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Hukum Mendel (Mendel’s Laws of Heredity)

Hukum Mendel (Mendel’s Laws of Heredity). Prof. sutarno. Hasil persilangan Mendel. Fertilization : the uniting of male and female gametes Cross (persilangan): combining gametes from parents with different traits. What Did Mendel Find?.

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Hukum Mendel (Mendel’s Laws of Heredity)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hukum Mendel (Mendel’s Laws of Heredity) Prof. sutarno

  2. Hasil persilangan Mendel • Fertilization: the uniting of male and female gametes • Cross (persilangan): combining gametes from parents with different traits

  3. What Did Mendel Find? • He discovered different laws and rules that explain factors affecting heredity.

  4. Rule of Unit Factors • Each organism has two alleles for each trait • Alleles - different forms of the same gene • Genes - located on chromosomes, they control how an organism develops

  5. Rule of Dominance • The trait that is observed in the offspring is the dominant trait (uppercase) • The trait that disappears in the offspring is the recessive trait (lowercase)

  6. Law of Segregation (hukumsegregasi) • The two alleles for a trait must separate when gametes are formed • A parent randomly passesonly oneallele for each trait to each offspring

  7. Law of Independent Assortment (Hukumberpasanganbebas) • The genes for different traits are inherited independently of each other.

  8. Phenotype & Genotype • Phenotype - the way an organism looks • red hair or brown hair • genotype - the gene combination of an organism • AA or Aa or aa

  9. Heterozygous & Homozygous • Heterozygous - if the two alleles for a trait are different (Aa) • Homozygous - if the two alleles for a trait are the same (AA or aa)

  10. Dihybrid vs Monohybrid • Dihybrid Cross - crossing parents who differ in two traits (AAEE with aaee) • Monohybrid Cross - crossing parents who differ in only one trait (AA with aa)

  11. 6 tipe persilangan monofaktorial (misalnya B utk hitam dominan, b putih resesif)

  12. Test Cross (uji silang) • Untuk menentukan genotipe suatu individu yang menunjukkan fenotipe dominan, krn indiv tsb dpt mrpkn homozigot maupun heterozigot. • Untuk mengetahui berapa banyak macam gamet yg dihasilkan oleh individu yg genotipenya dipertanyakan • individu homozigot resesif digunakan sbg induk uji silang • Misalnya kita akan melakukan uji silang antara marmut jantan berbulu putih dengan marmut betina berbulu hitam yg genotipenya tdk diketahui.

  13. Sekenario 1. betina hitam tsb homozigot: • P : • Gamet : • F1 : • Kesimpulan: Dominan homozigot/ dominan heterozigot? Skenario 2: betina hitam tsb heterozigot: • P : • Gamet : • F1 : • Kesimpulan: Dominan homozigot/ dominan heterozigot?

  14. Persilangan balik (backcross) • Perkawinan F1 dengan salah satu induknya (jndiv yg identik genotipenya dgn genotipe induk) • Misalnya persilangan antara marmut betina hitam dengan marmut jantan putih. Seekor anak jantan F1 disilangbalikkan dengan induk betinanya. Hasil persilangan dan persilangan balik?

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