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OGT Prep. Social Studies. Types of Governments. Monarchy All monarchs gain power through heredity Types Absolute: monarchs has sole control over government People have few or no rights 2. Limited: Power of monarch limited by constitution and/or parliament
OGT Prep Social Studies
Types of Governments Monarchy • All monarchs gain power through heredity Types • Absolute: monarchs has sole control over government • People have few or no rights 2. Limited: Power of monarch limited by constitution and/or parliament • some monarchs are figureheads- they have no real power • All monarchs rule by Divine Right- Believe that monarch was put on throne by God. • Titles- king/queen, emperor/empress, czar/czarina
Dictator • Usually comes to power through military force • Has absolute power • When a dictator is removed from power there is no clear succession • People have few or no rights • Oligarchy- like a dictatorship except a small group rules instead of a single person Democracy • Government by the people Types • Direct: the people directly vote on all matters • Representative: the people elect representatives to make decisions for them • Power is limited by the constitution & regular elections
Theocracy • No separation of church & state
Economies Types of Economies • Command: all economic decisions made by the government • Market: Businesses privately owned, • Mixed: Combination of privately owned & government controlled businesses • Traditional: economy based on religion, ethnicity, traditions, and or cultural practices (e.g. bartering) Trade: • Definition: buying, selling, & exchanging of goods within & between countries. • Exports: products leaving a country • Imports: products entering a country • Trade Imbalance occurs when a country’s imports and exports are not equal • More imports than exports hurt a country’s economy
Tariff is a tax placed on imports to protect domestic products. • Embargo/blockade: a country refuses to trade with another country for political or economic reason Taxes/Revenue • Government raises money (revenue) by collecting taxes • 16th amendment • Deficit: A country spends more revenue than it makes • Surplus: A country makes more than it spends Treasury Reserve • Congress created the Federal Reserve to manage the nation’s economy. The Federal Reserve sets monetary policy • Set the interest rate: raise rate to get people to save, lower rate to get people to spend
The Enlightenment • 17th century intellectual movement • Worked to limit power of government & church • Locke believed job of government was to protect rights of the people or be overthrown. Enlightenment Thinkers a. Locke= Natural Rights b. Montesquieu= Separation of Powers c. Voltaire= Freedom of Speech Enlightenment Ideas led to a. American Revolution b. U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights c. French Revolution d. Latin American wars for independence
Enlightenment thinkers challenge Divine Right-Belief that god puts monarch on throne • Philosophe: French philosopher
Industrial Revolutions • Improved technology in agriculture increased output • Industrial Revolution begins in Great Britain Results of Industrial Society • Many move from rural areas to cities to find work • Industrialization results in urbanization-growth of cities • Poor living conditions- slums • Working conditions in factories: dangerous, long hours, little pay • Women & children work in factories to support families
Led to rise of organized labor- Unions • Workers/Unions demand better pay, shorter hours, benefits • Assembly Line allows for mass production, prices begin to fall • Middle Class begins to develop as the standard of living begins to rise Responses (American) to theIndustrial Revolution • Populism & Progressivism are movements that develop in response to the poor living & working conditions • Immigration to the United States increases because of the availability of jobs a. Received low pay b. Often established own section of city (ethnic neighborhoods)
Industrial Revolution Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the Industrial Revolution • higher prices for crops. • B. increased rural population • density. • C. a shortage of land for farming. • D. greater productivity of farming During the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century, farmers in the United States worked to increase their land holdings and modernize their equipment. A lasting effect of these changes was
Industrial Revolution Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the Industrial Revolution • a decrease in child labor. • B. an increase in demand for • handicraft goods. • C. a decrease in immigration to • the United States. • D. an increase in urbanization. One effect of industrialization in the United States in the late 19th century was
Industrial Revolution Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the Industrial Revolution Consider the following changes that occurred in the United States in the late 19th century: • improvements in agricultural production; • increases in immigration from Europe; • advancements in networks of railroad and streetcar lines. These changes led to the • rapid growth of urban areas. • B. acquisition of overseas territories. • C. elimination of large suburbs • around many cities. • D. movement of people from the • urban to the rural areas.
Industrial Revolution Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the Industrial Revolution • Unions were needed to guarantee a steady supply of workers. • B. Union membership was required for • employment in new industries. • C. Factory owners set up labor unions in order to control their large workforce. • D. Unions organized industrial workers • to protest unsafe working • conditions and long workdays. • Why was the formation of labor unions an effect of U.S. industrialization in the late 1800s?
Industrial Revolution Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the Industrial Revolution • Potential Written Answer Examples • • American farms could be bigger; • • they could produce much more food; • • they could be profitable; • • they could require less labor; • • farming was less time-consuming; • • farming was expandable into new regions; • • farming was subject to overproduction; • • farming was subject to lower prices for crops; The Industrial Revolution brought about major changes not only in cities, but in rural America as well. Before machines were used, one farmer could harvest about 7.5 acres of wheat per year. With machines, he could harvest wheat on 135 acres. Scientists also developed new kinds of wheat seeds that could survive northern winters. These developments were examples of what was happening in many areas of agriculture. Explain two additional ways farming changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Write your answer in the Answer Document. (2 points)
Imperialism Imperialism: Strong nation has political, economic,& social control over a weaker nation White Man’s Burden- Idea that the west must “civilize” backward nations How/Why does imperialism take place • Colonial Powers force their culture & political systems on their colonies • Colonies exists to benefit the colonial power • Imperialism was fueled by the need for markets & resources for industrialization
U.S. becomes imperialist power • After the Spanish-American War • U.S. acquired Guam, Puerto Rico, & Philippines • American businesses fueled U.S. acquisition of Hawaii • President Teddy Roosevelt has “Big Stick” policy • U.S. builds Panama Canal & intervenes in Latin America Results • Japan modernizes to protect herself from imperialist take over • China is separated into Spheres of Influence • U.S. supports an Open Door Policy in China • Struggles in African nations directly linked to past imperialist policies
Imperialism Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of European and American imperialism A. to provide the U.S. with a valuable naval base in the Pacific B. to provide the U.S. with a place to relocate its immigrant population C. to decrease the U.S. need to export raw materials for industrialization D. to increase the U.S. population by extending citizenship to the Filipinos During the Spanish-American War, the U.S. Navy destroyed the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippines. The U.S. Congress later voted for annexation of the Philippines. What was one reason for this act of U.S. imperialism?
Imperialism Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of European and American imperialism During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U.S. foreign policy was closely tied to domestic economic concerns. The annexation of Hawaii, the Open Door Policy with China, and the construction of the Panama Canal in Latin America were all motivated by an interest in A. breaking up monopolies and trusts. B. extending land grants for railroad construction. C. acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials. D. limiting the powerof labor unions to strike.
Imperialism Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of European and American imperialism A. loss of political independence. B. fewer agricultural products for foreign trade. C. new national boundaries based on ethnic and cultural similarities. D. global appreciation for African cultures and encouragement of their development. In the 19th century, European countries claimed that the conquest of Africa would bring the benefits of Western civilization to that continent. From the perspective of African peoples, the effect was
Imperialism Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of forms of Imperialism. The following is an example of a 2 point writing question on the OGT. POTENTIAL WRITTEN RESPONSE .A canal at the Isthmus of Panama would reduce U.S. shipping costs and avoid the necessity of maintaining separate navies in the Atlantic and Pacific. The United States fulfilled one of its imperialist ambitions in the early 20th century by acquiring land to build the Panama Canal. State two reasons (political and/or economic) why U. S. imperialists wanted to build the canal. Write your answer in the Answer Document. (2 points) • would achieve world power status • would facilitate U.S. trade with Asia • would ensure control of trade routes across the Atlantic from Europe to Asia • would shorten shipping times between coasts (variant on shipping costs) • would facilitate the movement of naval vessels to different areas of need
WWI M.A.I.N. Causes: • militarism • alliances • imperialism • Nationalism • First modern war: advanced weapons are used • Submarines, machine guns, tanks, planes, gas • Assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand immediate cause of the war • Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria • Allies: Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, & U.S.
U.S. Involvement: • Initially neutral, sell supplies to both sides • German unrestricted submarine war policy- reason for U.S. entry • U.S. involvement led to defeat of Central Powers • Great Migration- many African Americans move North for jobs in defense plants Treaty of Versailles • 14 Points- President Wilson’s plan for a lasting peace • Not as harsh as Treaty of Versailles • Ends WWI, very harsh towards Germany Results • League of Nations established to prevent war Fails because it has no power to prevent aggression • U.S. doesn’t join
Treaty of Versailles Results of the Treaty following WWI: • Guilt Clause- Germany solely responsible for war • Germany must pay $billions in reparations(damages) • Severely limits size of German military • Germany cannot manufacture war materials • Germany lost all overseas colonies • Poland becomes an independent nation • Alsace Lorraine & Saar Valley (industrial Area) taken from Germany and given to France • League of Nations Created as a peacekeeping body
World War I Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the World War I A. Without Germany as a competitor for colonies, Britain and France put little effort into rebuilding their navies. B. The Nazis exploited German resentment of their colonial losses by engaging in territorial expansion in Europe. C. Rivalries between Britain and France for territory in Africa prevented these countries from taking action to stop aggression in Europe. D. The United States ignored Germany’s military build-up because Germany was not likely to become powerful without raw materials from its former African colonies. As a result of the Versailles Treaty, Germany lost its overseas colonies in Africa. How did the loss of these colonies contribute to the outbreak of World War II?
World War I Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the World War I During World War I, conscientious objectors to military service were often accused of disloyalty, and some conscientious objectors were sentenced to prison. However, other conscientious objectors were willing to accept noncombatant service. The assignment of conscientious objectors to noncombatant service was an attempt by the government to: • promote ethnic diversity • within the military. • B. educate people about their • constitutional rights. • C. balance individual rights • and the common good. • D. encourage people to apply for conscientious objector status.
World War I Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the World War I During World War I, two revolutions took place in Russia while Russia was at war with Germany. Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, said: There can be no doubt that our army is absolutely in no condition... to beat back a Germanoffensive successfully. ... Source: V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1964, p. 447. The excerpt above could be used to support the thesis that • Lenin had few skills as a • military leader. • B. Russia shared in the • responsibility for World • War I. • C. Lenin believed that Russia • should withdraw from World War I. • D. The Bolshevik Revolution had the support of the Russian army.
In Between the Wars • U.S. returns to isolationist policy distraught over monetary & human cost of WWI Key events 1. Red Scare= fear of communism a. Result of Communist revolution in Russia b. Restricted immigration to the U.S. 2. Harlem Renaissance- Glorification of the accomplishments of African Americans a. Music, writers b. Part of Civil Rights Movement following WWI 3. Prohibition outlawed the sale and production of Alcohol a. Largely driven by rural women reformers b. 18th Amendment (later repealed by the 21st Amendment
4. 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote 5. The Great Depression (1929-41) a. Abuse of easy credit b. Overspending b. Overproduction c. stock market crash d. Bank failures 6. FDR’s plan to combat the depression was called the New Deal
1920s United States Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the 1920s In the early 20th century, many African-Americans moved from the South to cities in the North. This “Great Migration” helped stimulate a flowering of artistic talent by African-Americans in New York known as the Harlem Renaissance. One way in which the Harlem Renaissance was significant was that it • reduced racial tensions • in the northern cities. • B. led to a decline in • activity by the Ku Klux • Klan. • C. led to a relaxation of • restrictions on African- • Americans in the South. • D. contributed to the recognition of African-American culture.
1920s United States Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the 1920s A. the development of color televisions B. improvements in passenger airplanes C. Widespread availability of automobiles D. the invention of the personal computer Which advance was largely responsible for the growth of suburbs in the United States in the mid-20th century?
1920s United States Lets look at a couple samples of how questions look on the OGT that will test your knowledge of the 1920s A. the hope of encouraging widespread emigration to Africa B. the belief that racial segregation was justified in all circumstances C. the goal of forming a new political party to represent African-Americans D. the desire to bring about legal and social equality What was one perspective of African-Americans that was reflected in the founding of the National Association for the advancement of Colored People(NAACP)?
WWII Capitalism and Industry against Evil • Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, & Japan • Allied Powers: Great Britain, U.S., Soviet Union • U.S. enters war when Japan attacks U.S. base at Pearl Harbor
Japanese-Americans are forced to live in internment camps • Women work in factories to help the war effort • African Americans continue to migrate north for factory jobs • War ends when U.S. drops two atomic bombs on Japan
Results of war Millions of refugees- people left homeless because of war Many European colonies receive their independence United Nations established to preserve world peace Nation of Israel established Arab-Israeli conflict begins U.S. & Soviet Union emerge has world’s “super powers” Superpowers race to rebuild Europe and therefore build alliances Atomic bombs begin arms race between U.S. & Soviet Union
Causes of the Cold War End of WWII U.S. & Soviet Union become suspicious of each others motives & policies a. Compete in arms & space race b. Buildup of atomic/nuclear weapons following WWII U.S. foreign policy based on containment of communism Soviet Union controls much of Eastern Europe, referred to as Iron Curtain or Soviet Bloc Marshall Plan was U.S. program to rebuild Europe after WWII a. Plan rejected by Soviet Union (offered the Molotov Plan) b. Plan weakened appeal of communism in Western Europe Cold War
Cold War Heats Up • Korean Conflict helps Truman gain support for massive U.S. military build-up • Soviet Union & U.S. disagree over Berlin a. Berlin Airlift & Berlin wall
Castro comes to power in Cuba allies with the Soviet Union Cuban Missiles Crisis Soviet Union attempts to install nuclear missiles in Cuba War is prevented with the U.S. when Khrushchev backs down & removes the missiles Vietnam War begins when Communist North Vietnam invades South Vietnam U.S. aids South Vietnam because of the Domino Theory
OGT Question The United Nations Charter, member nations pledge to “unite our strength to maintain international peace and security.” Since ratification of its charter following World War II, the primary goal of the United Nations has been to • restore world trade disrupted by World War II. • encourage industrial growth begun during World War II. • establish policies to help nations pay World War II debts. • intervene in world conflicts to prevent another war such asWorld War II.
OGT Question In 1943, 15 percent of the shipyard workers in San Francisco were Chinese-Americans. Before this, they had been largely confined to working in restaurants and laundries. The switch in occupations was due, in large part, to the • shipbuilding skills of Chinese-Americans. • increased availability of higher education for immigrants. • increased labor union restrictions against Chinese-American workers. • massive need for workers to build ships during World War II.
OGT Question In 1942, President Roosevelt issued a series of executive orders that authorized the military to remove persons of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast and relocate them to internment camps. In 1982, a commission established by Congress to review the reasons for the relocation and internment found that the decisions were not justified by military necessity. Instead, the commission found that the decision to relocate and intern Japanese-Americans was the result of “race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.” The commission findings reflect a change in views on what subject? • the balance of power between Congress and the judiciary • the balance between individual rights and national security • the balance of power between the states and the federal government • the balance between freedom of the press and compelling government interest
Jim Crow Laws allow for the legal separation of races (segregation) a. Set up during Reconstruction after the civil war to preserve white power in the South b. Upheld by Supreme Court in Plessey v. Ferguson 2. Brown v. Board of Education declares segregation unconstitutional a. Overturns Plessey v. Ferguson Southern States refused to abide by the rulings of the Court Civil Rights leaders turned to Non-violent passive resistance to bring about change 3. Civil disobedience: legal form of protest to bring about government change. Example: boycott Civil Rights Movement
1950s-1960s 1. U.S. economy was strong following WWII 2. Cities suffer financially as middle class moves to suburbs 3. Baby Boomers: large increase in birthrate following WWII
4. More people means more demand for goods…many people make lots of money. 5. McCarthyism: campaign to root at communism in U.S... (red scare) 6. Technological advancements created more leisure time upper & middle class
Geography • Region: An area with one or more common characteristics or features a. Geographic region (Rocky Mountains), Political Region (U.S.A.), • Cultural region (Middle East)
Geographic changes over time as a result of human activity. Human activities such as mining & logging will change the physical geography of an area. • Technology has impacted the way humans deal with the natural geography of an area. Advanced transportation allows for the settlement in remote areas. • Technology also allows for the diffusion(transfer) of ideas from one place to another
Throughout history people have migrated(moved) for political, social, economic, & environmental reasons. • immigration: movement into a country • emigration: movement out of a country • globalization: the act, process, or policy of making something worldwide in scope or application • indigenous: native to an area • interdependence: being mutually dependent • topography: graphic representation of the surface features of a place or region on a map
US Government/Constitution • Constitution known as the Supreme Law of the Land • Only way to change the Constitution is through the amendment process • The U.S. government can only limit or place restrictions your rights if: a. you area clear & present danger to the U.S. b. you jeopordize public safety c. you challenge U.S. national security d. you commit libel or slander e. you prevent others from equal opportunity • The three branches of government (executive, legislative, & judicial) operate on a system of checks & balances.
Amendments to the Constitution 1st- Freedom of press, religion, petition, assembly, & speech 13th- Abolished slavery 14th- Citizenship to everyone born in U.S. 15th- Right to vote to all adult males 16th- Government can collect income tax 17th- Direct election of senators (Progressive Reform) 19th- Women’s suffrage(voting) 24th- Outlaws literacy test & poll taxes as requirements for voting 26th- Lowers voting age to 18