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Illustrated by Jaslinah Rahman CFP ® IFP TM B.Acctg Univ. Malaya. The art ? In financial Planning. Financial Planning – methodology inspired by Da Vinci ? . The most Stable Formation – Pentagon As depicted by the Vitruvian Man (Universal Man) as drawn by Da Vinci .
Illustrated by • JaslinahRahmanCFP ® IFP TM B.AcctgUniv. Malaya The art ?In financial Planning
Financial Planning – methodology inspired by Da Vinci ?
The most Stable Formation – Pentagon As depicted by the Vitruvian Man (Universal Man) asdrawn by Da Vinci • “Golden Ratio” represents true biological proportions • draws together concepts of mathematics and physics with biology and anatomy; • illustrate the importance of physics in our lives (used in historical architecture, industrial design, mathematics, music and now in FINANCIAL PLANNING *) • * According to JaslinahRahman
The Pentagon of Islamic Financial Needs Liability & Cashflow Management Holistic Presentation via Financial Planning Approach Risk Management Wealth purification Wealth Distribution Wealth Accumulation DRAW this diagram to start your SALES PRESENTATION
Islamic Financial Needs & Tools Budget & Cashflow Liability & Cashflow Management Takaful Plans Risk Management Islamic Financial Planning Approach Wealth Distribution Wealth purification Wasiat, Hibah (wakaf) Zakat Wealth Accumulation Syariah Savings & Investment Then add the different SYARIAH TOOLs used for each NEED.
Islamic Financial Needs & Tools - level of importance Often people are confused where to START. This diagram may help them prioritize : Protect Accumulate (unit trust) Distribute • Investment Plans(Wealth Accumulation & Wealth Distribution) is easier to implement once the “Basic Wealth Protection” is established.
Understanding these principles and concepts, will enable you to conduct a more meaningful Sales Presentation and touch the core needs of a Muslim. • This is part of your “ibadah” where you help educate the public. This way, you will be rewarded even if the prospect client doesn’t buy your product. As islamic financial planner, we must appreciate the islamic view on wealth according to syariah principles
By having a Financial Plan, they become less emotional (as depicted by diagram next page). Investor will FOCUS more on the Plan rather than the ups & downs of stock market. • Help them focus at achieving the RESULT at the end of a Retirement Plan, Education Plan, Haj & Umrah Plan etc. • Financial Planner must also understand that a PLAN requires sufficient time to achieve results. Thus, appreciate the illustration (forecast only and NOT guaranteed) of “Time Value of Money” using PMB Pocket Calculator. Understand how human mind & emotions work also helps
Why we need Financial Plans Investor’s Psychology
Use the “friendly” PMB Pocket Calculator -“mark” how money expected to grow over time. Impress the prospect “how they can achieve millions of Ringgit” with a low startup investment and time via UT. UT
Use the “friendly” PMB Pocket Calculator – share (not show ! ) how different investment tools achieve different results over time. FD TH EPF ASB UT
The following Returns over investment (ROI) are usually used in Sales Presentation : • Fixed Deposit (bank) 3% • TabungHaji (net zakat) 5% • KWSP/EPF 6% (last year 5,8%) • Use 12% as ROI per year for UT investments above 5 years (ideal investment period as ONE economic cycle usually comprise about 2 years down + 3 years up periods). The 12% is a benchmark of performance of Malaysia UT. • Do remember we usually impress prospect with Public Ittikal consistent performance which is above 12% per annum to justify why they should invest with PMB UT funds. Why 12% for unit trust ?
Once you have “caught” the prospects attention with : • Syariah Financial Planning overview • Syariah compliant tools for each financial purpose • How money grow over time • How money grows differently with different Investment • Can also enlighten prospects “Why ASB is NON-syariah compliant” according to Securities Commission. Next, you will start drawing and illustrating how the PLAN WORKS. Remember, to always acquire more Syariah Financial Planning knowledge. The easiest way is to register for the ISLAMIC FINANCIAL PLANNER certification (6 modules , do the first module at least). Why 12% for unit trust ? To continue your Sales Presentation, go to page 19 - 30 of “Sales Presentation – FP way”