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What Happens if You Take Fish Oil Every Day

As you may notice that people around you may be evolving in knowledge of benefits and intake of fish oil. You must have figured out from the name fish oil that this oil is extracted from the fish. It can be found in many types of fish. The fish oil has two main components known as the omega-3 fatty acids- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

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What Happens if You Take Fish Oil Every Day

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  1. What Happens if You Take Fish Oil Every Day? As you may notice that people around you may be evolving in knowledge of benefits and intake of fish oil. You must have figured out from the name fish oil that this oil is extracted from the fish. It can be found in many types of fish. The fish oil has two main components known as the omega-3 fatty acids- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The benefits that you can reap from the fish oil are present in the fatty acids that can even enter the body if you consume fish. But the fish should have omega, fish like mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon have omega. Our bodies do not produce much omega that is why we have to take it from external sources. Fish oil has many benefits for our body like reducing pain and swelling and also preventing blood clotting. Some products that are available in the market that claim it contains Omega are FDA approved and are prescribed as a medicine to lower the triglyceride level. Otherwise, you can even include fish oil simply as a supplement. But, the

  2. supplements have a light dosage included in them as compared to the prescribed medicines so you can't use them interchangeably. The supplements are even prescribed to maintain heart and mental health. The Fish Oil is Best For Certain Things that are Listed Below:- 1.There is a high level of fat accumulated in our body that is called triglycerides or (hypertriglyceridemia). Oral consumption of fish oil prescribed drugs can help you take care of the high level of triglyceride. The recommended dosage is around 4 grams for oral prescriptions. Some may even show an improvement in health with consumption of the fish oil supplements. As the supplements have less fish oil you may even need to consume around 12 capsules of fish oil daily. But, of course, the dosage depends on the requirements of individuals. 2.There is a procedure that is practiced to open the blockage of narrowed vessels called angioplasty. If you consume fish oil then chances of re- blockage in the blood are decreased by 45%. Consume fish oil 3 weeks before and 1 month after the surgery. 3.A high dosage even helps people with involuntary weight loss. Involuntary weight loss tends to happen because of cachexia or wasting syndrome. The right amount of fish oil intake can slow the process of weight loss (fish oil has shown positive effects in cancer patients). 4.Fish oil can prevent kidney damage for people who are consuming the drug cyclosporine or have consumed it in the past. 5.For menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhoea) fish oil can improve painful periods or vitamin B12 may also help and lessen the need for pain medications. 6.Heart failure is the leading cause of death now. Consuming foods that are rich in fish oil has shown chances of lowering a heart attack. Eating non- fried fish is recommended. 7.Blood fat tends to clog in abnormal levels for people with HIV/AIDS. Consuming fish oil orally can reduce triglyceride levels for people with abnormal cholesterol levels because of having HIV. 8.High blood pressure can be tackled by the usage of fish oil. People who have moderately high blood pressure can have normal blood pressure by consuming fish oil. 9.IgA nephropathy is a condition where a kidney disease can develop slowly. If you consume fish oil for 2-4 years it may help with maintaining kidney function.

  3. 10.Fat tends to build in the liver of people who consume little or no alcohol at all. The disease is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD for those who do not drink at all. Fish oil can reduce liver fat and maintain liver health. What Are the Precautions While Consuming Fish oil? •Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Fish oil supplements are safer when taken orally. Taking fish oil doesn't appear to have an effect on the fetus throughout maternity or the baby when breastfeeding does. But sharks, swordfish, cero, and tilefish ought to be avoided throughout maternity, by those that are pregnant, or breastfeeding. These fish would possibly contain high levels of mercury and should contain alternative toxins. Limit consumption of alternative fish to twelve ounces/week (about three to four servings/week). Overwhelming fatty fish in high amounts is presumably unsafe. •Children: fish oil supplements are presumably safe to take orally. In adolescents, fish oil has been used safely in doses of up to 2.2 grams daily for twelve weeks. However, youngsters shouldn't eat over 2 ounces of fish per week. A large quantity of fish oil from dietary sources in massive amounts is presumably unsafe. Fatty fish contain toxins like mercury. Consumption of contaminated fish will cause serious adverse effects in youngsters. •Bipolar disorder: Taking fish oil would possibly increase the number of symptoms of this condition. •Liver disease: fish oil would possibly increase the danger of hurt in folks with liver scarring disease. •Diabetes: Taking high doses of fish oil would possibly build it harder to manage blood glucose levels. •Familial adenomatous polyposis: there's some concern that animal oil would possibly increase the danger of developing cancer in folks with this condition. •Conditions during which the system response is lowered (including HIV/AIDS): Higher doses of fish oil will lower the body's system response. This might be a haul for folks whose system is already weak. •A deep-seated device to forestall irregular heartbeat: fish oil would possibly increase the danger of irregular heartbeat in patients with implanted electronic devices. •Fish or food allergy: Some folks that are allergic to food like fish may additionally be allergic to fish oil supplements. It is advised to patients allergic to food to avoid or use fish oil supplements cautiously.

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