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Delve into the mighty pharaohs of Egypt's Old Kingdom era, where their divine rule shaped history. Discover their power, beliefs, the Nile River's significance, and their enduring legacies that influence us today.
1. What do you call the all-powerful leaders whose word was law in Egypt? pharaohs
2. What were the 2 main reasons that pharaohs were so powerful in Egypt? #1 Egyptian believed that the unity of the kingdom depended on a strong leader#2 Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was a god on Earth.
3. What makes the Nile River special today? The Nile River is the longest river in the world
4. Another word for god or goddess in Egypt was ________ deity
5. Name 2 ways that Egyptians ideas about gods were the same as Mesopotamians. Both believed in many gods and both believed that the gods controlled the forces of nature and human activity
6. Who was the main Egyptian god? Re – the sun god
7. Egyptians believed in life ______. after death
8. Why did Egyptians embalm the pharaoh’s body? Egyptians believed that the pharaoh would need his body in the afterlife.
9. What do you call a preserved body wrapped in linen? mummy
10. What was Egypt’s main legacy in terms of science? They wrote the world’s first medical books.
11. A giant mountain-like tomb made of stone was called a ___. pyramid
12. What was the purpose of building a pyramid? To protect a pharaoh’s body and his possessions.
13. What are some Egyptian legacies that influence us today? - 365 day calendar w/ 12 months- ideas of astronomy- a system of numbers based on 10- fractions
14. What amazing structure was built for Kng Khufu? The Great Pyramid