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Workers’ Compensation Systems – International Experience

Explore the workers' compensation systems and benefits in European countries and the USA. Learn about coverage, organizational basis, premium levels, efficiency, and insurability of occupational diseases.

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Workers’ Compensation Systems – International Experience

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  1. Münchener RückMunich Re Group Workers’ Compensation Systems – International Experience Munich Re Group

  2. 1. Definition of Workers’ Compensation Coverage Additional benefits Benefits Loss event defined by law – accidents – diseases related to work defined by law benefits in kind medical treatment, Medicaments, rehab., etc.) Benefits in cash One-off payment, Pensions provided through the employer’s liability insurance under special circumstances compensation for pain and suffering top ups, add ons defined by in- surance companies

  3. Monopolistic/Public Commuting Accidents Inclusion of occupational diseases France Germany Italy Spain USA 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA Organizational basis Competitive/Private Inclusion of occupational diseases Commuting Accidents Belgium Denmark Finland Norway Portugal

  4. 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA Organizational basis Predominantly WC benefits Dual benefits (WC+EL) Germany Italy Belgium Denmark Finland Norway • France “faute inexcusable” • Spain 1995 Law • UK Parallel by definition >EL USA: “Exclusive remedy”

  5. Country Population Working Premium Per capita As a % of the in millions population volume in premium payroll in millions million € in € Belgium 10.2 4.0 956.0 239 0.42%/2.67%** Finland 5.2 2.3 466.0 203 1.2% France 59.3 22.7 7,514.0 331 2.19%* Germany 82.2 36.1 8,641.0 239 1.31% Italy 57.7 20.6 6,580.0 319 0.7% Norway 4.5 2.3 191.1 83 n/a Portugal 10.0 4.8 690.0 144 3%*** USA 274.0 135.2 24,800 183 n/a 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA Premium level Different basis * except commuting accidents ** salaried employees/wage earners, excepting commuting accidents and occupational diseases *** except commuting accidents Source: Rating Systems An international comparison of workers’ compensation insurance. MunichRe 2003.

  6. 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA Efficiency Prevention efficiency:development of fatal accident rates Differing definitions Changes in national accounting systems Efforts/failures to reduce underreporting Differing population groups Deaths due to work-related accidents/100,000 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 France Spain Germany United Kingdom Italy European health for all database

  7. Occupational diseases incidence per 100,000 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2001 France Spain Germany United Kingdom Italy 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA Insurability of occupational diseases European health for all database

  8. 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA Insurability of occupational diseases Complex attribution Easy/clear attribution Long latency, multi-causality, diseases induced by new technology, mobile and flexible work force, leading to a difficult assignment of responsibilities of employers and insurers for occupational diseases claims “Traditional” e.g. metal poisoning, dermatitis, vibration diseases Insurable within a private/competitive setting Central fund solution

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