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Forces and Their Effects

Explore forces, balanced and unbalanced forces, weight and mass, friction, and more with practical examples and engaging explanations. Learn how forces impact objects and their motion in this educational resource.

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Forces and Their Effects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Forces and their effects W Richards The Weald School

  2. What is a force? A force is a “push” or a “pull”. Some common examples: ___ ________ (drag) – acts against anything moving through air ________ – pulls things downwards _____ – acts against anything moving ______ – keeps things afloat Words – upthrust, air resistance, friction, weight

  3. Balanced and unbalanced forces Reaction Consider a camel standing on a road. What forces are acting on it? These two forces would be equal – we say that they are BALANCED. The camel doesn’t move anywhere. Weight

  4. Balanced and unbalanced forces Reaction What would happen if we took the road away? Weight

  5. Balanced and unbalanced forces What would happen if we took the road away? The camel’s weight is no longer balanced by anything, so the camel falls downwards… Weight

  6. Balanced and unbalanced forces What would happen if we took the road away? The camel’s weight is no longer balanced by anything, so the camel falls downwards…

  7. Balanced and unbalanced forces 1) This animal is either ________ or moving with _______ _____… 2) This animal is getting ________… 3) This animal is getting _______…. 4) This animal is also either _______ or moving with ________ ______.. Words - Stationary, faster, slower or constant speed?

  8. Weight and Mass The MASS of an object is a measure of how much “stuff” it contains”. The WEIGHT of an object is the amount of force that pulls it downwards due to gravity. 1 Kg This object has a MASS of 1Kg… …and a WEIGHT of 10N

  9. Floating Whether or not an object will float depends on its DENSITY. For example: The metal block will ____ because it is ______ dense than water The wooden block will ____ because it is ______ dense than water

  10. Friction • What is friction? • Give 3 examples where it is annoying: • Give 3 examples where it is useful: • What effect does friction have on the surfaces?

  11. Stopping a car… Thinking distance Braking distance Tiredness Too much alcohol Too many drugs Poor visibility Wet roads Icy roads Tyres/brakes worn out Driving too fast

  12. Distance-time graphs • 2) Horizontal line = • 4) Diagonal line downwards = • Diagonal line = • 3) Steeper diagonal line = 40 30 20 10 0 Distance (metres) Time/s 20 40 60 80 100

  13. 40 30 20 10 0 Distance (metres) Time/s 20 40 60 80 100 • How far had the object gone after 20 seconds? • How far had the object gone after 60 seconds? • When is the object standing still? • When was the object travelling the fastest?

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