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Chernobyl Biosphere Reserve: Nature Protection and Research

Discover the Chernobyl Biosphere Reserve in Ukraine, an important institution for preserving nature and studying environmental changes. Learn about the reserve zones and objectives, as well as the legal basis and international cooperation. Experience the efforts to support and improve the unique natural area post-Chernobyl disaster for a sustainable future.

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Chernobyl Biosphere Reserve: Nature Protection and Research

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  1. Chernobyl Biosphere Reserve in the Chernobyl exclusion zone and the zone of absolute (mandatory) resettlement

  2. Biosphere reserves in Ukraine Biosphere reserves are international important nature protection and research institutions, established to preserve the natural state of the common biosphere natural systems; the implementation of background environmental monitoring, study the environment and its changes under the influence anthropogenic factors.

  3. Biosphere reserve functional zones • Reserve Zone - includes the area designated for the most valuable natural and anthropogenic preservation and recovery factors of the minimally disturbed natural systems, the gene pool of flora and fauna; its mode is determined in accordance with the requirements set for the natural reserves. • buffer zone - includes the territory allocated to prevent negative economical impact on the protected area of in the surrounding area; its mode is determined in accordance with the requirements set for protected zones of nature reserves; • anthropogenic landscapes zone - including the territory of traditional land use, forest use, water use, settlements, recreation zones and other economic activities; hunting is prohibited there.

  4. The legal basis for the special Chernobyl Biosphere Reserve establishment • The Law of Ukraine "On Approval of the basic principles (strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Ukraine till 2020"; • sub 27 point I of committee hearings recommendations "nature reserve fund of Ukraine: state and prospects" (judgment of 21.05.2008 № 14/2); • Parliamentary hearings recommendations "Current Status and Challenges ChNPP accident consequences recovery", approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on April 5, 2011 number 3191Л / I; • paragraph 2 of section 3 recommendations hearings in the Committee on Environmental Policy, Natural Resources and mitigation of Chеrnobyl сatastropheaftermaths 18.03.2015 № 11/6; • Order of the Prime Minister of Ukraine of 22.05.2015 number 17755/2 / 1-15 Recommendations to the parliamentary hearings "On decommissioning the Chernobyl nuclear power plant," Shelter "and prospects of the exclusion zone," approved by the Resolution of the Parliament 22.04.2015 number 348-VIII.

  5. The purpose of the Chernobyl Special Biosphere Reserve Preservation of the common natural systems in Polissia, support and improvement of the barrier function of the Chernobyl exclusion zone and zone of obligatory (mandatory) resettlement, hydrological regime stabilization and rehabilitation of contaminated territories and international researching.

  6. Chernobyl Special Biosphere Reserve main objectives • the transition from maintenance top recovery strategies; • comprehensive preservation of unique natural area, that has emerged during the period of restricted access to the Chernobyl exclusion zone; • To provide support and to improve the barrier function of the zone, reducing the risk of forest fires and amounts of radionuclides migration etc. • To implement environmental monitoring, to study environment - its changes of anthropogenic influence;

  7. Chernobyl Special Biosphere Reserve main objectives • greenhouse gas regulation, hydrological regime stabilization and rehabilitation of the contaminated territories; • international cooperation, implementation of international projects; • environmental education and information.

  8. The Chernobyl Special Biosphere Reserve works organization • approved the request of the National Ecological Center of Ukraine of 01.10.2013 № 125-1 / 365 to establish Chernobyl Biosphere Reserve. • Established functioning working group to create Chernobyl Biosphere Reserve (CHBR) • ensured the development of materials for the project of CHBR. • received approval materials for CHBR creation of the State Agency of Ukraine for an exclusion zone, Ivankiv and Poliske administrations, the chief of the State Land Committee in the Kiev region, Kyiv Regional State Administration and others. • developed and agreed with the concerned ministries and departments of Ukraine a draft Presidential Decree "On establishment of Chernobyl radiation-ecological biosphere reserve". • іn the future - project approval and adoption of the Decree of the Governmentand Decree of the President of Ukraine to the 30th commemoration of Chernobyl.

  9. Склад території Чорнобильського спеціального біосферного заповідника The Reserve is not scheduled to include the 10-kilometer zone, areas where there are industries: SSE "Chornobyl NPP" complex "Vector" "Buriakivka", "III- stage to ChNPP", "Pidlisny" and other industrial facilities, transport routes.

  10. Further international prospects • Preparation and providing of the documents to the UNESCO "Man and Biosphere“ of trans boundary Ukrainian-Belarusian biosphere reserve covering about 500 thousand hectares including the Kiev region biosphere reserve, the nature reserve "Drevlyansky" (Zhytomyr region) and the Polesye State radiation and ecological reserve (Belarus). • the creation of transboundary facility will be considered in the framework of the Agreement between the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus on cooperation in the protection and sustainable use of transboundary nature protection territories.

  11. Red Book species • Tovsty Lis • 8 plant species Sergiy Gaschuck

  12. Red Book • Tovsty Lis • 9 bird species Sergiy Gaschuck

  13. Red Book • TovstyLis • 8mammals • species Sergiy Gaschuck

  14. Red Book • Novosilky • 5 plants species Sergiy Gaschuck

  15. Red Book • Novosilky • 10 bird species Sergiy Gaschuck

  16. Red Book • Novosilky • 12 mammals species Sergiy Gaschuck

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