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Development of micro-bunching beams and application to rare K decay experiments. K.A. Brown (M. Sivertz) Collider Accelerator Department, BNL (M. Tomizawa) JPARC Project, KEK. Physics Motivations Parameters from KOPIO Micro-bunching at BNL AGS Micro-bunching at J-PARC
Development of micro-bunching beams and application to rare K decay experiments K.A. Brown(M. Sivertz)Collider Accelerator Department, BNL (M. Tomizawa) JPARC Project, KEK
Physics Motivations Parameters from KOPIO Micro-bunching at BNL AGS Micro-bunching at J-PARC Re-bucketing at RHIC (bunch compression) Re-bucketing at J-PARC Summary Outline
Separating signal from background Microbunching is crucial to the measurement of the kaon momentum which allows for the kinematic suppression of backgrounds by transforming to the kaon rest frame. Make cuts on the pion energy and the difference in photon energies in the kaon rest frame.
Physics Motivation: Microbunch Separation Microbunch separation determined by the length of time required to clear out kaons from the previous microbunch. Difference in time-of-flight between high momentum and low momentum kaons is ~30 nsec => 40nsec (25MHz) Signal efficiency drops when neighboring microbunch too close
End at the decay time and decay point reconstructed from the two photons. Start when proton beam hits the target Physics Motivation: Microbunch Width Fully reconstructs the neutral Kaon in KL p0 n n measuring the Kaon momentum by time-of-flight. Timing uncertainty due to microbunch width should not dominate the measurement of the kaon momentum;requires RMS width < 300ps (of course the optimal width depends on the detector geometry)
Physics Motivation: Interbunch Extinction Effects of Interbunch Kaons KL p0 p0events, shifted in time Kinematic cuts are used to reduce background due to KL p0p0 When KL does not come from the microbunch, incorrect kinematic fit does not allow for good rejection. Panels show effect of KL production at varying interbunch times. P*(p) E*(g1) – E*(g2) Signal and p0p0
KOPIO had planned to study the very rare decay KL p0 n nwhich has a BR = 3x10-11. The goal was to collect ~100 events with a S/B > 2/1. This requires more than 1.5 x1014 decays and for cleanliness we wanted ~0.5 decay/spill in the decay region. Optimization of duty factor and running time indicates 100Tp/spill. Total integrated # protons to achieve the experiment goals was ~ 7 – 9 x 1020. Final value depended on inefficiencies. Physics Motivation: Intensity
Spill length with 100TP of ~3 seconds. Number of KLdecays per microbunch: 3.57 Yields ~0.5 KLdecay in 10 < Z < 14 meters Both are a flat optimum Variation of intensity between microbunches only impacts total run time (duty factor) Microbunch rms < 300psec (goal 200psec) Number of protons outside microbunches < 10-3 inside microbunches ( +/- 2 nsec) KOPIO Beam requirements
Start of Cycle Start of Spill End of Spill and Cycle 0 sec 2.3 sec 5.3 sec AGS Cycle Spill Structure Injection and acceleration Extraction mbunch spacing 40 ns between microbunches mbunch structure 200 ps RMS Microbunch width Time Structure of Beam Proton intensity Time
BNL AGS: Micro-bunched slow extraction Empty buckets generate energy modulation of debunched beam Higher cavity voltage and/or smaller DP/P shorter bunches Need ~200 ps bunches every 40 ns Frequency 200 ps 40 ns Time Extraction resonance Debunched beam
Simulation of the extraction process for 25+100 MHz RF cavities. Impose a high frequency longitudinal oscillation on the beam. Slowly bring the beam into resonance (82/3) with RF. Beam is forced through the narrow phase region between the RF buckets. Adding the 100MHz harmonic cavity sharpens up the phase region in resonance. Microbunching the AGS Beam Extracted particles 25 MHz fundamental + 100 MHz harmonic Extraction Region
Simulation Data 93 MHz cavity at 22 kV gaves= 240 ps. 93 MHz cavity at 22 kV gaves = 217 ps. Simulation Data Microbunch time, in ns Microbunch time, in ns Test Beam Results: Microbunch Width
Data Simulation 4.5 MHz cavity at 130 kV gavee= 8 (+/- 6) x 10-6 4.5 MHz cavity at 130 kV gavee= 1.7 (+/- 0.9) x 10-3. Interbunch events Simulation Data Interbunch events Microbunch time, in ns Microbunch time, in ns Test Beam Results: Interbunch Extinction
50GeV Synchrotron (Main Ring) •Imaginary Transition g• High Gradient Magnetic Alloy loaded RF cavity • Small Loss Slow Extraction Scheme • Both Side Fast Extraction for Neutrino and Abort line• hands on maintenance scheme for small radiation exposure • •Injection Energy 3GeV • •Output Energy 30GeV (slow) • 40GeV (fast) • 50GeV (Phase II) •Circumference 1567.5m • •Beam Power 0.75MW (Phase II) • Particles 3.3x1014 ppp • •Repetition 0.3Hz • •Harmonic 9•Bunch Number 8 • •Nominal Tune (22.4, 20.8) RF abort C2 E3 neutrino D3 M3 M2 E1c BT Collimators D2 Injection D1 Slow extraction M1 E2 Ring Collimators Injection dump C1
J-PARC Slow Extraction •Dispersion free @LSS horizontal chromaticity Qx’=~0 separatrix is independent of momentum •Bump orbit is moved during extraction (dynamic bump) small angular spread @ ESS fixed bump dynamic bump
Microbunch technique developed for AGS Will NOT work for J-PARC, without some modifications. Large chromaticity extraction Alternatives? Bunched beam slow extraction. Bunch Compression using Re-bucketing (RHIC) Bunch Compression using chicanes (ERL technique) External Superconducting RF cavity (LEP, KEKB, CESR) followed by series of bend magnets: basic idea is to give bunch a time dependent momentum distribution. Different path lengths for different momenta will compress bunch. Microbunch beams at J-PARC
Re-bucketing at RHIC • Basic Idea: • Lengthen the bunch by placing on the unstable fixed point • Rotate elongated bunch to upright (high in dE, short in dt) • Turn on higher harmonic RF with voltage matched to dE of the elongated bunch. • What does it look like?
The basic method needs simulation studies to develop further: Debunch 1.7 MHz beam to DC (continuous distribution in time) This is the hard part! Beam loading goes as 1/RF Voltage Rebunch ~25 MHz Debunch/rebunch at high intensity = beam loading compensation in the 25 MHz system must be very good. Re-bucket at ~200 MHz End product is shorter bunches (~5 nsec) with 25 MHz spacing. Finally, need to develop slow extraction of this bunched beam, that will further reduce bunch widths by another factor of 4 (or so). To get to 200 psec requires more thinking.. Re-bucketing at J-PARC
De-bunching: beam loading is inversely proportional to RF voltage. As RF volts are decreased, instabilities become greater. CERN: problem was too significant = use bunch splitting BNL: h=6 to h=12 for high intensity = use bunch splitting 25 MHz bunched beam extraction at high intensity. Debunched beams have lower peak current, avoid instabilities BNL experience: coherent effects become significant. Bunches are still too long. Re-bucketing at J-PARC: Problems
External Chicane for Bunch Compression Imposed Time dependent momentum distribution Differences in Time of flight compresses bunch. Superconducting RF Cavity Series of Sector Bends
To get even a 100 to 200 psec compression requires a very long system of magnets! Clever techniques can reduce the size, but only by relatively small factors. It can work very well as an “after-burner” system, to get another 50 to 100 psec in compression. External Chicane for Bunch Compression
For rare K-decay experiments, very short bunched beams provide: kinematic suppression of background momentum resolution via time of flight Short bunched beams from J-PARC are feasible. RF phase displacement technique, as developed at BNL, is still the best option, but requires some modifications Re-bucketing, as done at RHIC, will require addition of two (and possibly a third) RF systems at J-PARC. Most difficult problem for J-PARC will be beam loading compensation for the RF systems. It must be very good, to keep intra-bunch extinction low. Summary
J-PARC Slow Extraction •3.3x1014 protons per pulse(15uA) full beam power : 750kW @50GeV
Microwave instability Longitudinal Space Charge Below transition, longitudinal space charge opposes the effect of the RF voltage, perturbing longitudinal phase space (Good thing!) Microwave instability seen at KEK Instabilities
e-p instability As bunch lengths get very short and peak beam currents get high, the probability of higher mode interactions with electrons increases. V. Danilov et al, LANL, proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, 1999 As seen at CERN PS R. Cappi, et al, proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chigago Instabilities
Transverse space charge Main effect is on the betatron tune. Two components, the incoherent tune shift ( effectively the tune spread) and the coherent tune, or the change in the frequencies of the beam centroid. Will change as beam is extracted and average current decreases. A tune shift during extraction and a change in the tune spread during extraction will affect the bunching and possibly the intra-bunch extinction (needs simulations). Resistive wall ? Well known not to be a problem when g<gtr. Instabilities
Peak current 40 A Intensity 5 x 1013 protons 2 seconds AGS performance for g-2 operation • 6 single bunch transfers from Booster • Peak intensity reached: 72 1012 ppp • Bunch area: 3 eVs at injection 10 eVs at extraction • Intensity for g-2 ops: 50-60 1012 ppp • Strong space charge effects during accumulation in AGS • Dilution needed for beam stability
A key parameter is peak beam current. Longitudinal Phase Space Dilution at Injection Bunch Dilution using 93 MHz VHF cavity
70 TP Slow extracted beam observations. Vertical Chromaticity is kept positive after transition. High Intensity Slow Extraction
Slow Extraction Dynamics A particle with a magnetic rigidity Brreceives (thin lens) kicks by a sextupole of length L,
Slow Extraction Dynamics X’ h stable X unstable
Slow Extraction Dynamics Unstable region Stable region Distrib. Of particles • Extraction Methods: • Move particles into resonance by changing betatron tune of particle distribution (AGS). • Increase particle amplitudes until encounters the unstable region (RF knockout method).