketers must determine how often and when to show the ads. Ask students: In a media buy when would each strategy be employed? For a frequently purchased good such as soda, most firms use a continuous strategy. A flighting schedule is often used for seasonal goods since they are only advertised during certain times of the year. A pulsing schedule is used by firms who have certain fluctuations in their demand and need to increase advertising during the periods of high or low demand. Every advertising campaign has a set duration, and during that period, marketers must determine how often and when to show the ads. Ask students: In a media buy when would each strategy be employed? For a frequently purchased good such as soda, most firms use a continuous strategy. A flighting schedule is often used for seasonal goods since they are only advertised during certain times of the year. A pulsing schedule is used by firms who have certain fluctuations in their demand and need to increase advertising during the periods of high or low demand.
Slide 27:Create Advertisements
Ads attempt to make maximum use of the mediums ability to deliver the message. Discuss the benefits and limitations of various media. For example, television enables advertisers to combine imagery, movement, and music, whereas radio must rely solely on sound to deliver the message. Ads attempt to make maximum use of the mediums ability to deliver the message. Discuss the benefits and limitations of various media. For example, television enables advertisers to combine imagery, movement, and music, whereas radio must rely solely on sound to deliver the message.
Slide 28:This print Ad for Southwest Airlines is using humor to deliver the selling message. The text copy Maybe We Made Group Travel a Little Too Easy? informs consumers of the group travel service offered by Southwest. In fact group travel is so easy you can have a birthday party for your cat and invite all of your friends and family. Notice that even though this is a static picture there is a lot of movement in the ad. Lots of people doing lots of different things. Ask students: How long did it take you to figure out that the birthday party is for the cat?This print Ad for Southwest Airlines is using humor to deliver the selling message. The text copy Maybe We Made Group Travel a Little Too Easy? informs consumers of the group travel service offered by Southwest. In fact group travel is so easy you can have a birthday party for your cat and invite all of your friends and family. Notice that even though this is a static picture there is a lot of movement in the ad. Lots of people doing lots of different things. Ask students: How long did it take you to figure out that the birthday party is for the cat?
Slide 29:Assess Impact
Group activity: Your group has been assigned to assess the impact of a campaign for a new perfume. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness of the brand within a chosen target market by 20% over the campaign. What measures would you need to take to ensure that the campaign is remaining on track? Answer: You could design a tracking study that measures sales, website visits and sample requests generated over the course of the campaign. You also might measure awareness levels of the target market at various stages of the campaign. Group activity: Your group has been assigned to assess the impact of a campaign for a new perfume. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness of the brand within a chosen target market by 20% over the campaign. What measures would you need to take to ensure that the campaign is remaining on track? Answer: You could design a tracking study that measures sales, website visits and sample requests generated over the course of the campaign. You also might measure awareness levels of the target market at various stages of the campaign.
Slide 30:Check Yourself
(1) identify their target market, (2) set advertising objectives, (3) set the advertising budget, (4) depict their product or service, (5) evaluate and select the media, (6) create the ad, and (7) assess the impact of the ad. Informative advertising communicates to create and build brand awareness, with the ultimate goal of moving the consumer through the buying cycle to a purchase. When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness, firms use persuasive advertising to motivate consumers to take action. Persuasive advertising generally occurs in the growth and early maturity stages of the product life cycle. reminder advertising is communication used to remind or prompt repurchases, especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in the maturity stage of their life cycle. See exhibit 18.3 on slide #28.(1) identify their target market, (2) set advertising objectives, (3) set the advertising budget, (4) depict their product or service, (5) evaluate and select the media, (6) create the ad, and (7) assess the impact of the ad. Informative advertising communicates to create and build brand awareness, with the ultimate goal of moving the consumer through the buying cycle to a purchase. When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness, firms use persuasive advertising to motivate consumers to take action. Persuasive advertising generally occurs in the growth and early maturity stages of the product life cycle. reminder advertising is communication used to remind or prompt repurchases, especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in the maturity stage of their life cycle. See exhibit 18.3 on slide #28.