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Learn about Prophet Adam (AS), the first prophet created by Allah, and the important lesson of obedience and forgiveness from the story of Adam and Eve in Jannah. Discover how listening to Allah and not Shaitan is key for a peaceful life.
Adam (as) The first Prophet! Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids
Thounsands of years ago, Allah (SWT) decided to place people on the Earth! • So Allah (SWT) created the firsr man, Adam (as) out of Clay!
Adam (as) was the first prophet. Allah (SWT) taught Adam many things. Adam (as) was very smart! He learnt the names of everything! Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids
Allah (SWT) asked the angles to bow down to Adam (as) to show him respect. So the angles did what Allah told them to do. Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids
Iblis, who was shaitan, didn’t want to show respect to Adam (as). He was very proud because he was made out of fire. He thought he was better that Adam (as) Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids
Shaitan then said to Allah (swt) that he will make people do bad things, like lying and shouting at our parents! Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids
Allah (swt) put Adam (as) and his wife in Jannah (Paradise). Allah told them not to go near a tree! Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids
One day shaitan came to them with bad ideas! He told them to eat fruits from that tree. He told them that if they ate from the tree they will live forever! Shaitan was lying!
Adam (as) and his wife forgot what Allah had told them and ate the fruits from the tree! • When they remembered they felt very sorry for what they did.
They prayed to Allah (swt) to forgive them. • Allah forgave them and guided them. Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids
Adam (as) and his wife had many children. The cildren went all over the world. We are all children of Adam (as) and his wife. All the people of the world are from one big family!
We have learnt from the story that we should never listen to Shaitan and we should always listen to Allah. Amal Haque/Happy Land/Momin Kids