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Explore the enduring spiritual principles, from General Revelation to Divine Covenants, guiding mankind through Dispensations. Dive into the failures and tests faced in the Dispensation of Promise as chronicled in Genesis.
Spirituality through the Ages I. Transcendent Principles II. Spirituality by Dispensation III. Review/Conclusion
Transcendent Principles of Preservation and Conviction • General Revelation (Creation) • Divine Institutions • Volition • Marriage • Family • Nations • Covenants • Noahic • Abrahamic • Mosaic* • Palestinian • Davidic • New • Governing Factors of Dispensations • Conscience • Restraint of the Holy Spirit • Civil Government • Patriarchal Leadership • Law*
Dispensation of Promise Initial Conditions All Divine Institutions (Volition, Marriage, Family, and Nationalism) are in place. The Noahic Covenant remains in place as a permanent promise to man. The governing factors of conscience, the restraint of the Holy Spirit, and civil government are carried forward. In accordance with the terms of the Noahic Covenant, mankind has been spared widespread destruction, but has been scattered through the earth by language (ethnic) group.
Abrahamic Covenant Genesis 12:1-3 v 1 Land: the promise of a permanent homeland. v 2 Seed: the promise of a multitude of descendants, unto the stature of a great nation. vv 2-3 Blessing: the promise of blessing, both personal and universal by association.
Facets of the Promise to Abraham Dispensational Governing Factor General-National Transcendent Principles of Covenant Transcendent Principles of True Spirituality
pg. 54 Test and Failure of Dispensation of Promise “Until this dispensation, all mankind had been directly related to God’s governing principles. Now God marked out one family and one nation and in them made a representative test of all. “The responsibility of the patriarchs was simply to believe and serve God, and God gave them every material and spiritual provision to encourage them to do this. The Promised Land was theirs, and blessing was theirs as long as they remained in the land. But, of course, there was failure soon and often. Finally, Jacob led the people to Egypt, and soon the judgment of slavery was brought on them.”