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A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest.
A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest First results of a research project(2006 – 2009)Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Division of Soil Science and Site Science (Prof. J. Zeitz, B. Hasch, H. Lotsch)University of Applied Science Eberswalde,Department of Vegetational Science and Applied Plant Ecology(Prof. V. Luthardt, R. Meier) Supported by: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Object of investigation Definition - Forest mire „Forest mires (in terms of DSS-WAMOS) are defined as mires (with or without wood) connected to forest. The catchment area is predominantly covered with wood - which has a significant impact on the water supply situation of the mire.“ A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
Background: pressures on forest mires WATER DEFICIENCY • drainage-systems • lowering of the regional ground water table • unnatural composition of forest stand in the catchment area A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
Background: previous restoration practice Degree of success (n=53) 23% high 49% mid low not evaluated 23% 6% • 49 % of the projects showed only slight degree of success* • 75 % of the restoration projects (n = 53) were accomplished without any further site analysis or simply based on inspection of the site • low transparency regarding the aspired development objective and decision relevant parameter • disregard of abiotic parameter (water supply and nutrient budget) *Evaluation criteria here was the development of the mire water level (spacial / temporal) in 2006 A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
Project objective What shall the DSS-WAMOS provide? Derive an individually adapted, optimal proposal for restauration measures in forest mires: • high reliability at rather low data-requirement • high transparency and simple practicability (dichotomous decision trees) • provision of expertise and professional decision-relevant information • point out possible incertainties and additional investigations if necessary A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
Methods Identification of decision-relevant parameter: • evaluation of technical literature and guidelines concerning the restoration of mires • experts talks on restoration with participants from science and practice • analysis of restoration projects • analysis of existent DSS-components concerning its applicability Development and validation of the DSS-structure • Model part: elaborate decision trees in a modular concept • validation in selected mires (test areas) A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
Basic structure of the DSS-WAMOS model part Section „objective of restoration" protection of species and habitats module „self-eutrophication" module module module „spacial resistance/ „rewetting potential“ „nutrient discharge" utilisation" module „water regime" development objective (intended water level and pattern of use) Section „determination of measures“ restriction caused by land use water availability A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
DSS-WAMOS – development objective – Matrix () = under reserve: * = practicable not until removal of all limitation ** = conservation of species and habitats has priority in case maintenance is secured A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
Basic structure of the DSS-WAMOS model part Section „objective of restoration" protection of species and habitats module „self-eutrophication" module module module „spacial resistance/ „rewetting potential“ „nutrient discharge" utilisation" module „water regime" development objective (intended water level and pattern of use) Section „determination of measures“ module module module „hydraulic „maintenance“ „catchment area" situation“ matrix „hydraulic management strategy measures“ restriction caused by land use water availability A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
module „hydraulic situation“ Maßnahmen - feld M8 Waldmoor-Kartierung Ortskenntnis keine wasserbauliche Entwässerungsanlagen nein vorhanden? Maßnahme Waldmoor-Kartierung ja Waldmoor-Kartierung Sonderuntersuchung Ortskenntnis Waldmoor-Kartierung Ortskenntnis Handelt es sich um ein Oberboden tiefer als 15 cm Unterlagerung durch gering Vermessung ja ja ja geneigtes Moor? stark vererdet? zersetzten Torf? nein Geol. Karte nein Ortskenntnis Waldmoor-Kartierung Ortskenntnis / Sonder- Ortskenntnis untersuchung / Probeschurf hohe Durchlässigkeit in der Oberboden tiefer als 15 cm ja nein mineralischen Umgebung/ Liegt gespanntes stark vererdet? mineral. Untergrund? Grundwasser im oberen Hangbereich vor? ja nein Geol. Karte Ortskenntnis hohe Durchlässigkeit in der nein nein mineralischen Umgebung/ ja nein mineral. Untergrund? ja Ortskenntnis / Sonder- Task: • determination of hydraulic measures Decision relevant parameters: • slope • mire depth • thickness of degraded topsoil • decomposition of undegraded peat layers in the subsoil • water permeability of mineral subsoil • existance of artesian ground water • kind of ditches untersuchung / Probeschurf nein flachgründiges Moor ? ja Maßnahmen - Maßnahmen - Maßnahmen - Maßnahmen - Maßnahmen - Maßnahmen - Maßnahmen - Maßnahmen - feld M1 feld M2 feld M3 feld M4 feld M5 feld M6 feld M7 feld M9 max. 5 steps to come to a decision A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
DSS-WAMOS – rewetting measures – Matrix A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
Decision-relevant parameters module „Maintenance“ Module „Maintenance“ Task: • derive of adequate maintenance measures in the mire Decision relevant parameters: • feasibility of hydraulic measures • type of current land use (agriculture / commercial forestry) • species of mire grove • existance of specific kinds of shadowing-sensitive vegetation that need to be preserved • hydrostatic type of mire / oszillation ability • abundance of brown mosses • long term warrantee maintenance • density of mire grove • kind of pine-needle (short-needle / long-needle type) A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
DSS-WAMOS – Conclusion • differentiated, practicable basic structure • manageable amount of parameters and decision steps • parameters are largely available through the standardized mapping sheet of forest mires • additional investigations referring to: • slope of mire surface • mire depth • ground water (especially confined ground water) • additional external data / information requirement: • ground water table (trend) • geology • water quality (influx of surface water) • status of protected area / type of habitat (FFH-directive) • uncertainties: • evaluation of rewetting potential (uncertain water balance) • impact assessment of nutrient remobilisation and discharge • handling of heterogeneous areas • applicability on other natural geographic region A Decision Support System for Management of Mires in the Forest(DSS-WAMOS)
www.dss-wamos.de Thank you for your attention! supported by: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt