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Stigma, Discrimination and Legal Barriers to Effective HIV Response in Indonesia

This project aims to address stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers hindering the effective HIV response in Indonesia. It highlights human rights violations faced by people living with HIV and advocates for an enabling environment to increase access to justice and healthcare.

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Stigma, Discrimination and Legal Barriers to Effective HIV Response in Indonesia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stigma, Discrimination and Legal Barriers to Effective HIV Response in Indonesia @LBHMasyarakat @LBHM.id Ajeng Larasati www.lbhmasyarakat.org @lbhmasyarakat

  2. HIV and Human Rights “Health is a fundamental human rights indispensable for the exercise of other human rights” STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION • Denial of the right to health • Access to justice/fair trial impeded • Freedom of assembly/expression infringed human rights violations • AIDS responses: • Triple ZERO • 90-90-90 Because Every Human Matters

  3. Underlying Problems Intersecting with gender and other status of discrimination STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION Because Every Human Matters

  4. Media monitoring and documentation (2016): media reporting on HIV Actors identified through the media monitoring Because Every Human Matters

  5. Documenting human rights violations (2017): On people living with HIV • October 2016 to August 2017, in 17 cities/districts in Indonesia: incl. Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Sorong. • Total 387 cases documented in the research: 75% (184 cases) experienced by people living with HIV. • 138 of 184 (75%) categorised as human rights violations. • Top three violations: • Right to health: 73 cases, • Right to privacy: 26 cases, • Right to free from discrimination: 14 cases Because Every Human Matters

  6. What should we do? Creating An Enabling Environment Increasing access to justice Effective campaign/ communication strategy Sensitization of lawmakers, service providers, and public figures Synergy in doing advocacy movement Because Every Human Matters

  7. access to justice for people living with HIV, gay, transgender and sex workers, is as important as access to condoms and treatment “

  8. Terima Kasih @LBHM.id @lbhmasyarakat @LBHMasyarakat www.lbhmasyarakat.org

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