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Optics and Beam Geometry in Spectrograph Shutter Assembly

Explore the layout of focal plane, ray traces, and light envelopes in a scientifically useful spectrograph shutter assembly. Discover the components and mechanisms involved in capturing spectrographic data.

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Optics and Beam Geometry in Spectrograph Shutter Assembly

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TMA-65 Optics and Beam geometry Cass Shutter exemplar. (This one is “FlatCass-01”) TMA-65 Focal Plane layout. ( “DetectorModules4316x45” ) Robin Lafever LBNL

  2. TMA-65 Ray traces and Beam envelopes This shows approximate scale. The motor is 1” dia. The shutter is ~3” dia. It sits at the Cassegrain focal plane Cassegrain focus TMA-65 Focal Plane layout. ( ‘DetectorModules4316x45’ ) Robin Lafever LBNL

  3. TMA-65 Ray traces This shows approximate scale. The motor is 1” dia. The shutter is ~3” dia. It sits at the Cassegrain focal plane Cassegrain focus TMA-65 Focal Plane layout. ( ‘DetectorModules4316x45’ ) Robin Lafever LBNL

  4. TMA-65 Scientifically useful light envelope. Cassegrain Focal plane mask Is very nearly a spherical surface TMA-65 Focal Plane layout. ( ‘DetectorModules4316x45’ ) Robin Lafever LBNL

  5. Scientifically useable light projected through the Cass mask The lower surface of the mask is at the Cassegrain focus ( two possible configurations ) Spectrograph shutter assembly embedded in the Cass focus Robin Lafever LBNL

  6. Some of the foreground beam envelopes have been removed to show the shutter assembly position at the Cass focus. In this configuration, the shutter blade is at the Cass focus. Spectrograph beam envelope Robin Lafever LBNL

  7. Robin Lafever LBNL

  8. Robin Lafever LBNL

  9. Robin Lafever LBNL

  10. Robin Lafever LBNL

  11. Robin Lafever LBNL

  12. The shutter mechanism Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Mounting frame Outgoing Spectrograph beam envelope Robin Lafever LBNL

  13. Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Shutter is OPEN Mounting frame Outgoing Spectrograph beam envelope Robin Lafever LBNL

  14. Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Shutter is CLOSED Mounting frame Pretend this is NOT here Robin Lafever LBNL

  15. Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Shutter is Doing a “Flying Slit” exposure Mounting frame FLASH Robin Lafever LBNL

  16. Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Shutter is Closed Mounting frame Pretend this is NOT here Robin Lafever LBNL

  17. Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Shutter is Closed Mounting frame Pretend this is NOT here Robin Lafever LBNL

  18. Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Shutter is Closed Mounting frame Pretend this is NOT here Robin Lafever LBNL

  19. Incoming Spectrograph beam envelope Eddy current brake Shutter Wheel Motor Shutter is OPEN Mounting frame Outgoing Spectrograph beam envelope Robin Lafever LBNL

  20. Robin Lafever LBNL

  21. Robin Lafever LBNL

  22. Robin Lafever LBNL

  23. Robin Lafever LBNL

  24. Robin Lafever LBNL

  25. Robin Lafever LBNL

  26. Robin Lafever LBNL

  27. Robin Lafever LBNL

  28. Robin Lafever LBNL

  29. Robin Lafever LBNL

  30. Robin Lafever LBNL

  31. Robin Lafever LBNL

  32. Robin Lafever LBNL

  33. Robin Lafever LBNL

  34. Robin Lafever LBNL

  35. Robin Lafever LBNL

  36. Robin Lafever LBNL

  37. Robin Lafever LBNL

  38. Robin Lafever LBNL

  39. Disk shutter Stepping motor drive • Disk shutter CCW • Disk shutter interactive web model • Tube shutter LAT motor drive • Tube shutter animation • Tube shutter Interactive web model • Disc drive style shutter Lat motor drive • Disk drive shutter animation • Reed shutter Magnet drive • Reed shutter Open/Close sequence • Reed shutter Flying slit sequence Robin Lafever LBNL

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