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Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Supplemental Adult Leader Training. Jayhawk Area Council. April 4, 2003. Objectives. Identify the Requirements to be a Merit Badge Counselor. List the basic rules and restrictions. State the purpose of the merit badge program for Scouts.
Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Supplemental Adult Leader Training Jayhawk Area Council April 4, 2003
Objectives • Identify the Requirements to be a Merit Badge Counselor. • List the basic rules and restrictions. • State the purpose of the merit badge program for Scouts. • Explain the basic procedures used in the merit badge program. • Explain the role of the merit badge counselor. • Use the buddy system for counseling.
References • Boy Scout Requirements Book 2003 (ww33215F) • Advancement Guidelines: Advancement Committee Polices & Procedures (ww33088D) • Merit Badge Counselor Orientation (ww34542) • Application for Merit Badge (ww34124A) • Boy Scout Handbook (ww33105)
Requirements for Merit Badge Counselors • Be at least 18 years old. • Be proficient in the merit badge subject by vocation or avocation. • Be able to work with Scout-age boys. • Be registered with the Boy Scouts of America and agree to comply with • the Statement of Principles (Scout Oath & Law) and • Statement of Religious Principles • Agree to comply with the BSA Youth Protection Guidelines. • Complete and submit the BSA “Merit Badge Counselor Information Form” indicating your Merit Badges.
As a Merit Badge Counselor you must agree to: • Follow the requirements of the merit badge, • making no deletions or additions, • ensuring that the advancement standards are fair and uniform for all Scouts. • Follow the BSA Youth Protection Guidelines • have a Scout and his buddy present at all instructional sessions (or alternative). • Register with the Boy Scouts of America • Renew your registration annually if you plan to continue as a Merit Badge Counselor
Complete the Merit Badge Counselor Application • There is no registration fee for Merit Badge Counselors • The full membership fee is $10 per year
Merit Badge Purpose • A key part of the Boy Scout advancement plan. • One of the most unusual educational programs ever devised. • An award granted in more than 100 subjects. • Earning merit badges gives a Scout added self-confidence. • Scout is introduced to new skills.
The Merit Badge Process I. The Procedure A. Selecting Merit Badges • The Scout selects merit badges from the Scout Handbook or from individual merit badge pamphlets 2. The Scout indicates his interest in a merit badge to his scoutmaster, who a) interviews him to determine interest, enthusiasm and preparedness b) signs a merit badge application c) gives the boy the name and phone number of a merit badge counselor
The Merit Badge Process B. The Scout calls the counselor and makes an appointment. C. The counselor sets a date, time and place for the meeting, making sure that the Youth Protection guidelines are followed. He or she suggests that the boy 1. bring the merit badge pamphlet 2. bring the signed application 3. bring any projects already started 4. bring any other indication of preparedness 5. wear his uniform
The Merit Badge Process D. At the first interview the counselor and Scout decide upon 1. projects 2. short-term and long-term goals with dates of completion for each 3. dates, times and places for further interviews E. The number of sessions depends on the difficulty of the subject and the preparation and ability of the Scout. Youth Protection guidelines followed.
The Merit Badge Process • When the Scout has finished all required projects and learned all relevant material, he arranges with the counselor for examination. Youth Protection guidelines continue to be followed. At the testing 1. each Scout is tested individually 2. Scouts are expected to meet the requirements as stated in the handbook -no more and no less
The Merit Badge Process Requirements as stated - no more and no less. "show or demonstrate," "make," "list," "in the field," "collect, identify, and label." Can not add requirements You can suggest, encourage, and help the Scout to do more, but you must not require it.
The Merit Badge Process • The Scout may have completed some requirements under the supervision of another counselor, but the counselor who certifies final completion must review these requirements to satisfy himself or herself that - The Scout has indeed completed the project or learned the material 4. When the counselor is so satisfied, he or she signs the merit badge form which the boy then gives to his scoutmaster.
The Merit Badge Process • The Troop records the merit badge and gives the Scout his copy of the “blue card.” • The Troop reports the advancement to the Council Service Center, obtains the cloth badge, record card and present them to the Scout.
Blue Cards • Scoutmaster gives blue card to Scout • Merit Badge Counselor signs blue card and keeps 1 part giving 2 part back to Scout • Scout gives 2 parts to Troop which records the Merit Badge, keeps 1 part and gives 1 part back to the Scout • All parties keep their parts (at least until the Scout is 18)
The Merit Badge Process • NOTES: • Any registered Boy Scout or Varsity Scout may work on any merit badge (approved by the Scoutmaster) and receive the award when completed. • Merit Badges may be earned in any of the following situations: • Individual with the Merit Badge Counselor • Troop Setting - Individual or Group • Merit Badge Classes, Universities, Odesseys • Scout Camp • Venturers (male) may work on merit badges for rank until their 18th birthday (if they were 1st Class before joining the Crew)
The Counselor's Role 1. Make sure you have the most current merit badge pamphlet 2. Set up an initial interview to determine the Scout's a) preparedness b) current knowledge of the subject c) interest in the subject 3. Short-term and long-term goals are set by the Scout with guidance from the counselor on the basis of the boy's progress in the above three areas. 4. Keep in contact with the Scout to determine his progress 5. Help the Scout to evaluate his progress 6. Encourage the Scout to ask for help and for more knowledge or skill in the subject.