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DIY: How To Verify An E-mail Address

The easiest way to verify an email address by yourself.

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DIY: How To Verify An E-mail Address

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DIY: How To Verify An E-Mail Address

  2. Step 1:Run the email address through email verification services like MailTester. Emails are 100% deliverable if the results are valid from MailTester.

  3. Step 2: Send a test email to verify it’s deliverability, because there is no software or service that would validate the deliverability of ACCEPT ALL/CATCH ALL e-mail addresses.

  4. Step 3: Forinvalid email results, the user doesn’t exist or there is a syntax error. This means that the domain of the email is verified but the recipient has either changed his/her email address or is no longer working with that company.

  5. We run the process of verifying email address through email validation tools which determine the authenticity of an email address whether it is valid, accept all or invalid email. We only provide Valid and Accept All emails on our data files for less bounce e-mail campaigns.

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