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Fort McMurray PD Day

Fort McMurray PD Day. Digging Deeper From Theory to Practice . Fort McMurray Team including Ray Campbell and Vic Steel . “Inspire Learning” Integrating Your ActivBoard and ActivInspire Software into the Curriculum with Karla Holt.

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Fort McMurray PD Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fort McMurray PD Day Digging Deeper From Theory to Practice

  2. Fort McMurray Team including Ray Campbell and Vic Steel

  3. “Inspire Learning” Integrating Your ActivBoard and ActivInspire Software into the Curriculum with Karla Holt

  4. The Art of Questioning the Critically Thoughtful Classroom/Collaborative Learning, Grades 7-12 with Dan Bateman

  5. A Happy Group, Excited for Fort McMurray PD!

  6. Leah Andrews

  7. Thalia Hartson

  8. Joanne Neal

  9. The New CTS Curriculum – Finding the Help You Need with Gloria Perrin

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