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What is Test Automation Framework in Selenium?

A test automation framework in Selenium is a coding structure that facilitates code maintenance. Selenium is a web application testing framework that is portable. The tests may be created in various computer languages or as HTML tables. The Selenium framework is a set of automated testing tools relying on JavaScript.

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What is Test Automation Framework in Selenium?

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  1. What is test automation framework in selenium? Automation testing has become an essential part of the software testing process. Whenever there is a discussion about automation testing, one framework that always comes to our mind is selenium. Though there is various automation testing framework available the choice of correct framework depends on business and project requirements. Let us now try to understand this framework in more detail. What is the selenium test automation framework? It is a code structure that makes code maintenance easy and efficient. It helps to increase code reusability, reduces the cost of script maintenance, and ensures better code readability, etc. Selenium is not just a single tool rather it is a suite of tools that helps to automate tests for websites. The various components of selenium are Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, and Selenium WebDriver. The latest version of selenium is selenium 4 alpha 5. What are the types of selenium frameworks? There are mainly three types of frameworks created by Selenium Web Driver that are used to automate manual test cases: • Data-driven test framework • Keyword driven test framework • Hybrid test framework Let us now try to understand each of these framework types in more detail: Data-driven test framework Keyword-driven test framework Hybrid test framework Data-driven test framework - In this framework the data sets are separated from the test cases. Once the data sets are separated from the test case, it becomes easy to modify the test case for a specific functionality without changing the code. This method is used to fetch test cases and suites from external files like excel, .csv, .xml, etc. Keyword-driven test framework – This method speeds up the automated tests by separating keywords for a common set of functions and instructions. All the operations and instructions to be performed are written in external files like an excel sheet. Users can easily control and specify the functionalities they want to test. Hybrid test framework- In this concept both Keyword-driven frameworks as well as Data-driven frameworks are used. It is an easy-to-use framework that allows manual testers to create test cases by just looking at the keywords, test data, and object repository without coding in the framework. Why is the selenium test automation framework Below mentioned is the list of reasons why this test automation framework is widely used in software testing: • It is an open-source framework that helps the organization save costs • This tool gets continuous updates which are very necessary for a tool to be effective • This tool allows scripting in various languages Java, Python, C#, PHP, Ruby, Perl and .Net • The test can be carried out on Windows, macOS, and Linux • It allows testing on any browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, and Opera • This tool allows cross-browser compatibility testing with strong environment support. What are the top selenium C# frameworks? With the ever-increasing number of languages and frameworks, it is quite obvious for people to get confused between these frameworks. There are various types of C# frameworks available for selenium testing but the choice of the framework completely depends on organizational needs and requirements. Let us now look at some of the best selenium C# frameworks that are used in software testing: Nunit – It is an open-source framework that is ported from JUnit. The latest version of this framework is NUnit 3.12.0 which has a host of new features and supports a wide range platforms. This framework is widely preferred developers for automated browser testing. It is a user-extensible that follows a parameterized syntax and is primarily used for Test-Driven Development (TDD) with supported platforms .NET framework 3.5+, .NET Standard 1.4+, and .Net Core. MSTest – It is also known as the visual studio unit testing framework. The latest version of MSTest is MSTest 2.1.2. This framework tests via attributes under which the implementation is present. The primary responsibility of annotations in MSTest is to inform the framework interpretation of the source code. As community-focused selenium C# framework, it is gaining acceptance and popularity for tests related to automating browser testing. Gauge – It is an open-source test automation framework created by Thought Works Inc. that is used to create readable and maintainable tests using C#. The latest version of Gauge for C# is 1.1.7. It is used for the development of BDD (Behaviour Development) (Acceptance Development). identifies annotations/ of .NET by C# Driven ATDD Driven and Test underlying about framework the it is a C#. The are CONCLUSION Selenium framework is considered as one of the favorite frameworks of testers for test automation worldwide. Well, the reason for this is simple, first, it is open-source, second, it comes with amazing features such as multi-language support, multi-browser, and OS system, and third, it has great community support that helps testers with their test automation need. Leverage automation testing services from a next-gen QA and software testing services provider to achieve high-quality software. www.TestingXperts.com To know more about our services please email us at info@testingxperts.com USA | CANADA | UK | NETHERLANDS | SOUTH AFRICA | INDIA | SINGAPORE © 2022 TestingXperts, All Rights Reserved © www.testingxperts.com

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