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書報討論 Fall 2004

書報討論 Fall 2004. 蘇柏齊 助理教授. 書報討論概要. 地點 : 視聽教室 (E6-207) 碩一與博一必修 時間 : 每週三下午三時至五時 邀請對象 ( 產官學界 ) 產業界 : 了解實業界運用資訊科技情況 官方 : 資訊產業政策 學界 : 其他學校研究機構之專家研究情形. 書報討論參與. 請大家踴躍參加 專家學者聘請不易 增廣學習領域 與實業界應用發展情形接軌. 演講排程. 09/29 中山科學研究院 系統晶片中心 張誠博士 10/06 IBM Senior Consultant 王鎮志資深顧問

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書報討論 Fall 2004

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  1. 書報討論Fall 2004 蘇柏齊 助理教授

  2. 書報討論概要 • 地點: 視聽教室 (E6-207) • 碩一與博一必修 • 時間: 每週三下午三時至五時 • 邀請對象 (產官學界) • 產業界: 了解實業界運用資訊科技情況 • 官方: 資訊產業政策 • 學界: 其他學校研究機構之專家研究情形

  3. 書報討論參與 • 請大家踴躍參加 • 專家學者聘請不易 • 增廣學習領域 • 與實業界應用發展情形接軌

  4. 演講排程 • 09/29 中山科學研究院 系統晶片中心張誠博士 • 10/06IBM Senior Consultant 王鎮志資深顧問 • 10/13宏廣創新動畫公司顧問

  5. 演講排程 • 10/20 中山大學資工系張玉盈教授 • 10/27 中原大學資管系廖慶榮教授 • 11/03 微軟技術中心副總經理 Christopher H. Short • 工研院, 資策會, 國科會專家… • 交大, 成大教授, 北科大…

  6. My Research Experience and Plan 蘇柏齊 Po-Chyi Su

  7. 大綱 • 自我簡介 • 資料隱藏的研究 • 未來研究方向

  8. 學歷 • 學士 (1995) • 國立台灣大學電機工程學系 • 碩士、博士 (1998, 2003) • 美國南加州大學電機工程學系University of Southern CaliforniaDept. of Electrical Engineering – Systems • 指導教授: 郭宗杰博士 (Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo) • Dissertation: “Information Hiding in Digital Images: Watermarking and Steganography”

  9. 經歷 • Engineer – ITRI • Developed DTV software/hardware • Research assistant – Univ. of Southern California • Information hiding & media content protection • Engineer – InterVideo Inc. • Image-processing/text filters of a video editing software • Engineer – Media Fair Inc. • Developed digital watermarking techniques for multimedia content protection • Assisted in performance evaluation of digital watermarking schemes for DVD • Member of U.S. National Delegates to MPEG-7 International Standard

  10. 資料隱藏的研究

  11. Info. Hiding in Digital Images: Watermarking & Steganography • Digital Watermarking • The hidden information is related with the host content • Steganography • The hidden information is unrelated with the host content Watermarking - Ownership- User info. - Date/Time - Index Composite Image Host Image Hidden Information Steganography

  12. Watermarking and Encryption • Digital Watermarking • A digital watermark is a signal that is embedded in a digital media • Embedded information and data are inseparable • Encryption • Protect content information during the transmission of the data • After receipt and subsequent decryption, the data is no longer protected

  13. Applications of Info. Hiding • Proof of Ownership • Copy Protection • Fingerprinting • Authentication • Broadcast Monitoring • Covert Communication

  14. Design Issues of Information Hiding Robustness Capacity Unobtrusive Security Complexity False Detection Rate

  15. My Dissertation (Part I) Information Hiding in JPEG2000 • The earliest work on information-hiding in JPEG2000 compressed images • Robust digital watermark: • “An Integrated Approach to Image Watermarking and JPEG-2000 Compression” in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 2001 • Steganography for covert communication • “Steganography in JPEG2000 Compressed Images” accepted by IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics Special Issue on JPEG2000: Implementations & Applications

  16. My Dissertation [PART II] Towards Affine-Invariant Digital Image Watermarking • Synchronization problem in watermark detection because of geometrical attacks ?? Rotation/ Cropping Cropping Change of aspect ratio Scaling Shearing/Cropping

  17. JPEG2000 Watermarking • Compression and watermarking share some characteristics • Spread-spectrum watermarking • Selecting coefficients (quantization indices) by examining bit-planes. • Correlation detector • Features • Efficiency • Progressive watermarking detection • Region of interest watermarking • False positive detection rate estimation

  18. Invisibility Test Marked Image (38.20 dB) Original Image Spatial Difference Original Image Marked Image (38.31 dB) Spatial Difference

  19. Invisibility Test (cont.) Spatial Difference Marked Image (39.16 dB) Original Image Marked Image (39.26 dB) Spatial Difference Original Image

  20. Invisibility Test (cont.) Marked Image (40.65 dB) Original Image Spatial Difference Marked Image (41.13 dB) Original Image Spatial Difference

  21. JPEG2000 Watermarking Robustness against Attacks (1) No Attack Cropping Sharpening Edge Enhancing Blurring GIF conversion Halftoning Noise Adding

  22. JPEG2000 Watermarking Robustness against Attacks (2) Histogram Equalization DCT-based compression Wavelet-based compression Hot Wax Coating Dilation Eroding Mosaic Others

  23. ROI Watermarking Decompressed watermarked image with low bit rate Spatial Difference Original Image with two ROI’s (circular shape)

  24. Bitmap Embedding & Retrieval PSNR: 37.02dB No Attack 100% JPEG 75% 98.07% JPEG 60% 96.99% JPEG50% 93.90% PSNR: 36.94dB No Attack 100% JPEG 75% 98.69% JPEG 60% 97.84% JPEG 50% 95.37%

  25. JPEG2000 Steganography • Covert communication • Transmitting sensitive information • Military usage • Requirements • Transparency • Reliability • Capacity • Security

  26. JPEG2K bit-stream of the host image JPEG2K bit-stream of the hidden image Steganographic Scheme under the JPEG2000 Framework • Reliable & secret transmission • Controllable rate-distortion trade-off • Progressive transmission

  27. Grid Signal Embedding/Detection with Autocorrelation Scaled watermarked image Unattacked watermarked image Rotated watermarked image

  28. Proposed Affine-Invariant Digital Image Watermarking Schemes • Spatial-frequency composite watermarking • “An Image Watermarking Scheme to Resist Generalized Geometrical Transformations” in SPIE Photonics East, Boston, MA, 2000 • Affine-invariant Block-based watermarking • “Synchronized Detection of the Block-based Watermark with Invisible Grid Embedding” in SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA, 2001

  29. 未來研究方向 Multimedia Security Multimedia Database Multimedia Coding

  30. Multimedia Security • Digital Watermarking • High capacity/Robustness/Security • Digital Rights Management (DRM) • Technology • Legal issues • Business model • Surveillance System • Security • Content authentication • Event notification

  31. Multimedia Database • Video Analysis/Indexing/Skimming/Mining • Apply audiovisual data • More specific types of videos • Old movie, TV News, Sport… • Constraints

  32. Multimedia Coding • JPEG2000 • Application oriented • ROI coding • Volumetric images • H.264/MPEG4 Part10 • Simplified implementation • Trade-off between performance & complexity

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