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KETO DIET –What is Keto and Types of Keto Diet

Are you worried about your continuously increasing weight? Are you looking to have a kick-start towards achievement of your health goals this year?<br><br>

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KETO DIET –What is Keto and Types of Keto Diet

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  1. KETO DIET –What is Keto and Types of Keto Diet Are you worried about your continuously increasing weight? Are you looking to have a kick-start towards achievement of your health goals this year? Then you might have already read or heard about the term “Keto Diet”. A ketogenic diet (most popularly known as a keto diet) is a low-carb diet which effectively aids to burn fats of your body. Most of you confuse keto diet to be a “no-carb diet”, but in actual it is a “low-carb diet”. Here is a complete guide on keto diet for beginners that will help you to know everything about it. What is Keto Diet? A ketogenic diet or keto diet is a low-carb diet that replaces fat with the reduced carbohydrate intake in the body. A metabolic state known as “Ketosis” is generated due to the reduction of carbohydrate and thus it aids your body to generate high energy by effectively burning fat. Keto diet converts fat into ketones in the liver, which supply significant amount of energy for your brain. Along with this, there are numerous health benefits of consuming appropriate keto meals which are discussed in the subsequent sections of this article. Types of Keto Diet So now that you have decided to carry out a keto diet, it is very important for you to know about different types of keto diet. Yes! There are different versions of a keto diet depending on the needs and requirements of your body. Here are the various types of a keto diet, out of which you can select the most appropriate one as per your convenience. 1.) Standard Keto Diet (SKD): - This type of keto diet contains high amount of fat (about 75%), moderate amount of proteins (20%), and very low amount of carb (only 5%). 2.) Targeted Keto Diet (TKD): - A targeted keto diet enables you to increase carbs during your physical exercises and workouts.

  2. 3.) High-Protein Keto Diet: - As the name suggests, this type of keto diet contains significantly high amount of proteins (about 35%), which is 15% more than that in a standard keto diet. The amount of carb in this type of keto diet is 5%, whereas fat is around 60%. 4.) Cyclical Keto Diet: -This type of keto diet consists of refeeds’ periods of higher-carbs along with the standard keto diet. In a week of cyclical keto diet, 5 days of ketogenic diet are followed by 2 days of higher-carbs. However, targeted or cyclical keto diets are not so common and are often used by athletes or bodybuilders only. For most of the people like us, standard keto diet and high-protein keto diet are considered as the most suitable ones. For more info please follow Top 10, celebrity news, travel, health, just -fyi, recipe and many more in wat-not

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