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Learn about STAP - The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility. Providing strategic advice on GEF projects, STAP reviews proposals and offers expert recommendations. Explore STAP's role in advancing sustainability and its recent advisory products here.
The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility STAP/GEF Guadalupe Durón STAP Secretariat
What is STAP? • Established in the pilot phase of the GEF (1991-1994) • Mandate • Develop criteria for selecting GEF projects • Review project proposals • Create a roster of experts
What is STAP? In 1994, the GEF Instrument sets up STAP – “UNEP shall establish, in consultation with UNDP and the World Bank and on the basis of guidelines and criteria established by the Council, the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) as an advisory body to the Facility. UNEP shall provide the STAP’s Secretariat and shall operate as the liaison between the Facility and the STAP.” (Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured Global Environment Facility, 1994 and 2008)
What is STAP? • The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) provides strategic and independent advice on projects, programs, and policies. • STAP is administered by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and it is supported by a Secretariat based in Washington, D.C.
Who is STAP? Present composition – July 2010 to June 2011 Meryl J. Williams Co-Chair , IW N.H. Ravindranath Climate Change Thomas E. Lovejoy, Chair Sandra Diaz Biodiversity Henk Bouwman Chemicals & POPs Nteranya Sanginga Land Degradation Michael Stocking Special Advisor to the Chair http://www.unep.org/stap/
IAs / EAs UNDP Donor Replenishment Group GEFEO UNEP STAP CBD W.B. UNFCC ADB ASSEMBLY NGOS POPS Af DB COUNCIL CCD CEO / CHAIRMAN EBRD GEF SECRETARIAT Multilateral Fund of Montreal Protocol FAO IDB IFAD International Waters UNIDO 1/04
Project and program advice • Ensure the scientific and technical quality of GEF projects and programmatic approaches • Responsible for targeted research (project reviews and policy [ Principles for GEF financing of Targeted Research, 1997]) • Advise on cross-cutting thematic areas, such as adaptation to climate change, sustainable forest management, and chemicals management
Strategic advice • “How to” develop/implement projects, or programs, in a specific topic supported by the GEF strategies (Example – “Payments for Environmental Services and the Global Environment Facility”) • Develop methodologies for the GEF (Example – “Manual for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Benefits for GEF Transport Projects”) • Scan emerging global environmental issues (Example – Enhancing resilience to reduce climate change risks)
Policy advice • Results based management – on going • Knowledge management – on going • Targeted research – on going • Criteria for focal area set asides – 2009/2010 • GEF-5 focal area strategies – 2009 • STAR (choice of indicators) – 2009
Recent Advisory Products http://www.unep.org/stap/
Collaborating with Conventions Externally, STAP interacts in a complementary manner with the scientific and technical bodies of: • the Convention on Biological Diversity, • the Framework Convention on Climate Change, • the Convention to Combat Desertification, • the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, and • the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
UNCCD, GEF, STAP Improving the effectiveness of UNCCD’s impact indicators • Technical review • LD strategy RBM
Questions to consider… • Who are the scientific regional centers, and what are their expertise? • What are the countries’ needs for STAP advice? (project, programmatic approaches, and/or national portfolio formulation exercises) • How can STAP communicate better its advice to countries?
Thank you! www.unep.org/stap