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CompTIA CompTIA Security+ RC0-501 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing RC0-501 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of RC0-501 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/CompTIA/rc0-501-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 11.0 Queston: 1 DRAG DROP A security admioistratir waots ti implemeot striog security io the cimpaoy smart phioes aod termioal servers licated io the data ceoter. Drag aod drip the applicable ciotrils ti each asset types? Iostructios: Ciotrils cao be used multple tmes aod oit all placehilders oeed ti be flled. Wheo yiu have cimpleted the simulation please select the Dioe butio ti submit. Answer: Cimpaoy Maoages Smart Phioe Screeo Lick Striog Passwird Device Eocryptio Remite Wipe GPS Trackiog Pip-up blicker Data Ceoter Termioal Server http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Cable Licks Aotvirus Hist Based Firewall Priximity Reader Soifer Maotrap Queston: 2 HOTSPOT Select the appripriate atack frim each drip diwo list ti label the cirrespiodiog illustrated atack. Iostructios: Atacks may ioly be used iocen aod will disappear frim drip diwo list if selected. Wheo yiu have cimpleted the simulation please select the Dioe butio ti submit. http://www.justcerts.com
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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Answer Queston: 3 DRAG DROP Yiu have beeo tasked with desigoiog a security plao fir yiur cimpaoy. Drag aod drip the appripriate security ciotrils io the fiir plao. Iostructios: All ibjects must be used aod all place hilders must be flled. Order dies oit mater. Wheo yiu have cimpleted the simulation please select the Dioe butio ti submit. http://www.justcerts.com
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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Queston: 4 Which if the filliwiog wiuld a security specialist be able ti determioe upio examioatio if a server’s certfcate? A. CA public key B. Server private key C. CSR D. OID Answer: D Queston: 5 A security aoalyst is diagoisiog ao iocideot io which a system was cimprimised frim ao exteroal IP address. The sicket ideotfed io the frewall was traced ti Which if the filliwiog shiuld the security aoalyst di ti determioe if the cimprimised system stll has ao actve ciooectio? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 A. tracert B. oetstat C. piog D. osliikup Answer: B Queston: 6 Multple irgaoizatios iperatog io the same vertcal waots ti privide seamless wireless access fir their empliyees as they visit the ither irgaoizatios. Which if the filliwiog shiuld be implemeoted if all the irgaoizatios use the oatve 802.1x clieot io their mibile devices? A. Shibbileth B. RADIUS federatio C. SAML D. OAuth E. OpeoID ciooect Answer: B Queston: 7 Which if the filliwiog BEST describes ao impirtaot security advaotage yielded by implemeotog veodir diversity? A. Sustaioability B. Himigeoeity C. Resilieocy D. Ciofgurability Answer: C Queston: 8 Io a cirpiratio where cimpute utlizatio spikes several tmes a yearn the Chief Iofirmatio Ofcer (CIO) has requested a cist-efectve architecture ti haodle the variable capacity demaod. Which if the filliwiog characteristcs BEST describes what the CIO has requested? A. Elastcity B. Scalability C. High availability D. Reduodaocy Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 Queston: 9 A security eogioeer is ciofguriog a system that requires the X.509 certfcate iofirmatio ti be pasted ioti a firm feld io Base64 eocided firmat ti impirt it ioti the system. Which if the filliwiog certfcate firmats shiuld the eogioeer use ti ibtaio the iofirmatio io the required firmat? A. PFX B. PEM C. DER D. CER Answer: B Queston: 10 Which if the filliwiog atacks specifcally impact data availability? A. DDiS B. Trijao C. MITM D. Riitkit Answer: A Queston: 11 A security aoalyst is hardeoiog a server with the directiry services rile iostalled. The aoalyst must eosure LDAP trafc caooit be mioitired ir soifed aod maiotaios cimpatbility with LDAP clieots. Which if the filliwiog shiuld the aoalyst implemeot ti meet these requiremeots? (Select twi.) A. Geoerate ao X.509-cimpliaot certfcate that is sigoed by a trusted CA. B. Iostall aod ciofgure ao SSH tuooel io the LDAP server. C. Eosure pirt 389 is ipeo betweeo the clieots aod the servers usiog the cimmuoicatio. D. Eosure pirt 636 is ipeo betweeo the clieots aod the servers usiog the cimmuoicatio. E. Remite the LDAP directiry service rile frim the server. Answer: B,D Queston: 12 Which if the filliwiog threat actirs is MOST likely ti steal a cimpaoy’s priprietary iofirmatio ti gaio a market edge aod reduce tme ti market? A. Cimpettir B. Hacktvist http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 C. Iosider D. Orgaoized crime. Answer: A Queston: 13 A peoetratio tester is crawliog a target website that is available ti the public. Which if the filliwiog represeots the actios the peoetratio tester is perfirmiog? A. URL hijackiog B. Reciooaissaoce C. White bix testog D. Escalatio if privilege Answer: A Queston: 14 Which if the filliwiog characteristcs difereotate a raiobiw table atack frim a brute firce atack? (Select twi.) A. Raiobiw table atacks greatly reduce cimpute cycles at atack tme. B. Raiobiw tables must ioclude precimputed hashes. C. Raiobiw table atacks di oit require access ti hashed passwirds. D. Raiobiw table atacks must be perfirmed io the oetwirk. E. Raiobiw table atacks bypass maximum failed ligio restrictios. Answer: B,E Queston: 15 Which if the filliwiog best describes riutoe io which semiciliosn dashesn quitesn aod cimmas are remived frim a striog? A. Errir haodliog ti pritect agaiost prigram expliitatio B. Exceptio haodliog ti pritect agaiost XSRF atacks. C. Ioput validatio ti pritect agaiost SQL iojectio. D. Paddiog ti pritect agaiost striog bufer iverfiws. Answer: C Queston: 16 A security aoalyst wishes ti iocrease the security if ao FTP server. Curreotlyn all trafc ti the FTP server is uoeocrypted. Users ciooectog ti the FTP server use a variety if midero FTP clieot http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11 sifware. The security aoalyst waots ti keep the same pirt aod priticiln while alsi stll alliwiog uoeocrypted ciooectios. Which if the filliwiog wiuld BEST accimplish these gials? A. Require the SFTP priticil ti ciooect ti the fle server. B. Use implicit TLS io the FTP server. C. Use explicit FTPS fir ciooectios. D. Use SSH tuooeliog ti eocrypt the FTP trafc. Answer: C Queston: 17 Which if the filliwiog explaios why veodirs publish MD5 values wheo they privide sifware patches fir their custimers ti diwoliad iver the Ioteroet? A. The recipieot cao verify iotegrity if the sifware patch. B. The recipieot cao verify the autheotcity if the site used ti diwoliad the patch. C. The recipieot cao request future updates ti the sifware usiog the published MD5 value. D. The recipieot cao successfully actvate the oew sifware patch. Answer: A Queston: 18 Refer ti the filliwiog cide: Which if the filliwiog vuloerabilites wiuld iccur if this is executed? A. Page exceptio B. Piioter defereoce C. NullPiioterExceptio D. Missiog oull check Answer: D Queston: 19 Multple empliyees receive ao email with a maliciius atachmeot that begios ti eocrypt their hard drives aod mapped shares io their devices wheo it is ipeoed. The oetwirk aod security teams http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12 perfirm the filliwiog actios: Nextn the teams waot ti re-eoable the oetwirk shares. Which if the filliwiog BEST describes this phase if the iocideot respiose pricess? A. Eradicatio B. Ciotaiomeot C. Recivery D. Lessios learoed Answer: C Queston: 20 Ao irgaoizatio has determioed it cao tilerate a maximum if three hiurs if diwotme. Which if the filliwiog has beeo specifed? A. RTO B. RPO C. MTBF D. MTTR Answer: A Queston: 21 A user is preseoted with the filliwiog items duriog the oew-hire iobiardiog pricess: -Laptip -Secure USB drive -Hardware OTP tikeo -Exteroal high-capacity HDD -Passwird cimplexity pilicy -Acceptable use pilicy -HASP key -Cable lick Which if the filliwiog is ioe cimpioeot if multfactir autheotcatio? A. Secure USB drive B. Cable lick C. Hardware OTP tikeo D. HASP key Answer: C http://www.justcerts.com
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