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Learn about NavisCore and SNMP tools for configuring and monitoring Frame Relay networks in the AP NOC environment. Discover how to manage switches, ports, and PVCs efficiently for better network performance.
AP Net Integration Tools 1999. 12. 8 jhyang@nuri.net 0. AP NOC Network Topology AP NOC Network Intranet pvc Japan Frame relay switch HongKong Trunk or NNI Korea [fig. 1] AP NOC Network – Switched Environment 10.x.x.x AP NOC Intranet pvc 20.x.x.x 30.x.x.x Local NMS Local Gateway SW Local NMS Local Gateway SW Frame Relay Network Frame Relay Network [fig. 2] AP NOC Physical Configuration
1. For your better understanding – naviscore/sybase, provisioning tool, snmp What is NavisCore ? Basic Network Management Tools. Install the ascend switches, setup Cards, make pvcs, getting status of switch/card/pvcs, and etc… NavisCore components ? Sybase, HP Openview, Naviscore GUI. Sybase ? Contains all configuration information about switch/card/physical port/logical port/ Trunks/pvc. If you change the configuration of switch/card/physical port/logical port/trunks/ Pvcs in Ascend Frame Relay Network, then all information in sybase automatically are updated. What’s the provisioning API/CLI ? We can configure the card/physical port/logical port/pvcs Without NavisCore GUI. With provisioning server tool, we can add/modify/delete the physical Port/logical port/pvcs. Provisioning server tool Snmp-set Insert/update sybase switch Sybase How to get status information about Frame Relay Networks ? We can get all status information About switches/cards/physical port/logical ports/pvcs with SNMP. 20.x.x.x Local NMS Local Gateway SW Frame Relay Network 4 basic platform with Sybase Client: get configuration information of Frame Relay Network. with SNMP Platform: get status/trap information of Frame Relay Network. with Provisioning Tool: configure the physical port/logical port/pvcs on Frame Relay Network with NavisCore: primitive tools for managing Frame Relay Network
2. NMS of AP NOC and Relationship with that of other countries idog icat ibat Global db Management Platform Center db Sybasecli Sybasecli X-window system Provisioncli Provisioncli Icat/idog db Sybase Provisioning Sybase Provisioning NavisCore NavisCore Local customerdb • sybase,provisioing server,naviscore: the basic environments for integrating AP NOC. By • using those, each country can build their NMS (e.g looking glass, or configuration tool). • local DB: customer DB of each country • -sybasecli, provisioncli, management platform(SNMP): the basic interfacing tools for AP • NOC. By sybasecli, we can get the switch, port, pvc information from naviscore. By • provisioncli, we can configure such a intranet pvc, and those things related AP NOC. • By snmp platform, we can handle trouble shooting, monitoring the faults, and gathering • performance information. • -global DB: the database for keeping information in AP NOC level. For consistency, • it contains only reference point, not mirrors the local customer DB. • idog,icat,ibat: monitoring, trouble shooting, TTS, configuration management system Cf) - In idog: target object to be monitored, snmp access information for object - In icat: their own DB schema - In ibat: core account information, pvc name/each naviscore interface, …
3. AP IntraNet Case AP NOC DLCI = 302 INJP0138 NNI NNI INKR0129 Example) There is an INC0038 core account, which uses Intranet among INKR0129 of Korea, INJP0138 of Japan, and INHK0312 of Hongkong. Information) In global DB, there is an information about INC0038이 CORE ACCOUNT: INC0038 RELATED CUSTOMERS: KR (INKR0129), JP(INJP0138), HK(0312) RELATED PVC: inkr0129-injp0138, inkr0129-inhk0312 inkr0129-injp0138-bak In local customer DB, there is an information about Site Information. for example, In Korea. (In Korea, we use 5 digits which assigned to each customer) CUSTOMER ACCOUNT: 23412 : (Add-on) UPSIS ID (Unified PSI Service ID) : INKR0129 (Add-on) UPSIS Parent ID : INC0038 Installation) 1. For each countries, it install INKR0129, INJP0138, INHK0312. 2. At AP NOC, someone build IntraNet PVC (with iBat) Monitoring) monitoring RELATED PVC. Trouble Shooting) At each NOC, If nms system finds trouble in IntraNet PVC, they can check the status of IntraNet. At AP NOC, the monitoring tools finds the error in IntraNet PVC, and AP NOC are looking for the failure point between IntraNet PVCs.
4. AP NMS – iBat web draft • Lgcust – looking glass of customer information • If someone else wants to know about customer information, such as Domain/IP address they • Are using, this tool is useful. • Lgfr – looking glass of frame relay information/NNI information • With this tools, the guy in NOC can check the turn-up/down of the PVC, and the status • of the PVC, the usage of DLCIs in NNI ports. This is useful to trouble shooting and • correct communication. • Monitoring page – ap level monitoring (I saw below monitoring tools in Troy) • Trunk Status View • Ls-Holddown-PVC • Ls-Down-PVC • Ls-Status-BGP • 4. Configuration page – ap level configuration • iBat: It used for configuring the Lport, PVC on FrameRelay switch in A/P Network. • 5. Trouble shooting page • loopback test-mode • release-locks • Event/trap view page • This page shows the ‘event/trap’ of the others network. It is useful to find the history of • The switches, and status of the switch.
Captured Screens for Demonstration -1 It’s similar to “FindSite” in Troy. Above information is simple form. We have to take out canonical attributes from customer database. AP NOC JP Looking glass program customer DB. KR Pros: easy to integrate. Cons: it’s not perfect integration. Check Item: ACT database of TROY.
Captured Screens for Demonstration -2 Looking for Some pvc On other’s Frame Relay Network Getting configuration Information of PVC Including Lport/Pport
Captured Screens for Demonstration -3 Getting the status Of PVC. Including Lport, LMI Status information. Those programs are used for cross-checking of other’s configuration. By using those, it makes sure that some configuration, and the failure points are. Basic environments are “Sybase Client” and “SNMP Platform”.
Captured Screens for Demonstration -4 Dlci management is important, because Dlci should be the same among the pvcs which are the One intranet pvc. Aboves program shows the allocation status of NNI ports and DLCIs.
Captured Screens for Demonstration -5 At naviscore system, the event viewer show all traps from frame relay switches. It’s useful to Hongkong case, because they don’t have naviscore, and their switch attached To Korea’s frame relay network. So they want to know the traps/logs from related switch/pvc which are concerned with them.
Captured Screens for Demonstration -6 It shows the switches In frame relay network, , the status of switch, Software/hareware they are Using, and status of the Card which installed.