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Dr. Jeffrey Life

Dr. Jeffrey Life. Muscles of the Body. Trapezius. Origin : occipital bone of skull and vertebral spines Insertion : clavicle, scapula, acromian process Function : raise/lower shoulder. Rotate scapula. shoulder. Rhomboid. Origin : cervical/thoracic spine

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Dr. Jeffrey Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dr. Jeffrey Life

  2. Muscles of the Body

  3. Trapezius Origin: occipital bone of skull and vertebral spines Insertion: clavicle, scapula, acromian process Function: raise/lower shoulder. Rotate scapula shoulder

  4. Rhomboid Origin: cervical/thoracic spine Insertion: medial border of scapula Function: retract and elevate scapula shoulder

  5. Levator Scapula Origin: cervical vertebra Insertion: medial scapula Function: elevate scapula shoulder

  6. Serratus Anterior Origin: outer surface of ribs Insertion: ventral scapula Function: move scapula forward and downward shoulder

  7. Pectoralis Minor Origin: upper ribs Insertion: corocoid process of scapula Function: move scapula forward and downward * One of the 4 rotator cuff muscles shoulder

  8. LatissimusDorsi Origin: thoracic/lumbar spine, Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus Function: extend, adduct, and rotate arm medially. Pull shoulder down and back Arm/shoulder

  9. Pectoralis Major Origin: clavicle, sternum, ribs Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus Function: flex, adduct, and rotate arm medially. Upper Arm

  10. Deltoid Origin: Clavicle, Acromian& Spine of scapula, Insertion: deltoid tuberosity Function: flex, extend, and abduct arm. Upper Arm

  11. Supraspinatus Origin: superior scapula above spine Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus Function: Abduct arm. * One of the 4 rotator cuff muscles Upper Arm

  12. Infraspinatus Origin: posterior surface below spine of scapula Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus Function: Rotate arm laterally. * One of the 4 rotator cuff muscles Upper Arm

  13. Subscapularis Origin: anterior scapula Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus Function: Rotate arm medially. Upper Arm * One of the 4 rotator cuff muscles

  14. Teres Major Origin: lateral scapula Insertion: tubicular groove of humerus Function: Extend, adduct, and rotate arm medially. Upper Arm

  15. Teres Minor Origin: lateral scapula Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus Function: Rotate arm laterally. Upper Arm

  16. Rectus Abdominus Origin: pubis bone Insertion: Costal cartilage, xiphoid process Function: flex trunk, compress abdomen Trunk

  17. Transverse Abdominus Origin: iliac crest, lumbar vertebra, lower ribs Insertion: linea alba, pubis Function: flex trunk, compress abdomen Trunk

  18. External Oblique Origin: lower ribs Insertion: linea alba, iliac crest Function: compress abdomen (laterally) Trunk

  19. Internal Oblique Origin: iliac crest Insertion: lower ribs, linea alba Function: compress abdomen (laterally) Trunk

  20. REVIEW

  21. Coracobrachialis Origin: coracoid process Insertion: shaft of humerus Function: adduction, flexion of arm Upper Arm

  22. Biceps Brachii Origin: coracoid process and top of glenoid cavity Insertion: radial tuberosity Function: flex forearm, supination of hand forearm

  23. Triceps brachii Origin: below glenoid cavity, proximal humerus Insertion: olecranon process of ulna Function: extend forearm forearm

  24. Brachialis Origin: anterior shaft of humerus Insertion: coronoid process of ulna Function: flex forearm forearm

  25. Brachioradialis Origin: distal humerus Insertion: distal radius Function: flex forearm forearm

  26. Extensor Carpi-RadialisLongus Origin: distal humerus Insertion: distal radius Function: flex forearm forearm

  27. Ilio-psoas Psoas Muscle Origin: lumbar vertebra Insertion: lesser trochanter Function: flex thigh Iliacus Muscle Origin: ileum Insertion: lesser trochanter Function: flex thigh Primary thigh flexors!!

  28. Gluteus Maximus Origin: sacrum, coccyx, ilium Insertion: posterior femur Function: extend thigh thigh

  29. Gluteus Medius Origin: ilium Insertion: greater trochanter Function: abduct, medially rotate thigh

  30. Tensor Fasciae Latae Origin: iliac crest Insertion: iliotibial track (I.T. band) Function: abduct, flex, medially rotate Ilio-tibial track thigh

  31. Gluteus Minimus Origin: ilium Insertion: greater trochanter Function: abduct, medially rotate ** same as Gluteal Medius! thigh

  32. Adductors Origin: Pubis Insertion: posterior femur Function: adduct, rotate laterally Adductor Brevis Adductor Magnus Pectinius Adductor Longus

  33. Gracilis Origin: Pubic symphysis Insertion: medial tibia Function: adduct leg, flex knee thigh

  34. Sartorius Origin: ilium Insertion: medial tibia Function: flex thigh and knee, abduct, rotate laterally

  35. Biceps Femoris Origin: ichial tuberosity (and posterior femur) Insertion: proximal tibia and fibula Function: extend thigh. Flex knee and rotate laterally *Part of hamstring group thigh

  36. Semitendonosis Origin: ichial tuberosity (and posterior femur) Insertion: medial tibia Function: extend thigh. Flex knee and rotate medially *Part of hamstring group thigh

  37. Semimembranosis Origin: ichial tuberosity (and posterior femur) Insertion: medial tibia Function: extend thigh. Flex knee and rotate medially *Part of hamstring group thigh

  38. Rectus Femoris Origin: ilium Insertion: patella tendon Function: extend leg at knee * Quadracep muscle knee

  39. VastusLateralis Origin: Greater Trochanter Insertion: patella tendon Function: Extend leg at knee * Quadracep muscle knee

  40. VastusMedialis Origin: Medial femur Insertion: patella tendon Function: Extend leg at knee * Quadracep muscle knee

  41. VastusIntermedialis Origin: Lateral femur Insertion: patella tendon Function: Extend leg at knee * Quadracep muscle knee

  42. Gastrocnemius Origin: condyles of femur Insertion: calcaneous Function: plantar-flexion. Flex knee Calf muscle foot

  43. Soleus Origin: posterior tibia and fibula Insertion: calcaneous Function: plantar-flexion. foot

  44. Tibialis Anterior Origin: lateral tibia Insertion: tarsals Function: Dorsi-flexion, inversion foot

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