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CControlBar. CFrameWnd. CComboBox. CFile. CDialog. CDC. CButton. CCommandLineInfo. CMenu. +m_buttonClearAll. #m_pButtons. CUnit. (from Control Bars). (from Frame Windows). (from Controls). (from File Services). (from Dialog Boxes). (from Graphical Drawing). (from Controls).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CControlBar CFrameWnd CComboBox CFile CDialog CDC CButton CCommandLineInfo CMenu +m_buttonClearAll #m_pButtons CUnit (from Control Bars) (from Frame Windows) (from Controls) (from File Services) (from Dialog Boxes) (from Graphical Drawing) (from Controls) (from Command Line) (from Menus) +m_buttonClear +m_dcPrinter #m_pDC +m_buttonSet +m_unit +m_pFrameWnd +m_comboBox CPropertyPage COleIPFrameWnd CWinApp CLocalComboBox CRulerBar CTrackFile CCSDialog CBigIcon CDocOptions CList<HWND,HWND> CWordPadCommandLineInfo CColorMenu +m_wndRulerBar (from Dialog Boxes) (from Frame Windows) (from Application Architecture) +m_wndRulerBar #m_pRuler +m_pSelItem +m_rightmargin COleResizeBar CToolBar +m_tabItem CCSPropertyPage CFontComboBox CSizeComboBox CRulerItem CButtonDialog CConverter CDateDialog CFileNewDialog CFormatParaDlg CFormatTabDlg COEMFile COIPF CPageSetupDlg CSplashWnd CWordPadApp +m_indent (from Control Bars) (from Control Bars) +m_wndToolBar +m_comboFontSize #m_link:CRulerItem& +m_wndToolBar #$m_pThis +m_comboFontName +m_leftmargin #m_secondary +m_pTabItems[MAX_TAB_STOPS] CPropertySheet COleServerItem CRichEditCntrItem CRichEditDoc CRichEditView -$m_units[7] CDocOptPage +pageRTF CWordPadResizeBar CFormatBar CComboRulerItem CTabRulerItem <<struct>> <<struct>> (from Property Sheets) (from Application Architecture) (from Application Architecture) (from Application Architecture) (from Views) +pageText CCharFormat CParaFormat +m_wndFormatBar +pageWord +pageWrite +m_wndFormatBar +m_defParaFormat +m_wndResizeBar +m_defTextCharFormat +m_defCharFormat +m_dcScreen CEmbeddedOptPage CCSPropertySheet CUnitsPage CInPlaceFrame CMainFrame (a) CDisplayIC CEmbeddedItem CListDlg CWordPadCntrItem CWordPadDoc CWordPadView +units +m_listPrinterNotify +m_optionsWrite +m_optionsIP #m_icon +m_optionsNull +pageEmbedded +m_optionsText +cmdInfo +m_optionsRTF +m_optionsWord CFontDesc CKey <<struct>> <<struct>> DocType CHARHDR COptionSheet CComboBox (from Controls) CDC CButton CRulerItem (from Graphical Drawing) #m_pDC (from Controls) #m_secondary #m_link:CRulerItem& +m_rightmargin +m_tabItem +m_indent #m_pButtons CLocalComboBox +m_pSelItem CBigIcon CDialog +m_buttonClear (from Dialog Boxes) +m_buttonClearAll #m_icon +m_buttonSet CFile CControlBar (from File Services) CFontComboBox CSizeComboBox (from Control Bars) CControlBar CTabRulerItem CComboRulerItem CUnit +m_comboFontName +m_leftmargin (from Control Bars) +m_comboFontName +m_comboFontSize +m_pTabItems[MAX_TAB_STOPS] +m_unit CCSDialog CTrackFile CComboBox CSplashWnd CListDlg COleResizeBar (from Controls) (from Control Bars) CDC CToolBar (from Graphical Drawing) #m_pRuler +m_comboBox (from Control Bars) CConverter COEMFile +m_dcPrinter CWordPadResizeBar CRulerBar #$m_pThis CFormatTabDlg CButtonDialog CDateDialog CFileNewDialog CFormatParaDlg CPageSetupDlg CFormatBar CPropertyPage CDialog (from Dialog Boxes) (from Dialog Boxes) CDC CWinApp CCommandLineInfo (from Graphical Drawing) (from Application Architecture) (from Command Line) +m_dcScreen CControlBar (from Control Bars) CPropertySheet CCSPropertyPage CDocOptPage CEmbeddedOptPage CFrameWnd (from Property Sheets) (from Frame Windows) +pageText +pageEmbedded CToolBar CFrameWnd +pageWord +pageRTF (from Control Bars) (from Frame Windows) COleIPFrameWnd +pageWrite (from Frame Windows) CList<HWND,HWND> CDocOptions CWordPadCommandLineInfo CUnit CToolBar CCSPropertySheet CUnitsPage (from Control Bars) -$m_units[7] +m_listPrinterNotify +units +m_wndToolBar +m_optionsText +cmdInfo COIPF +m_optionsRTF CMainFrame +m_optionsIP CInPlaceFrame +m_optionsWord COptionSheet +m_optionsWrite +m_optionsNull CControlBar (from Control Bars) CWordPadApp <<struct>> <<struct>> CRichEditView CCharFormat CParaFormat (from Views) CDC CMenu COleServerItem CRichEditDoc (from Graphical Drawing) (from Menus) (from Application Architecture) +m_defParaFormat (from Application Architecture) +m_defTextCharFormat +m_defCharFormat CToolBar CFrameWnd <<struct>> <<struct>> CFontDesc CKey Display_IC (from Control Bars) (from Frame Windows) DocType CHARHDR CColorMenu CDisplayIC +m_wndToolBar CWordPadDoc CEmbeddedItem CWordPadView (b) CMainFrame

  2. Client 2 Client 1 Server EmbededItem File Manager Manager Server WordpadDoc Manager OD CFD PFD C WV Option Sheet Wordpad View Dialog Manager Manager Manager ZB RB FB CM Frame Windows Manager IFM MFM Windows GUI (a) (b) Figure 10. Recovered and Evolved architectures of Wordpad

  3. Figure 10. Screen shots of Wordpad and SharedWord

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