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NHS engagement with the EU

NHS engagement with the EU. NHS Confederation Conference 23 June 2010. Why engage with the EU?. NHS European Office. Office’s objectives. Broad policy focus. Influenced EU policy and law some examples:. Introduced changes to EU proposals on patient mobility

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NHS engagement with the EU

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NHS engagement with the EU NHS Confederation Conference 23 June 2010

  2. Why engage with the EU?

  3. NHS European Office

  4. Office’s objectives

  5. Broad policy focus

  6. Influenced EU policy and law some examples: • Introduced changes to EU proposals on patient mobility • Amended EU law on organ donation and transplantation • Changed EU recommendation on patient safety and HCAIs • Gained opt-out for hospitals from EU ETS • Amended EU law on energy performance of buildings • Influenced EU law on procurement of clean vehicles • Responded to EU consultations on clinical trials, medical devices, health workforce, health inequalities, information to patients, health and safety at work, etc.

  7. Assisted NHS to implement EU lawsome examples: • Advised on the application of EU competition law to NHS activities • Briefed and advised on new EU law on public procurement remedies • Provided guidance on current EU rules on patient mobility • Assisted with transposition of EU law into UK regulations: EU ETS, EU directive on procurement of clean vehicles

  8. Advised on EU funding some examples: • Identified linkages with NHS innovation and research agendas • Early intelligence and briefings on EU funding opportunities • Provided advice on how to apply and on partnership-building • Influenced priorities of forthcoming calls for projects

  9. Facilitated transfer of good practicesome examples: • Enabled NHS participation in study visits and EU exchange programmes • Placed NHS speakers at several EU events • Study tours to Brussels and meetings with EU decision-makers • Facilitated exchanges with counterparts in other member states • Organised visits of EU decision-makers to NHS trusts

  10. Policy priorities in 2010/11 • EU proposals on cross-border healthcare • Review of Working Time Directive • Changes to EU law on clinical trials • Review of law on mobility of professionals • EU proposals on commercial transactions • Review of EU law on industrial pollution • EU developments on quality of healthcare • Review of EU law on maternity leave • Changes to EU framework on state aids and public services

  11. Conclusions

  12. www.nhsconfed.org/europe Elisabetta.Zanon@nhsconfed.org

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