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Tokyo Declaration and Action Plan: A Review. by: Mr. R. B. KUMARAPATHIRANA Director, Project Development Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) e-mail: kuma@aptsec.org. 1. To form a shared vision to give high priority to using ICT as a national agenda. Action Plan 1.
Tokyo Declaration and Action Plan:A Review by: Mr. R. B. KUMARAPATHIRANA Director, Project Development Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) e-mail: kuma@aptsec.org
1. To form a shared vision to give high priority to using ICT as a national agenda. Action Plan 1 2.To share this common understanding with leaders of every sector in their countries, as well as with citizens and communities Action Plan 2 A. Forming a Shared Vision Follow-up Actions and Status The following APT Members have come out with their National ICT Policy agenda at different stage of development: Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, P.R. of China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, DPR Korea, Rep. of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, FS Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Palau, PNG, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam, Cook Islands, Hong Kong and Macau. The above follow-up actions have been implemented to support these activities. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
3.APT to promote international co-operation on ICT policy issues, and to strengthen its function as a regional forum in this regard. Action Plans 3 A. Forming a Shared Vision Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing various meetings related ICT matters such as AIIS Meeting and Interagency Coordination Meeting, Regional Regulatory and Policy Forum and implementing AIIS projects. Subregional meetings on ICT policy APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
4.To promote the establishment of ICT access points in each community at public facilities such as post offices or schools, following the model of the Multipurpose Community Tele-centers (MCTs) Action Plans 4 5.To promote pilot projects that enhance ICT literacy and to diffuse electronic commerce in rural areas and to develop and make available a database of experiences in this field in the Asia-Pacific regions Action Plan 5 B. Bridging the Digital Divide Follow-up Actions and Status AIIS Projects promote and support the establishment of "Community Tele-service Center" CTC in Mongolia, "Multi-purpose Community Tele Centers (MCTC)" (On-going) by Thailand, ‘Community Tele-Centre Pilot Project’ (On-going) by Maldives and Vrtual Post by Republic of Korea. AIIS Project support the requirements. APT Publication of ICT Compendium. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
6.To promote the development of ICT equipment designed for elderly or disabled people or the socially under-privileged such as mobile terminals. Action Plans 6 7.APT to consider measures to overcome the problems of the digital divide and to promote digital opportunities for achieving economic and social development by using ICT by launching regional, sub regional and country projects on a priority basis Action Plan 7 B. Bridging the Digital Divide Follow-up Actions and Status APT is exploring the possibility of having initiatives of actions by requesting support from private sectors and with the other UN and other Internationa and Regional bodies. Organizing Meeting on Digital Divide. Organizing Seminar on Digital opportunity for All. Implementing AIIS projects and APT HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers and Engineers. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
8.APT to make efforts to share information and acknowledge on the digital divide with other international organisations Action Plans 8 B. Bridging the Digital Divide Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with ITU, UN-ESCAP, other related organizations. Organizing co-sponsored seminars with other international organizations APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
9.To encourage the introduction of mobile and satellite systems, the adoption of new technologies into access networks such as FTTH, xDSL as well as FWA, and the development of broadband backbone networks. Action Plans 9 10.To promote standardization of ICT both to enable the interconnection and interoperability of infrastructure and to minimize the cost of its development and promote it to its borders and as well as participating to ASTAP and APG Action Plan 10 C. Developing Information and Communication Infrastructure Follow-up Actions and Status HRD Training courses and Study Visits support this requirement, AIIS Projects support this requirements such as APII Networks of Japan, ATM Project of the Philippines and TEMAN by Celcom Malaysia, etc. ASTAP activities and Workshop on Standardization support the requirement. Some AIIS Project also enable the interoperability of infrastructure e.g. Internet Test-bed and APII Project. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
11.To participate in international joint research and experiment in the Next Generation Internet (NGI) and promote the smooth implementation Action Plan11 12. To transfer technology between developed and developing countries in the region Action Plan12 C. Developing Information and Communication Infrastructure Follow-up Actions and Status HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers and Engineers can support this requirement as well as Training and Study Visit programmes. HRD Training Programme and Study Visit support this requirement. HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers and Engineers support this requirement.. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
13.To promote e-government, so as to improve public services and to enhance peoples’ participation in the community Action Plan13 14.To promote the development of relevant applications in the field of tele-medicine and distance-learning Action Plan 14 D. Essential Applications for the Information Society Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with ITU, UN-ESCAP, other related organizations. Organizing co-sponsored seminars with other international organizations AII Pilot Projects on “Interactive Medical Curriculum by Australia, Tele-medicine Project in Bhutan by APT and ITU, Geneva Expert Mission to identify telemedicine projects in Mongolia, which might be based on the use of actual telecommunications networks. Pilot Project on Distance Learning and Remote Library Access by India, Tele-Vocational Education by Korea, Distance Training via Internet by Japan, Broadband Interactive Distance Learning by Hong Kong, China and Tele-education by Iran APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
15.To promote the development of content that reflects the various languages and the diversity of cultures of the Asia-Pacific region Action Plan15 16.To promote the development of applications useful for various languages in the Asia-Pacific region, such as translation applications Action Plan 16 D. Essential Applications for the Information Society Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with ITU, UN-ESCAP, other related organizations. Organizing co-sponsored seminars with other international organizations AIIS Project support the requirements. Supported the Survey on Research and Development of Machine Translation in Asian countries and research project on Thai Speech Recognition within the SPREC frameworks APT Publication of ICT Compendium. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
17.To improve the environment for online economic activities, through such measures as establishing laws on electronic signatures and authentication of network user’s identities To promote their mutual recognition of electronic signatures and authentication procedures, as well as the exchange of information on security technologies, and consider introducing an APT initiative to help countries spread electronic commerce Action Plan17 D. Essential Applications for the Information Society Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with ITU, UN-ESCAP, other related organizations. Organizing co-sponsored seminars with other international organizations on e-Commerce and ICT Tools for Business Initiatives Request has been made urging the administration to promote e-commerce policy and regulation by publishing the e-Commerce Compendium and ICT Compendium Regional Seminar on e-Commerce and Study Groups address the issues. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
19. To aim to take measures to protect users’ privacy on information networks, and prevent circulation of indecent or illegal information 18.To promote international cooperation on security in cyberspace, including the prevention of cyber Crime Action Plan 19 Action Plan 18 D. Essential Applications for the Information Society Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with ITU, UN-ESCAP, other related organizations. Organizing a co-sponsored seminars with other international organizations dealing with Security and Cyber Crime AIIS Project support the requirements. APT Publication of ICT Compendium. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
20.To consider ways to nurture the development of researchers and engineers in the field of new ICT, by sharing knowledge of advanced ICT and exchange staff among institutions of higher education and research 20.1APT should facilitate the implementation of such project Action Plan20 E. Human Resource Development and Enhancement of ICT Literacy Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with private companies and participating organization including Academia to promote this plan Implementation of HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers and Engineers. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
21.To encourage to establish centers of excellence which are adequately equipped in their respective countries and to promote advanced training and research on ICT 21.1 APT to actively assist in facilitating such arrangement as well as in networking the said centers of excellence Action Plan21 E. Human Resource Development and Enhancement of ICT Literacy Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with ITU, UN-ESCAP, other related organizations. Organizing co-sponsored seminars with other international organizations APT is a member of the Steering Group Member of the ITU Center of Excellence in providing support the development and implementation of the projects among APT members APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
22.APT to improve its current training programs and develop a database of the training it provides APT to consider how to implement effective new training programs in the areas of policy making, regulatory issues and applications, including E-Commerce in addition to the training it already offers in ICT technologies and infrastructure Action Plan22 22.1.To formulate and implement programs to enhance ICT literacy among the general population, making use of ICT access facilities established in each community in such public facilities as schools or post offices Action Plan 22 E. Human Resource Development and Enhancement of ICT Literacy Follow-up Actions and Status AIIS projects support the requirement, such as ‘Community Tele-service Center (CTC)’ (Completed) by Mongolia, ‘Multi-purpose Community Tele Centers (MCTC)’ (On-going) by Thailand and ‘Community Tele-Centre Pilot Project’ (On-going) by Maldives. AIIS projects support the requirement, such as Pilot Project on Virtual Post offices, Electronic Culture Center of Rep. Of Korea and Tele-Education of Iran. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
23.To expand opportunities for training or education for people living in remote locations using distance learning Action Plan23 24. APT to strengthen co-operation between the public and private sectors in developing human resources and improving ICT literacy, as well as international co-operation Action Plan 24 E. Human Resource Development and Enhancement of ICT Literacy Follow-up Actions and Status AIIS projects support this requirement for distance-learning, such as ‘Pilot Project on Distance Learning and Remote Library Access’ (On-going) by Japan, ‘Distance Training via Internet (DTvI)’ (Completed) by Japan, ‘The Vocational Education’ (On-going) by Rep. Korea and ‘Tele-education’ (On-going) by Iran. HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers and Engineers can support this requirement Organizing AIIS Meeting. Organizing Training Courses, Study Visits and Expert Mission jointly with private sector. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
25.APT to pursue activities to promote the regional development of information and communication infrastructure APT to reconsider the role of AII meeting in order to review the Implementations of the Tokyo Declaration and Action Plan Action Plan25 25.1. Executive Director of APT to keep the Ministers informed about progress in the implementation Action Plan 25 F. Regional and Global Cooperation Follow-up Actions and Status Implementation of AIIS Programme. Convert the AII Meeting to AIIS Meeting as a follow-up the Tokyo Declaration and Action Plan and promote regional development of information infrastructure. Ministers have been informed accordingly APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
26.APT to expand its activities on emerging ICT-related issues, such as bridging the digital divide, development of applications, electronic commerce and prevention of cyber crime APT to plan and implement regional, sub-regional and country projects for this purpose on a priority basis Action Plan26 27.To promote standardization in the field of Telecommunication as well as coordinate policy on the management of frequencies and request member administration for a stronger support to the activities of ASTAP and APG Action Plan 27 F. Regional and Global Cooperation Follow-up Actions and Status HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers and Engineers support this requirement. . Organizing co-sponsored seminars with other international organizations the emerging ICT related issues Following-up the situation on the preparation of WSIS. APT preparations for WSIS APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
30. APT to strongly support appropriate reform of the ITU, particularly those that will impact on the development of the Information Society in the Asia Pacific region Action Plan30 • 31.APT to strengthen its relationship with the ESCAP • APT to organize annual international conferences for the member administrations to facilitate regular and timely exchange of information and knowledge Action Plan 31 F. Regional and Global Cooperation Follow-up Actions and Status APT preparatory meetings for PP02 and submission of APT common proposals to ITU Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with UN-ESCAP, other related organizations. Organizing AIIS Meeting. APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
32. APT to promote co-operation and share experience with other organizations to take effective and well coordinated action aimed at bridging the digital divide APT to promote co-operation with the Digital Opportunity Taskforce (dot force) Action Plan32 33. APT to promote co-operation with private sector, through appropriate international forums, as well as co-operation with relevant activities of NGO’s Action Plan 29 F. Regional and Global Cooperation Follow-up Actions and Status Organizing Interagency Coordination Meeting with UN-ESCAP, ITU and other related organizations. Participated in the 1st DOT Force Meeting in Tokyo in 2000. APT is actively collaborating and close cooperation to private sector in International forums like GIIC and, WEF APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
Forward Looking Steps: APT invites partners to join its programmes for Bridging the Digital Divide to all Sectors. Together we can build bridges for sustainable development of ICT APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan
THANK YOU VERY MUCHFor more information please visit http://www.aptsec.org/aiis or contact kuma@aptsec.org, or apthrd@aptsec.org APT-AIIS Programme/Action Plan