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Comprehensive Guide to Data Collection in Research Methodology by Prof. M.J. Kadam

Explore the importance, types, and methods of data collection. Learn about primary and secondary data, observation, questionnaire, interview, and schedule methods.

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Comprehensive Guide to Data Collection in Research Methodology by Prof. M.J. Kadam

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Economics-VII(Research Methodology)Topic-Data Collection Presented By Prof. M.J.Kadam

  2. Data Collection Data Collection is the process of acquiring and gathering information needed for a study. Data Collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data.

  3. IMPORTANCE OF DATA COLLECTION IN RESEARCH Data Collection is a soul of research process. Data Collection is essential to prepare a research design. It helps us to select the appropriate methodology for the effectiveness of any research.

  4. TYPES OF DATA Primary Data Secondary Data

  5. Methods of Primary Data Collection Observation Method Questionnaire Method Interview Method Schedule Method

  6. 1) Observation Method A research technique in which the behaviour of research subject is watched and recorded without any direct contact or interaction. e.g. Marketing research, human behaviour etc.

  7. Types Of Observation method Participant Observation Non-Participant Observation Controlled Observation Uncontrolled Observation

  8. 2) Questionnaire Method Questionnaire is the list of questions, which is related to the research. Objectives Of Questionnaire method Access to large number of respondents Easy to analyze with statistics Saving of money, effort and time.

  9. Objectives Of Questionnaire method Access to large number of respondents Easy to analyze with statistics Saving of money, effort and time.

  10. Types Of Questionnaire Method Closed Questionnaire Open Questionnaire

  11. 3)Interview Method “A two way systematic conversation between an investigator and informant for obtaining information relevant to study.” Face-to-Face interviews allow you to observe non-verbal communication. Interviews give more information/data than a questionnaire.

  12. Types Of Interview Method Structured Interview Unstructured Interview Semi-structured Interview Telephone Interview

  13. 4) Schedule Method “Schedule Method is the mixture of Observation, Questionnaire and Interview methods. It is most helpful for socio-economic research.

  14. SECONDARY DATA Personal Document Autobiographies Diary Letters

  15. 2) Public Documents Govt. Publications Publications of Various Institutions News Papers Autobiographies of Important Personalities Historical Documents International Publications

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