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ENC 1102 Agenda for april 9, 2013. Daily Objective: To be able to write a thorough poem analysis and to plan how to write a thorough literary analysis. Daily Assignments: Write a one or two sentence piece of advice for next year’s incoming freshmen
ENC 1102 Agenda for april 9, 2013 • Daily Objective: To be able to write a thorough poem analysis and to plan how to write a thorough literary analysis. • Daily Assignments: • Write a one or two sentence piece of advice for next year’s incoming freshmen • Work on final draft of poem analysis essay--due tonight at 11:59 pm (in Rm. 214 for 3A and 4A) • Work on Paper Proposal for Literary Analysis Research Paper- due tonight to Discussion Board of www.turnitin.com • Work on Brainstorming/Works Cited for Literary Analysis Research Paper on British Literature book- due April 11 at 11:59 pm
Enc 1102 agenda for april 11, 2013 • Daily Objective: To be able to pre-plan and research for a literary analysis research paper. • Daily Assignments: • Read poems from the Romantic Age • Work on Brainstorming/Works Cited for Literary Analysis Research Paper on British Literature book-due tonight at 11:59 pm (3A and 4A in Rm. 214) • Mrs. Hart will be in for part of the period as I recruit for AP English Language in her English II Honors class
Ap eng. Lang agenda for april 8/9 • Daily Objective: To understand how awesome we are as writers since we wrote our first AP essay in sophomore English last year AND to understand Plain Style of writing after reading William Bradford • Daily Assignments: • 4B- I will leave for part of the period so I can recruit for AP English Language in English II Honors; Mrs. Hart will watch you at that time • Complete peer editing of English II Honor’s students essay on Jamaica Kincaid excerpt • Listen to Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the Virginia Convention” and work on speech; you need to give your speech next class period AND submit it to www.turnitin.com by the time YOUR class starts • If you are not working on your speech since you do not have access to a laptop, you should read Of Plymouth Plantation (p. 54-59) and do handout on it; this is due at end of period • You can also work on your Great Test Makers Assignment, which is due April 10 at 11:59 pm
Ap eng. Lang. agenda for april 10/11 • Daily Objective: To do an amazing job giving a speech in front of one’s peers. • Daily Assignments: • Present speech • Warning: You will have a “real” AP exam on Early American/American Revolution Pieces next week and it will be worth 250 points.
Ap eng. Lang. agenda for april 12 • Daily Objective: To understand the importance of music in triggering memories. • Daily Assignments: • Read Dave Barry’s Hits Below the Beltway (p. 372)and come up with 10 Other Amendments to the Constitution • Assign and work on Emersonian/Thoreauvian Song Presentation (p. 432)- due April 22/23 • Next class period: We will begin our AP exam on Early American/American Revolution Pieces