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Virginia Geography: Regions, Features, and Boundaries

Explore Virginia's Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Appalachian Plateau regions, Blue Ridge Mountains, and Valley & Ridge area with key geographic features and boundaries. Test your knowledge on borders, elevations, and more!

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Virginia Geography: Regions, Features, and Boundaries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VS 2ab Jeopardy Coastal Plain (Tidewater) & Piedmont Appalachian Plateau & Other Info Bordering VA Blue Ridge Mtns. & Valley & Ridge Vocabulary Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. Practice Question What word means to tell where a place is compared to other places (using words like next to, near, or bordering)?

  3. Practice Answer Relative Location EX: Hopkins Road Elementary school is across from The Waffle House and next to the library.

  4. $100 Question Identify the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) of Virginia on the map below. 1 2 5 4 3

  5. $100 Answer Coastal Plain (Tidewater)

  6. $200 Question Identify the Piedmont Region of Virginia on the map below. 1 2 5 4 3

  7. $200 Answer Piedmont

  8. $300 Question What feature is commonly found at a fall line?

  9. $300 Answer Waterfalls Rapids

  10. $400 Question Describe the type of land in the Piedmont Region of Virginia.

  11. $400 Answer Rolling hills

  12. $500 Question What divides the Piedmont Region from the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) Region? Coastal Plain (Tidewater) Piedmont Region

  13. $500 Answer The Fall Line Coastal Plain (Tidewater) Piedmont Region

  14. $100 Question Identify the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia on the map below. 1 2 5 4 3

  15. $100 Answer Blue Ridge Mountains

  16. $200 Question Which mountain system are the Blue Ridge Mountains and Valley & Ridge regions a part of?

  17. $200 Answer Appalachian Mountain System

  18. $300 Question • What types of land are included in the Valley & Ridge region?

  19. $300 Answer Valleys & Ridges

  20. $400 Question Describe the land in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

  21. $400 Answer Old, rounded mountains

  22. $500 Question Identify the Valley and Ridge region on Virginia on the map below. 1 2 5 4 3

  23. $500 Answer Valley and Ridge

  24. $100 Question Locate North Carolina on the map

  25. $100 Answer 6. North Carolina

  26. $200 Question What 2 bodies of water border Virginia?

  27. $200 Answer Chesapeake Bay Atlantic Ocean

  28. $300 Question What state is SOUTHWEST of Virginia?

  29. $300 Answer Tennessee

  30. $400 Question What state is NORTHEAST of Virginia?

  31. $400 Answer Maryland

  32. $500 Question What bordering state is west of the Appalachian Plateau ? N W E S - Appalachian Plateau Region

  33. $500 Answer Kentucky N W E S - Appalachian Plateau Region

  34. $100 Question What is a large area of land that looks the same (has the same natural features)?

  35. $100 Answer Geographic Feature

  36. $200 Question What is a harbor?

  37. $200 Answer A safe place for boats to dock

  38. $300 Question What means not man-made.  It exists like mountains or rivers; no person actually built it.

  39. $300 Answer Natural Border

  40. $400 Question Describe the word elevation. Bonus $200 - explain how elevation is different near to the ocean at sea level compared to the mountains.

  41. $400 Question The height of the land above sea level. Elevation is higher at the mountains than at the ocean.

  42. $500 Question How many sides of a peninsula are surrounded by water?

  43. $500 Answer 3 sides

  44. $100 Question Identify the Appalachian Plateau on the map below. 1 2 5 4 3

  45. $100 Answer Appalachian Plateau

  46. $200 Question What is a compass rose used for?

  47. $200 Answer To find directions

  48. $300 Question Describe the type of land in the Appalachian Plateau of Virginia.

  49. $300 Answer High elevated land that is flat on top

  50. $400 Question “Tony Stark lives at 10880 Malibu Point, Malibu, California 90263.” Is that an example of relative or exact location?

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