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How to Use Shopping Surveys to Increase Ecommerce Conversions

Shopping surveys help you to discover why your visitors arenu2019t buying your products, instead of just guessing at the reasons. When you know what exactly is stopping your potential customers from making purchases, you can address the barriers. And, in turn, increase your conversions.

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How to Use Shopping Surveys to Increase Ecommerce Conversions

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  1. How to Use Shopping Surveys to Increase Ecommerce Conversions Shopping surveys help you to discover why your visitors aren’t buying your products, instead of just guessing at the reasons. When you know what exactly is stopping your potential customers from making purchases, you can address the barriers. And, in turn, increase your conversions. Since there are different kinds of shopping surveys that you can use, we are going to explain each and show you how to use them effectively. To easily incorporate surveys into your site, get you a great ecommerce theme that works well with survey tools. Download Debutify, the highest-converting free Shopify theme, today! Here is how to use exit-intent surveys, in-session surveys, and post-purchase surveys to increase eCommerce conversions: Exit-Intent Surveys

  2. These pop-up surveys are triggered when a potential customer moves their mouse to exit the page. Their goal is to find out why the visitor is leaving the site. This way, you can come up with a way to persuade them to stay and make a purchase. For instance, if high shipping costs are forcing a shopper to quit their checkout session, offering them a good discount and promotion can convince them to buy. Or if it makes business sense, you can offer them free shipping. The insights you get from these eCommerce shopping surveys will both save current and future sales. With future sales, they’ll help you fix the barriers so that other visitors don’t run into the same problem. For example, if a customer pointed out that there was a code error on the cart page that was stopping customers from checking out, you’d be able to rectify the problem. It would be best if you tried as hard as possible to turn prospects into customers because it’s easier to market to customers. This is because you can use the items they previously brought to determine other products they might be interested in. In-Session Surveys They’re pop-up surveys that can help you get feedback about your website and its products. The surveys can be triggered while the shopper is browsing your store or after they have made a purchase. Browsing surveys pop-up when a customer spends more than 2 minutes on a page without making a decision, especially on the cart page. Here you can ask a question like, “What are you uncertain about this purchase?” to avoid cart abandonment. This is one of the biggest hurdles to conversions for eCommerce stores. In fact, Statista states that 88.05% of customers abandon their purchases at the cart level. So, it would be best if you addressed the customers’ concerns at this level to get them to complete their purchase and avoid losing money. Other questions you ask on-site are, “What information are you looking for?” and “Is there any other information you would like to see on this page?” These questions can help you direct the customer to what they’re searching for, and also get to learn what more information is needed on the product page. For the post-purchase eCommerce shopping surveys on the thank you page, the survey should pop-up from the bottom within seconds of confirming the purchase. Questions to ask include: 1. How would you rate your experience on our store? 2. How can we improve the experience? (Ask if the shopper gives you a low rate) 3. What satisfied you the most about the experience? (Ask if the reviewer rates your experience highly) 4. What nearly stopped you from shopping on our store? Answers to these questions can give you valuable insights on how to improve the shopping experience on your eCommerce store, and in turn, boost conversions. You also get to learn what is working in your customer service process so that you make it a more prominent part of the overall experience.

  3. Debutify has powerful pop-up add-ons that you can use to deliver great in-session surveys. Click here to get Debutify, the top-converting free Shopify theme. Post-Purchase Surveys With these eCommerce shopping surveys, you can get to understand the hesitations customers had before buying from you as well as why they bought from you, and how they like the product. In order to successfully use these surveys for eCommerce conversions, you need to send them at the right time. They should be sent after the customer has gotten the product and had a chance to test or try it-to get accurate information. You can then use this data to tailor your marketing to suit this client and others who fall in the same category. For instance, if the customer says that they hesitated to buy because the size chart was hard to find, then you need to place it in a visible area. Doing this can ensure a smooth sailing shopping journey for other buyers. So, in a nutshell, you can use these surveys to increase eCommerce conversions by addressing buyer objections and doubts before they arise. And also be able to send out targeted marketing campaigns to shoppers based on their interests. Besides that, after implementing the suggestions or addressing the issues the customers have raised, you need to reach out once again. To thank them for their valuable feedback, and also to inform them about the actions you took. When you make customers feel heard and treasured, you’ll turn them into loyal customers that will easily sing your praise to others. More importantly, you can convert the customers’ positive responses into testimonials and put them on all your product pages for social proof. This will help you build trust and confidence in your eCommerce store as well as fix people’s doubts. Though, it would be best if you remembered to ask the reviewers before you use them in your testimonials. Not all themes have provisions for adding testimonials to your site. If yours is one of those, you should opt for Debutify – a theme that allows you to easily integrate product testimonials. Download the powerful Debutify theme now, it’s completely free! How to Create And Use Post-purchase eCommerce Shopping Surveys For Conversions

  4. First, you need reliable software to streamline the process of sending out surveys to customers. Some of the software you can opt for are; Survey Monkey, SoGoSurvey, and Typeform. After getting the software, you need to create your survey by coming up with the questions that you’ll ask the customer. To help you come up with great survey questions, here are certain tips to keep in mind while forming these eCommerce shopping surveys: · Start with close-ended questions – those that call for a yes or no answer or a scale rating answer. This is to draw customers into answering because these kinds of questions are easy to answer. After you’ve tempted the buyer into answering the first question, you can follow up with others. Keep in mind that one of the reasons why consumers don’t answer surveys is because they feel that they’re time-consuming. · Ask direct and relevant questions to the purpose of your survey. If you want to know what they thought of your customer service/their experience, ask directly. · Use simple English to ensure that the customers easily understand what you’re asking them. · Avoid leading questions that bias the customer and sabotage the purpose of the survey. For instance, asking too many questions that offer multiple choice options can limit your insight into just those answers. If you’re to ask multiple-choice questions, always add the “other” option so that reviewers can provide more answers. · Mix both close-ended and open-ended questions in your survey. But the close-ended questions should be more to avoid consumers from abandoning the survey because it’s too difficult or requires a lot of thinking. Besides, you can ask close-ended questions first and follow them up open-ended questions if you need more clarity. · Limit your questions to 7 or less to prevent customers from not completing the survey because it’s time-consuming. Since post-purchase email surveys are similar to in-session after purchase ones, but just longer, here are some questions you can add to the ones mentioned above: 1. Would you recommend (company name) to your friends? 2. How would you describe us to your friends? (answers can be used in your marketing campaign) 3. Are you satisfied with the product(s) you purchased? 4. your customized product description) How have the products made your life better? (you can use the answers given to improve 5. What other stores did you consider before buying from us? (this helps you to discover those competitors you weren’t aware of) Above all, you need to analyze the information you get from the surveys critically, or else it will be useless. That means be data-informed rather than data-driven so that you effectively use the data collected. In Conclusion

  5. If you’re not already using eCommerce shopping surveys, now is the time for you to start. That’s if you’re serious about growing your conversion rates. Not all shoppers will buy from you, but you can work to see that most of them do. By effectively using surveys to improve the shopping experience, your trustworthiness, and offer target marketing, you’ll surely see an increase in your eCommerce conversions. Shopping surveys work best when used along with a beautiful theme that has numerous design features. Click here to get Debutify, the highest converting free Shopify theme.

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